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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1.         Growing an entirely new plant from a part of the original plant is known as;

(a) Budding

(b) Regeneration

(c) Fragmentation

(d) Vegetative propagation

2.         Rhizopus reproduces asexually by;

(a) Binary fission

(b) Budding

(c) Spore formation

(d) Endospore formation

3.         A corm develops into a new garlic plant. This is the process of;

(a) Vegetative propagation

(b) Regeneration

(c) Meiosis

(d) Gametogenesis

4.         Which is not an advantage of grafting?

(a) The graft is identical to the parent plant

(b) Grafting allows the propagation of   seedless fruits

(c) The graft combines the characteristics of 2 plants

(d) Grafting make the faster production of desirable fruits

5.         Pollination is the transfer of pollens from;

(a)  anther to stigma

(b) Stigma to anther

(c) Sepal to petal

(d) Petal to sepal

6.         Double fertilization in plants means;

(a) Fusion of 2 sperms with 2 egg cells

(b) Fusion of 1 sperm with egg cell and other sperm with fusion nucleus

(c) Fusion of 2 sperms with 1egg cell

(d) Fusion of tube nucleus with fusion  nucleus and sperm egg cell

7.         After the process of fertilization in plants, the fruit develops from;

(a) Ovule wall

(b) Ovary wall.

(c) Petals

(d) Anther

8.         Which part among the female reproductive system receives egg cells from the  ova ?

(a) Fallopian tube

(b) Uterus

(c) Vagina

(d) Collecting duct

9.         Inside testes, sperms are produced in;

(a) EVås deferens

(b) Sperm duct

(c) Seminiferous tubules

(d) Collecting duct

10.       Which of these cells has a haploid  number of chromosomes?

(a) spermatogonia

(b) Primary-spermatocyte 

(c) secondary spermatocyte           

(d) All of these

11.       During binary fission, the nucleus of parent organism divides into two by;

(a) Sexual reproduction

(b) Meiosis

(c) Mitosis

(d) None of these       

12.       If a planarian breaks into many pieces instead of two, it will be-called;

( a) Budding

(b) Spore formation

( c) Binary fission

(d) Fragmentation

13.       Invokefun the spore is covered by a thick wall called;

(a) Sporangium

(b) Sporophyte

(c) Cyst

(d) Endospores

14.       The eggs of the honeybee remain unfertilized and develops into haploid males by;

(a) Budding

(b) Parthenocarpy

(c) Regeneration

(d) Parthenogenesis

15.       In tissue culture technique, cell starts mitosis and produce masses of cells called;

(a) Cloning

(b) Graftings

(c) Calluses

(d) Rhizome

16.       During binary fission, how many cells formed?

(a) Two daughter cells

(b) Four cells

(c) Many cells

(d) All of these

17.       In which buds do a hot detach of the parent body.

(a) Hydra        

(b) Amoeba

(c) Bacteria    

(d) Corals

18.       Spores which are formed inside bacterial cells are called;

(a) Cysts        

(b) Spores

(c) Endospores

(d) All of these

19.        Which of the following reproduces by bulbs?

(a) Garlic        

(b) Ginger

(c) Ferns        

(d) Tulips

20.       Which method of propagation is also called micro-propagation?

(a) Cuttings

(b) Tissue culture

(c) Grafting    

(d) Suckers

21.       Flowers of wind pollination produce;

(a) Petals

(b) Nectar

(c) No nectar

(d) Do not reproduce

22.       Buttercup is an example of;

(a) Wind pollinated flower

(b) Insect pollinated flower

(c) Water pollinated flower

(d) None of these

23.       Which of these germinate by epigeal germination?

(a)  Pea          

(b) Maize

(c) Beans       

(d) Coconut

24.       The maximum temperature for the germination of the seeds of most plants ranges from;

(a) 20-30°C

(b) 25-35°C

(c) 25-30°C

(d) 20-25°C

25.       Many diploid oogonia are present in;

(a) Follicles

(b) Sperms

(c) Spermatids           

(d) Scrotum

26.       In which group mammals, the fertilized egg does not develop inside the mother’s body?

(a) hordates

(b) Egg laying mammals

(c) Placental Mammals

(d) All of these

27.       Where the sperms of rabbit are produced?

(a) Cowper’s glands

(b) Prostate gland

(c) Collecting ducts

(d) Seminiferous tubules

28.       Where the sperms of male rabbits are deposited in the female rabbit?

(a) Horns        

(b) Cervix

(c) Follicle      

(d) Ovaries\

29.       Horizontal underground stems are called:

(a) Corms       

(b) izomes

(c) Tubers     

(d) Bulbs

30.       Which part of flower is changed into


(a) Ovule        

(b) Ovary

(c) Petals        

(d) Anther

31. An example of Rhizome is:

(a) Onion        

(b) Garlic

(c) Ginger      

(d) potato

32.       Method of asexual reproduction found in Amoeba is:

(a) Binary Fission

(b) Fragmentation

(c) Budding    

(d) Spore formation

33.       Double fertilization is a feature of:

(a) Seedless plants

(b) Gymnosperms

(c) Flowering plants

(d) Ferns.

