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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1. An organism’s expressed physical traits, such as seed colour or pod shape, are known its:
(a) Genotype
(b) Phenotype
(c) Karyotype
(d) Physical type
2. An organism has two different alleles for a single trait..lts genotype is said to be;
(a) Homozygous
(b) Heterozygous
(c) Hemizygous
(d) Homologous
3. In the cross-pollination between a true-breeding yellow pod plant and a true-breeding green pod plant, where green pod colour is dominant, the resulting offsprings (Fl generation) will be;
(a) ¼ green, ¾ yellow
(b) All yellow
(c) ¼ yellow, ¾ green
(d) All green
4. How much genetically different kinds of gametes an individual with genotype AAbb can produce?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
5. Which of the following statements regarding genes is FALSE?
(a) Genes are located on chromosomes
(b) Genes consist of a long sequence of DNA
(c) A gene contains information to produce a protein
(d) Each cell contains a single copy of every gene
6. Mendel’s first contribution to our understanding of inheritance was;
(a) The concept that genes are found on chromosomes
(b) Explanation of the patterns of inheritance
(c) The discovery of alleles
(d) Determining that informations contained in DNÅ are for protein synthesis
7. A purple-flowered pea plant has the genotype PP. Which among the following statements about this plant is FALSE?
(a) Its phenotype will be white flowers
(b) It has a homozygous. dominant genotype
(c) When bred to a whiterflowered plant, all offspring will-be purple flowered
(d) All the gametes produced will have the same flower colour allele
8. Charles Darwin says that organisms produce many more offspring than can possible survive on the limited amount of resources available to them. According to Darwin, the offspring that are most likely to survive are those which;
(a) Are born first and grow fastest
(b) Are largest and most aggressive
(c) Have no natural predators
(d) Are best adapted to the environment
9. Branch of biology that deals. with the study of inheritance is called as;
(a) Artificial selection
(b) Natural selection
(c) Genetics
(d) Histology
10. Transmission of characteristics from parents to offsprings is called as;
(a) Replication
(b) Inheritance
(c) Co-dominance
(d) Mutation
11. Chromosomes carry units of inheritance called as;
(a) Chromatin
(b) DNA
(c) genes
(d) None of these
12. Genes contain instructions for the synthesis of;
(a) Fats
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Vitamins
(d) Proteins
13. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are there in human body cell?
(a) 22
(b) 23
(c) 40
(d) 46
14. Chromatin is made up of;
(a) DNA
(b) Protein
(c) DNA + protein
(d) None of these
15. DNA wraps around histone.r ein••• and forms rounded structure called as
(a). Nucleosomes
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Lysosomes
(d) mRNA
16. In James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the structure of DNA.
(a) 1951
(b) 1953
(c) 1955
(d) 1957
17. In 1953, who purpose of DNA.
(a) James Watson
(b) Francis Crick
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
18. A DNA molecule consists of polynucleotide strands.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
19. Outside backbone of double helix is made up of;
(a) Sugar
(b) Phosphate
(c) Sugar-phosphate
(d) None of these
20. Inside of double helix consists of:
(a) Nitrogenous bases
(b) Sugar
(c) Sugar-phosphate
(d) Phosphate
21. Adenine always pairs with;
(a) Guanine
(b) Cytosine
(c) Uracil
(d) Thymine
22. Cytocine always pairs with;
(a) Guanine
(b) Adenine
(c) Uracil
(d) Thymine
23. How many hydrogen bonds are formed between adenine and thymine?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
24. How many. hydrogen bonds are formed between cytosine and guanine?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
25. Copies of chromatids of-chromosomes are made through the process called;
(a) Inheritance
(b) Transcription
(c) Translation
(d) Replication
26. Specific proteins. have specific number and sequence of;
(a) Enzymeé
(b) Amino Acids
(c) Loci
(d) Allele
27. Sequence of amino acids in a protein is controlled by sequence of in DNA.
(a) Genes
(b) Loci
(c) Nucleotides
(d) alleles
28. Specific sequence of DNA nucleotides is copied in the form. of mRNA in a process;
(a) Replication
(b) Translation
(c) Inheritance
(d) Transcription
29. Ribosome reads the sequence of mRNA nucleotides and joins specific amino acid to form protein this step is known
(a) Combination
(b) Transcription
(c) Translation
(d) Replication
30. The position of gene on chromosome is known as;
(a) Locus
(b) Allele
(c) Genotype
(d) Genome
31. In which part of the cell transcription takes place?
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleus
(c) Ribosome
(d) Golgi apparatus
32. Which cell component of the cell is involved in translation?
(a) Ribosome
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Golgi apparatus
(d) Nucleus
33. The alternate forms of a gene are called
(a) Genome
(b) Genotype
(c) Alleles
(d) None of these
34. The Specific combinations of genes in an individual is known as;
(a) Phenotype
(b) Genotype
(c) Karyotype
(d) Phenocopy
35, It is a condition in which normal body pigments are absent;
(a) Colour blindness
(b) Albinism
(c) Diabetes
(d) Sickle cell anaemia
36. Dominant alleles are represented by __ letter and recessive alleles by __ letters
(a) Capital, Lowercase
(b) Lowercase, Capital
(c) Lowercase, Lowercass
(d) Capital, capital
37. Expression of Genotype in the form of trait is:
(a) Genome
(b) Phenotype
(c) Complete Dominance
(d) Incomplete Dominance
38. Who developed Fundamental Principles of genetics
(a) Lamark
(b) Gregory Mendel
(c) Charles Lyll
(d) Charles Darwin
39. Pisum sativum is scientific name of
(a) Onion
(b) Frog
(c) Mustard plant
(d) pea plant
40. Every trait studied in pea plant had __ distinct form.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
41. It is a situation where 2 different alleles of a gene pair express themselves completely, instead of showing a dominant- recessive relationship is called;
