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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1. Find the ball-and-socket joint;
(a) Joint in the finger bones
(b) Joint of neck and skull bones
(c) Joint at elbow
(d) Joint at pelvic girdle and leg bones
2. All these are the pařts of axial skeleton of humans except:
(a) Ribs
(b) Sternum
(c) Shoulder girdle
(d) Vertebral column
3. The disorders in which there is an accumulation of uric acid in joints:
(a) Gout
(b) Rheumatoid arthritis
(c) Osteoporosis.
(d) Osteoarthritis
4. What is correct about tendons?
(a) Tendons are flexible and they join muscles with bones
(b) Tendons are non-elastic and they join, bones with bones
(c) Tendons are non-elastic and they join muscles with bones
(d) Tendons are flexible and they join muscles with muscles
5. How many bones make our skúll?
(a) 22
(b) 14
(c) 24
(d) 14
6. What are the main components of a bone?
(a) Marrow, spongy bone, wax
(b) Marrow, compact bone, wax
(c) Compact bone and marrow.
(d) Compact bone, spongy bone, marrow
7. What do some bones produce?
(a) mucous
(b) hormones
(c) oxygen
(d) blood cells
8. How would you define skeletal system?
(a) All the bones in body
(b) All the muscles and tendons
(c) All the body’s organs, both soft and hard tissues.
(d) All the bones in body and the tissues that connect them
9. Find the INCORRECT statement:
(a) Bone is where most blood cells are -made
(b) Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals
(c) Bone is a dry and non living Supporting structure
(d) Bone protects and supports the body and its organs
10. The purpose of rib cage is to:
(a) Protect the stomach
(b) Protect the spinal cord
(c) Protect the heart and, lungs
(d) Provide an object to which the lungs can attach
11. There are types of joints.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
12. The skeletal system outside the body is called;
(a) endoskeleton
(b) exoskeleton
(c)Normal skeleton
(d) Exoskeleton & Endoskeleton
13. In our body skeleton works very closely with the system.
(a) Muscular
(b) Endocrine
(c) Nervous
(d) All of these
14. Babies are born with how many Soft bones.
(a) 206
(b) 250
(c) 300
(d) 350
15. Vesalius was born in; Brussels
(a) London
(b) Brussels
(c) Birmingham
(d) Sidney
16. Which is the longest bone in our body.
(a) Arm
(b) Leg
(c) Thigh
(d) Foot
17. Which is the smallest bone in our body
(a) Thig
(b) Stapes
(c) Ankle
18. Which joints allow no movement?
(a) Moveable joints
(b) Slightly moveable joints
(c) Immovable joints
(d) None of these
19. Muscles can only;
(a) Contract
(b) Push
(c) Expand
(d) All of these
20. Pair of skeletal muscles are called:
(a) Extensor
(b) Flexor
(c) Antagonistic
(d) None of these
21. When a muscle contracts, the point of attachment which is pulled is called
(a) Origin
(b) Insertion
(c) Origin and Insertion
(d) None
22. When the reproductive cycle stops in female, hormone is less produced.
(a) Androgen
(b) Esterogen
(c) Insulin
(d) none of these
23. In gout which is accumulated in immovable joints.
(a) Glucose
(b) urea
(c) Uric acid
(d) Ammonia
24. Inflammation of membrane at joints is called;
(a) Osteoarthritis
(b) Rheumatoid arthritis
(c) Arthritis
(d) Gout
25. Which joint moves only in one plane.
(a) Ball & socket
(b) Hinge joint
(c) Moveable joint
(d) Slightly moveable joints
26. Which one of the following prevents dislocation of bones at joints.
(a) Ligament
(b) Salts
(c) Tendons
(d) Joint
27. Bone can store;
(a) Urea
(b) Salts.
(c) Minerals
(d) Uric acid
28. Cranial bones are;
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 22
29. Bones which enclose brain are called
(a) Cranial bones
(b) Cervical bones.
(c) Vertebrae
(d) None of above
30. Lacuna is present among the cartilage.
(a) Bone
(b) Matrix
(c) Collagen
(d) Cartilage
31. Disease of bones in which there is a decrease in the density of the bones due to loss of calcium and phosphorus
(a) Osteoporosis
(b) Osteoarthritis
(c) Rheumatoid arthritis
(d) Gout
32. Which allows movement in all directions:
(a) Shoulder & Knee Joints
(b) Hip & Elbow Joints
(c) Hip & Shoulder Joints
(d) Elbow.& Knees Joints
33. The bending of arm at elbow is:
(a) Relaxation
(b) Contraction
(c) Flexion
(d) Extension
34. Vertebral Column consists of following number of bones:
(b) 20
(c) 23
(d) 33
35. Which one cannot show movement from one place to an other place?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Animals
(c) Plants
(d) Human beings
36. Place where two or more bones meet at a point is called
(a) Origin
(b) Joint
(c) Insertion
(d) Tendons
37. The muscle of the arm at elbow joint causes straightening of the arm, it is called:
(a) Extension
(b) Extensor
(c) Flexion
(d) Flexor
38. Fore limbs are the part of:
(a) Appendicular skeleton
(b) Axial skeleton
(c) Exoskeleton
(d) Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton
39. Osteoporosis is due to deficiency of
(a) Carbon
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Calcium
(d) Phosphorus.
40. The example of slightly moveable joint is:
(a) Joint of elbow
(b) Joint of knee
(c) Joint of shoulder
(d) Joints of vertebral column
41. Pain and stiffness in weight bearing joints are symptoms of:
(a) Arthritis
(b) Gout
(c) Rheumatoid arthritis
(d) Osteoporosis
42. How many bones are present in right hand?
(a) 56
(b) 43
(c) 28
(d) 27
43. Which of the following provides main Support our body mass?
(a) Skull
(b) Body
(c) Vertebral column
(d) Spinal cord
44. How many bones are present in middle ear?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6
45. Fatigue, low grade fever, pain and stiffness in joints are symptoms of:
(a) Arthritis
(b) Osteoarthritis
(c) Gout
(d) Rheumatoid Arthritis
46. Blood vessels do not enter:
(a) Bone
(b) Matrix
(c) Cartilage.
(d) Lacuna
47. Fibrous çartilage is present in:
(a) Pinna
(b) Nose
(c) Intervertebral dises.
(d) Epiglottis
48. How many ribs are there in man?
(a) 22
(b) 12
(c) 24
(d) 33
49. Movement of an animal as a whole is:
(a) stimulus
(b) response
(c) Locomotion
(d) Movement
50. Mark the False statement about bones:
(a) Contain chondrocytes
(b) Ability to store minerals
(c) Contains blood vessels
(d) Hardest connective tissue
51. Which of the following stores minerals?
(a) Bone
(c) Cartilage and bone
(d) Joints
52. Pelvic Girdle contains bones:
(a) 33
(b) 54
(c) 02
(d) 12
53 Which are tough bands?
(a) Flexors
(b) Ligaments
(c) Tendons
(d) Insertions
54 . Deposition of uric acid in joints is due to:
(a) Osteoarthritis
(b) Gout
(c) Osteoporosis
(d) Rheumatoid Arthrițis
55. An example of ball and socket joint is:
(a) Elbow joint
(b) knee joint
(c) Shoulder joint
(d) Finger joint