34.       Simplest and common method of asexual reproduction is:   1

(a) Tissue culture

(b) Parthenogenesis

(c) Cloning

(d) Binary fission

35.       Gametophyte is produced from:

(a) Gametes   

(b) Zygote

(c) Spores

(d) Sporophyte

36.       Roses, ivy, grapevines and sugarcane reproduce by:

(a) Leaves

(b) Suckers

(c) Cuttings

(d) Suckers and Cuttings

37.       In which of the following, hypogeal germination takes place•

(a) Beans       

(b) Maize

(c) Cotton       

(d) Papaya

38.       When was NACP established?

(a) 1947          

(b) 1997

(c) 1987          

(d) 2000

39.       Into which part, ovule changes after fertilization?

(a) Fruit          

(b) Seed

(c) Flower      

(d) Leaf

40.       In Honeybee the drones are:

(a) Female flies

(b) Male flies

(c) Workers

(d) Male and female flies

41.       When did the Pakistan Federal Ministry of Health establish the NACP?

(a) 1947          

(b) 1977

(c) 1987

(d) 2010

42.       In rabbit, embryo develops into a new off spring in:

(a) 40 — 42 days

(b) 30 —40 days

(c) 30 — 32 days

(d) 280 days

43.       By the end of 2010, our population was:

(a) 176 million

(b) 400 million

(c) 180 million

(d) 500 million

44.       In male rabbit, each testis consists of a mass of coiled tubes called the:

(4) Epididymis

(b) Cowper’s gland

(c) Seminiferous tubules

(d) Vas deferens

45.       When secondary oocyte completes Meiosis Il, how many haploid cells result:

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

46.       Which of. the following are internal conditions for germination of seed:

(a) Oxygen

(b) Live embryo

(c) Sufficient food storage

(d) Live embryo and sufficient food storage

47.       The endosperm nucleus is:

(a) Haploid     

(b) Diploid

(c) Triploid    

(d) Tetraploid

48.       Which of the following reproduces by grafting?

(a) Ivy

(b) Pather Chut

(c) Plum Trees

(d) Both Ivy and Pather Chut

49.       The second whorl of the flower is:

(a) Calyx        

(b) Corolla

(c) Androecium

(d) Gynoecium

50.       In which of the following, an unfertilized egg develops into new offspring?

(a)  Vegetative propagation

(b) Spore formation

(c) Parthenogenesis

(d) Budding

51.       Binary fission does not take place in:

(a) Echinoderms

(b) Bacteria

(c) Planaria    

(d) Hydra

52.       Which among the following also reproduces through fragmentation?

(b) Hydra

(c) Bacterium  

(d) Yeast

53 Which generation is haploid0

(a) Sporophyte

(b) Endospore

(c) Gametophyte

(d) Sporophyte and Endospore

54.       Female reproductive part of flower is:

(a) Androecium          

(b) Calyx

(c) Corolla      

(d) gynoecium

55.       Ferns reproduce by:

(a) Corms

(b) Rhizome

(c) Tubers

(d) Bulb

56.       In most plants, Sporophyte is:

(a) Small in size


(c) Independent

(d) Dominant and independent

57.       Spermatids are:

(a) Motile 

(b) Active

(c) Non-motile

(d) Sperms

58.       Which forms egg cell?

(a) Follicles

(b) Primary oocytes

(c) First polar body oocyte

(d) Secondary oocytes

59.       Placenta is a structure which belongs to:

(a) birds          

(b) mammals

(c) reptiles      

(d) amphibians

60.       UNFPA works in how many countries?

(a) 150

(b) 160

(c) 140

(d) 100

61.       Ovary change into after ripen:

(a) Into seed   

(b) Into fruit

(c) Into flower 

(d) Into nectar

62.       Sperms and fluid collectively called:

(a) Hormnés   

(b) Semen

(c) Follicle      

(d) Scrotum

63.       In . which of the following animal groups,— external fertilization takes place;

(a) Reptiles     

(b) Amphibians

(c) Birds        

(d) Mammals

64.       pollen grains are produced in anther. of flower by:

(a) Meiosis

(b) Mitosis

(c) Binary fission

(d) Multiple fission

65.       Rhizopus reproduces by:

(a)  Binary Fission

(b) Budding

(c) Spore formation

(d) Parthenogenesis