Verbal Reasoning Mcqs For GAT Test Preparation | GAT Test Preparation 2021 Page 5

Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs Questions | GAT Test Preparation | Important Questions. However Today we will discuss about the important GAT / nts verbal reasoning mcqs with answers pdf from which Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test can be set up for the Subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test for the GAT upcoming paper on 12th September 2021.Similarly We have also set small verbal reasoning test pdf with answers for the Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs. Moreover we have recorded all GAT Test related preparation videos and sessions for the subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.

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Verbal Reasoning Mcqs For GAT Test Preparation | GAT Test Preparation 2021

Which one is different from the Rest ?

  1. Pencil
  2. Pointer
  3. Chair
  4. Pen

Single is to Double as One is to______________?

  1. Twice
  2. Half
  3. Quarter
  4. Forth

Which Will Come Next in the Following Series ? B D G k P________?

  1. U
  2. W
  3. X
  4. V

What will come Next in the Following Series ? 11 8 16 17 14 28 ________?

  1. 29
  2. 30
  3. 31
  4. 32

Light is to eye as Sound is to ____________________?

  1. Lips
  2. Ear
  3. Nose
  4. Eye

What will come Next in the Following Series ? 8 7 6 5 4 3 ________?

  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 4

Book is to Title as Man is to _________________?

  1. Address
  2. City
  3. Name
  4. Country

Insert Correct Number ? 49 48 45 40 33 24 ________?

  1. 13
  2. 23
  3. 33
  4. 43

Write the Correct Answer ? 64 32 16 8 4 2 ________?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

What will come Next in the Following Series ? 1 10 19 28 ________?

  1. 37
  2. 43
  3. 54
  4. 61

Which were Does not belong to the list ?

  1. Necktie
  2. Eye
  3. Finger
  4. Foot

What will come Next in the following Series ? 2 90 4 80 6 70 8 60 _____?_____

  1. 10 , 50
  2. 20 , 40
  3. 30 , 30
  4. 40 , 20

What will come Next in the Following Series ? 5 9 17 33 _______?

  1. 65
  2. 55
  3. 45
  4. 35

What Will Come Next in the Following Series? 6 12 36 72 216 ______?

  1. 432
  2. 243
  3. 763
  4. 142

What Will Come Next in the Following Series ?

3 8 12 13 17 ________?

  1. 18
  2. 21
  3. 16
  4. 19

How to Prepare Verbal Reasoning Mcqs

If you want to get command on these Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation then you should attempt all verbal reasoning practice tests with answers which we have prepared for you people and placed below. Moreover MCQ’ is the only platform which is providing free verbal reasoning test with answers pdf from Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.

If 1800 O’ Clock is to 6 O’ Clock then 1400 O ‘ Clock is To _____________?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Continue the Following Series ?

40 5 25 20 15 __?__

  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 5
  4. 9

Complete the Given Series ? 1 100 2 50 4 25 8 ________?

  1. 10.315
  2. 11.414
  3. 12.516
  4. 13.614

What Will Come Next in the Following Series ?

53 48 50 45 47 ______?

  1. 32
  2. 62
  3. 22
  4. 42

Which One is Different from the Rest list ?

  1. IH
  2. II
  3. IJ
  4. IK

If Shoe is to Foot then Helmet is to ________________?

  1. Head
  2. Foot
  3. Hand
  4. Ear

Continue the Following Series ? 25 50 100 125 ___?___

  1. 175
  2. 165
  3. 155
  4. 145

Complete the Given Series ? 20 33 46 __?__

  1. 39
  2. 49
  3. 59
  4. 69

Bed is To Sleep as Chair is to __________________?

  1. Sit
  2. Stand
  3. Sleep
  4. Swim

Bulb is to Current as Lamp is to ____________?

  1. Water
  2. Greese
  3. Oil
  4. Petrol

If Sheep is to Wool as Cat is To ______________?

  1. Fur
  2. Wood
  3. Mirror
  4. Leather

Gun is to Soldier as ____________ is to Photographer.

  1. Camera
  2. Knife
  3. Light
  4. Sun

What Will Come Next in the Following Series? 2 9 14 21 26 _________ ?

  1. 28
  2. 33
  3. 41
  4. 54

Ring is the Finger as Watch is to _______________?

  1. Wrist
  2. Foot
  3. Ankle
  4. Door

Hot is To Burn and Cold is To __________________?

  1. Freeze
  2. Mute
  3. Melted
  4. Hard

Zarar is Older than Jamal, Jamal is Older then Qamar, Qamar is Older then Waqar Who is the Oldest ?

  1. Zarar
  2. Jamal
  3. Qamar
  4. Waqar

GAT Test Preparation for all Subjects

All important subjects like non verbal reasoning test pdf with answers, analytical reasoning mcqs with answers pdf , Quantitative reasoning mcqs with answers pdf MCQ’s are shared in detail at this platform. This is the only platform for the NTS GAT Test Preparation in which we will try to figure out verbal reasoning test with answers pdf 11 plus , and all the important areas and important type of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation questions that a candidate must be practiced and must know.

What Will Come Next in the Following Series ? 8 8 16 9 9 18 10 10 ______?

  1. 18
  2. 20
  3. 22
  4. 24

Which One is Different from the list ?

  1. Drum
  2. Cold
  3. Sticks
  4. Grill

Complete the Given Series ? 11 12 14 15 ______?

  1. 17
  2. 19
  3. 21
  4. 23

Insert the Correct Number ? 0 5 12 21 __?__

  1. 12
  2. 24
  3. 32
  4. 48

Which Word Does Not belong to the List ?

  1. Doctor
  2. Nurse
  3. Professor
  4. Hospital

Continue the Following Series ? 7 49 6 36 5 ______?

  1. 23
  2. 25
  3. 27
  4. 29

Which One of the Following is Different from the Rest ?

  1. Great
  2. Huge
  3. Small
  4. Big

Complete the Following Series ? 3 8 15 24 ______?

  1. 23
  2. 35
  3. 47
  4. 59

If Brush is to Painting as Pencil is to _____________________?

  1. Drawing
  2. Rubbing
  3. Playing
  4. Highlighting

Continue the Following Series ? 2 4 16 256 12 ______?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8

What Will Come Next in the Following Series ?

3 4 6 7 9 10 __?__

  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 18

What Will Come Next in the Following Series ?

101 105 111 119 __?_

  1. 121
  2. 129
  3. 132
  4. 141

What will come Next ? 19 9 29 8 39 ________?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7

Which One is Different from the Rest ?

  1. Spaceship
  2. Work
  3. Job
  4. Office

Which Word Does not Belong to the List ?

  1. Ship
  2. Horse
  3. Cow
  4. Camel

One Third of One Half is _________________?

  1. 1/2
  2. 1/4
  3. 1/6
  4. 1/8

Which One is the Different from the Rest ?

  1. AC
  2. BC
  3. ST
  4. XY

Complete the Given Series ? 111 115 120 126 ________?

  1. 128
  2. 133
  3. 142
  4. 154

Which One is the Different from Following ?

  1. Heaven
  2. Earth
  3. Soil
  4. Mountains

What Will Come Next ? 2 5 10 17 ________?

  1. 22
  2. 26
  3. 32
  4. 28

Which One is the Different from the List ?

  1. Adult
  2. Length
  3. Mass
  4. Time

If Box is to 3 then Boxer is to _______________

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7

Good is to better as bad is to ____________

  1. Best
  2. Normal
  3. Worse
  4. Happy

Which One is Different from List ?

  1. Circle
  2. Fork
  3. Mug
  4. Glass

If ACNPNPJL means Book, What does GINPQSRTDF mean ?

  1. Mouse
  2. Eagle
  3. Nest
  4. House

Son is to Father as Nephew is to __________________

  1. Uncle
  2. Brother
  3. Friend
  4. Cousin

What Will Come Next in the Series ? 11 7 7 539 __?__

  1. 3773
  2. 3756
  3. 3899
  4. 3990

Which one is the Different from the Following List ?

  1. Lahore
  2. Pakistan
  3. England
  4. Canada

A is to E as C is to _____________________

  1. G
  2. D
  3. H
  4. S

What Letter Comes Alphabetically in order in the letter Mother ?

  1. E
  2. F
  3. G
  4. H

Laugh is to Gay as Weep is to ______________

  1. Sad
  2. Happy
  3. Amazed
  4. Awful

If A is Smaller than B , But Taller then C and D, Who is the Tallest of the three?

  1. L
  2. B
  3. C
  4. H

What Comes Next in the Series ? 9 24 39 54 69 84 99 __?__

  1. 107
  2. 114
  3. 128
  4. 256

Which one of the Following is Different from the Rest ?

  1. Union
  2. Diagonal
  3. Circle
  4. Triangle

Which One is the Different from the List ?

  1. QS
  2. TF
  3. Jk
  4. MO

A Railway Station always has

  1. People
  2. Signal Light
  3. Railway Line
  4. Fuel

Men is To Women as Boy is To _________________?

  1. Child
  2. Girl
  3. Husband
  4. Manager

What Number Comes Next in the Following Series ? 18 13 9 6 __________?

  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 13
  4. 19

Which one is different from the rest ?

  1. QS
  2. CU
  3. TF
  4. OZ

The Opposite of Never is ____________________________?

  1. Always
  2. Sometimes
  3. Temprarily
  4. somewhat

If FACE Coded as 6135 then ACE is coded as _______________

  1. 435
  2. 563
  3. 135
  4. 651

What Number Comes Next in the Following Series ? 63 3 44 0 91 __?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

Driver is To Car as _______________ is to Aeroplane.

  1. Pilot
  2. Driver
  3. Conductor
  4. Manager

Mountain is to high then train is to ________________

  1. Time
  2. Mass
  3. Length
  4. Intensity

MAN is to RUN as BIRD is to ____________________

  1. FLY
  2. SLIP
  3. SING
  4. TOM

What Number Comes Next in the Following Series ? 10 70 11 6 7 13 64 16 61 ________?

  1. 20 , 58
  2. 37,86
  3. 42,91
  4. 21,23

What letter comes alphabetically in the Word Fluctuation.

  1. K
  2. J
  3. I
  4. L

What Number Comes Next in the Following Series ? 8 10 14 18 26 __?

  1. 24
  2. 32
  3. 53
  4. 64

Pakistan is to Asia as UK is to ______________________

  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. Africa
  4. West

Which One is Different from the Rest ?

  1. Tuesday
  2. Week
  3. Thursday
  4. