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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1          Which of the following is the abiotic component of an ecosystem?

(a) Producers 

(b) Herbivores

(c) Carnivores

(d) Oxygen

2)         When we eat the onion, our trophic level is;

(a) Primary consumer

(b) Secondary Consumer

(c) Decomposer

(d) Producer

3)         Identify the correctly matched pair:

(a) Rainfall- biotic factors in ecosystem

(b) Global warming- formation of Fossil fuels

(c) Renewable natural resources-air

(d) Corn- secondary consumer

4)         In the food chain tree caterpillar robin — hawk – – coyote, which is secondary consumer?

(a) Caterpillar

(b) Robbin

(c) Hawk

(d) Coyote

5)         In an ecosystem he flow o is one way, while is/are constantly recycled.

(a) Minerals, energy

(b) Energy, minerals

(c) Oxygen, energy   

(d) Glucose, water     

6)         In the food chain “grass rabbit  fox bear mushroom”, how many  types of decomposers are there?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

7)         Organisms in the ecosystem that are  responsible for the recycling of plant and animal wastes are;

(a) Consumers           

(b) Producers

(c) Decomposers

(d) Competitors

8) Which form of Nitrogen is taken by the producers of the ecosystem?

(a) Nitrogen gas

(b). Ammonia

(c) Nitrites

(d) Nitrates

 9) The type of environment in which a  particular species lives is called;

(a) Ecosystem

(b) Habitat

(c) Biosphere 

(d) Community 

10)       Which of the following organisms are decomposers? 

(a) Fungi         

(b) Algae 

(c) Bacteria    

(d) Both a & c.

11)       The lowest trophic level of an ecosystem always includes:

(a) Herbivores

(b) Carnivores

(c) Producers

(d) Decomposers

12)       Habitat destruction can result in a loss of:

(a) Species    

(b) Population 

(c) Community           

(d) Ecosystem•

13)       The Type of symbiotic relationship in  which Ong member get benefit and other is unaffected is called:

(a) Parasitism

(b) Mutualism

(c) Commensalism

(d) Predation

14)       Which one is not an example of abiotic factor?

(a) Decomposers

(b) Light          

(c) Water        

(d) Soil

15)       An organism that actively hunts other organisms is called:

(a) Prey          

(b) Predator

(c) Parasite    

(d) Host

 16) The type of symbiotic relationship in which one member get bcncfit and other is harmed is called:

(a) Parasitism

(b) Mutualism

(c) Commensalism

(d) Predation

17)       Organisms that make their own food with help of sunlight, C02 and 1120 are called;

(a) Consumers           

(b) Producers

(c) Decomposers .

(d) Predators

18)       The conversion of ammonia to nitrates  is carried out by soil bacteria. This  process is called: 

(a) Nitrification

(b) Denitrification 

(c) Nitrogen fixation 

(d) Assimilation

19)        A group of organisms, similar to one another, which can interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring:

(a) Species    

(b) Genus

(c) Family       

(d) Population

20)       Water, soil, air, temperature wind and   sunlight are examples of: 

(a) Biotic factors

(b) Biomass

(c) Environment

(d) Abiotic factors

21)       A relationship between two organisms  in which individual of one species may kill and eat individuals or other species   is called:

(a) Symbiosis 

(b) Competition

(c) Predation 

(d) Mutualism

 22)        A relationship between species in which both species benefit is called:

(a) Parasitism

(b) Mutualism

(c) Symbiosis

(d) Commensalism

23)         The self-sufficient unit of an environment that is formed as a result of interaction between its biotic   community and its abiotic components is known as:

(a) Biosphere 

(b) Habitat

(c) Ecosystem          

(d) Food web

24)        A network of all the feeding relationships in an ecosystem is called:

(a) Food chain

(b) Food web

(c) Trophic level

(d) Energy flow

25)        The thickness of biosphere is: 

(a) 02 km       

(b) 20 km

(c) 50 km       

(d) 200 km

 26)        _ get solar energy and transform it into chemical energy by the process   of photosynthesis.

(a) Decomposers

(b) Producers

 (c) Consumers

(d) Predators

27)        The materials flow from one trophic  level to the next by means of; 

(a) Food chains

(b) Food web

(c) Both a & b           

(d) None

28      The base of food chain is always formed by;.

(a) Producers

(b) Consumers

(c) Decomposers

(d) Heterotrophs

29)       In 1927, developed the concept of ecological pyramids.

(a) Kelvin

(b) Lamarck

(c) Charles Elto

(d) Darwin      

30)       atom is the principal  building block of many kinds of biomolecules. 

(a) Oxygen     

(b) Carbon     

(c) Hydrogen  

(d) Nitrogen    

31)       Which one of the following is not an example of fossil fuels? 

(a) Plants

(b) Peat 

(c) Coal          

(d) Natural Gas

32)       The major process that brings carbon from atmosphere into living world is:

(a) Photosynthesis

(b) Respiration

(c) Both a & b

(d) None

33)       Nitrogen is an important component of:

(a) Proteins    

(b) Nucleic Acid

(c) Lipids        

(d) Both a & b

34)       is the breakdown of the proteins of dead organisms to ammonia.

(a) Ammonification

(b) Nitrification

(c) Denitrification

(d) None

35)       The utilization of nitrates by organisms is called:

(a) Nitrification

(b) Ammonification

(c) Assimilation

(d) Denitrification

36)       Which one of the following is not   temporary parasite?       

(a) Mosquito   

(b) Virus

(c) Leech

(d) Bed bug

37)       Which one of the following is not an endoparasite?

(a) Ascaris

(b) Plasmodium

(c) Entamoeba

(d) Mosquito

38)       An epiphyte is an example ow

(a) Parasitism

(b) Mutualism 

(c) Commensalism

(d) Symbiosis

39)       Which one is an example of epiphyte? 

(a) Mosquito   

(b) Orchid

(c) Rhizobium

(d) Plasmodium

40)       Which, of the following is not an  example of green house gas?

(a) C02           

(b) Methane   

(c) Oxygen    

(d) Nitrous Oxide

41)       The current level of urbanization in Pakistan is about which is not high by global standards.

(a) 23 %

(b) 32%

(c) 36%

(d) 39%

42)       Abiotic component of ecosystem is;

(a) Producers

(b) Herbivores

(c) Carnivores            

(d) Oxygen

43)       A symbiotic interaction in which both partners get benefits are known as ;

(a) Mutualism

(b) Commensalism

(c) Parasitism

(d) Predation

44)       The consumers that eat animal flesh as   well as plants and plant products are


(a) Herbivores            

(b) Carnivore

(c) Omnivores

(d) Insectivores

45)       Living of nitrogen fixer bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants is an  example of;           

(a) Predation

(b) Parasitism

(c) Mutualism

(d) Commensalism

46)       The perfect cycle is;

(a) Carbon cycle

(b) nitrogen.cycle

(d) All of the above

47)       Nitrogenous waste includes;

(a) Ammonia

(b) Urea

(c) Uric acid

(d) All of the above

48)       Plants show competition for;

(a) Space

(b) Light

(c) Water and Minerals

(d) All of the above

49)       Flow of energy is always;

(a) Unidirectional     

(b) Two directional

(c) Multidirectional

(d) No directional

50)       IPCC stands for;

(a) International project of climate change

(b) Intergovernmental Project of climate change

(c) Intergovernmental panel on climate  change 

(d) International panel on climate       change

51)       The temperature of Earth’s surface has increased per decade in the past 30 years;

(a) 0.1°C

(b) 0.2°C

(c) 0.3°C        

(d) 0.4°C

52)       Since 1800, amount of C02 in atmosphere has increased about

(a) 20%

(b) 30%

(c) 40%

(d) 50%

53)       Since 1800, amount of nitrous oxide has increased about;

(a) 2%

(b) 6%

(c) 8%

(d) 10%

54)       According to estimate at the current rate of increase, the average global temperature will the next 100 yea

(a) 8°C

(b) 6-8°C

(c) 3-8°C        

(d) 528°C

55)       Pakistan growth rate in 1991 was;

(a) 2%

(b) 2.50%

(c) 2.69%       

(d) 2.89%       

 56) In 2003, a survey on tanneries in Kasur City showed that residents suffered from cancer infections of kidney or loss of eyesight.

(a) ¼


(c) ⅓

(d) ¼

57)       Recycling of one tonne paper can save.

(a) 10 trees     

(b) 15 trees

(c) 18 trees     

(d) 17 trees

58)       people are at risk of dengue.

(a) 1.5 billion   

(b) 2.5billion

(c) 3.5 billion   

(d) 2.5 million

59)       Scientists fear that sea level is rising upto per year.

(a) 0.8 cm      

(b) 10 cm

(c) 0.9 cm      

(d) 9cm

60)       It is estimated •that Maldives might become uninhabitable within; 

(a) 50 years    

(b) 80 years 

(c) 100 years

(d) 130 years

61)       When living and nonliving interact to produce a stable system in which exchange of material with flow of energy takes place, it forms a/an: 

(a) Environment

(b) stable community 

(c) Ecosystem

(d) Ecological succession

62)       The living organisms which cannot prepare their own food -but obtain ready made food from others, are;

(a) Primary  and Secondary consumers

(b) Secondary and tertiary consumers

(c) Only pnmary consumers           

(d) All types of Consumers.

63)       How many tanneries are operating in Kasur city;

(a) More than 300

(b) More than 200

(c) 500

(d) 1000

64)       Upper layer of the atmosphere is called;

(a) Biosphere

(b) Lithosphere

(c) Hydrosphere

(d) Stratosphere 

65)       At which trophic level in a food chain, carnivores get food?

(a) First trophic level

(b) Second trophic level

(c) Fourth trophic level

(d) Third trophic level

66)       Fungi digest the dead organic matter with the help of;

(a) Enzymes  

(b) Acids

(c) Hormones 

(d) Bases

67) Which is an ectoparasite?

(a) Liver fluke 

(b) Ascaris      

(c) Tapeworm            

(d) Leech       

68) The favourable variations tend to be

(a) Eliminated 

(b) Passed to next generation 

(c) Unexpressed        

(d) Changed

69) Habitat is an example of;

(a) Biological character

(b) Chemical character

(c) Physical Character

(d) Behavioural character

70) A- group of organisms yhich can interbreed freely in nature to produce    fertile offspring is called;

(a) Population 

(b) Community

(c) Species    

(d) Ecosystem

71) An Aquarium is an example of


(a) Natural      

(b) Artificial

(c) Aquatic     

(d) Terrestrial

72) Graphic representation of the number  of individuals per unit area at various   trophic levels of a food chain is called

(a) Pyramid of Biomass

(b) Pyramid of numbers      

(c) Pyramid of energy

(d) Food web

73) More than normal denitrification change the richness of soil as;

(a) Increase

(b) Less

(c) Bad

(d) Finished    

74)) An example of Carnivorous plants is:

(a) Rose plant

(b) Mosses

(c) Pitcher plant

(d) Ferns