(a) Incomplete dominance
(b) Co-dominance
(c) Complete dominance
(d) None of these
42. From the following which is an example of codominance?
(a) Blood group A
(b) Blood group B
(c) Blood group AB
(d) Blood group O
43. Among the following which is the Genotype of blood group O?
(a) IAi
(b) IBi
(c) IAIB
(d) ii
44. It is a situation where in heterozygous genotypes, both the alleles express as a blend and neither allele is dominant over the other;
(a) Incomplete dominance
(b) Co-dominance
(c) Complete dominance
(d) None of these
45. Pink Flowered Four O Clock plant is an example of;
(a) Incomplete dominance
(b) Co-domihance
(c) Complete dominance
(d) None of these
46. How many types of differences are shown by individuals of the same species?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
47. Among the following, which is the source of variations?
(a) Mutation Free
(b) Crossing over
(c) Gene flow.
(d) All of these
48. Which variations show distinct phenotypes and phenotypes of such variations cannot be measured?
(a) Discontinuous variations
(b) Continuous variations
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
49. Example of discontinuous variation is;
(a) Blood group
(b) Height in Man
(c) Intelligence
(d) None of these
50. In which type of variations, the phenotypes express a complete range of measurements from one extreme to the other is;
(a) Discontinuous
(b) Continuous
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
51. There is change in characteristics of a population or species of organisms over the course of generations;
(a) Replication
(b) Transcription
(c) Evolution
(d) Translation
52. All living things had been created in their current form only a few thousand ears ago, This idea is known as;
(a) Theory of special creation
(b) Evolution
(c) Variations
(d) None of these
53. Who proposed the mechanism of organic evolution in 1838?
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Charles Lyll
(c) Lamark
(d) Gregor Mendel
54. Charles Darwin published a book “On the Origin of Species by means of Natural selection” in;
(a) 1858
(b) 1859
(c) 1869
(d) 1870
55. It is the process by which the better genetic variations become more common in successive generations of population;
(a) Variation
(b) Artificial selection
(c) Selective breeding
(d) Natural selection
56. Variations selected for their transmission to next generation are;
(a) Favourable
(b) Continuous
(c) Discontinuous
(d) None of these
57. In which part of cell, transcription takes place?
(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleus
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Golgi Apparatus
58. Which is a favourable variation in months before the industrial revolution?
(a) Light colour
(b) Dark colour
(c) Medium colour
(d) None of these
59. Which is favourable variation in moths after industrial revolution?
(a) Light colour
(b) Medium colour
(c) Dårk colour
(d) None of these
60. Intentional – breeding between individuals for certain aits, or combination of traits is called as:
(a) Variations
(b) Evolution
(c) Natural selection
(d) Artificial selection
61. A dominant allele only supresses the expression of recessive allele, It does not affect its:
(a) Length
(b) Working
(c) Nature
(d) Position
62. Mendel used how many pea plants in his experiments.
(a) 2800
(b) 28000
(c) 28,0000
(d) 28,00000
63. True breeding means:
(a) Homozygous
(b) Heterozygous
(c) Both homozygous and heterozygous
(d) None
64. The possible number of chromosomal combinations are:
(a) 70 millions
(b) 70 billion
(c) 70 trillion
(d) 80 trillion
65. gave the first hint at evolution?
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Lamarck
(c) Buffon
(d) R. C. Punnett
66. mRNA is synthesized by:
(a) DNA Polymerase
(b) RNA Polymerase
(c) RNA Ligase
(d) Ribosomes
67. Feet size in Man is an example of:
(a) Continuous variations
(b) Discontinuous variations
(c) Gene flow
(d) Heredity variations
68. In artificial _selection, bred plants are known as:
(a) Breeds
(b) Cultivars
(c) Varieties
(d) Cultivars and varieties
69. Whåt is the Diploid (2n) number of humans?
(a) 23
(b) 16
(c) 26
(d) 46
70. Wha! condenses into a chromosome?
(a) Nucleoplasm
(b) Nucleolus
(c) Chromatin material
d) Cytoplasm
71. What make the backbone of DNA molecules?
(a) Phosphate
(b) Deoxyribose
(c) Nitrogenous bases
(d). Phosphate + Déoxyribose
72. The first filial generation is denoted by
(a) P1
(b) P2
(c) F1
(d) F2
73. Physical. appearance or colour of an organism is
(a) Genotype
(b) Karyotype
(c) Phenotype
(d) Physical power
74. What will be the colour of flowers produced as a result of a cross between red and white flowered 4’0 Clock plants?
(a) Pink
(b) Red
(c) White
(d) Purple
75. Which of the following genes will be termed as Homozygous
(a) RRYY
(b) RrYy
(c) RrYY
(d) rryy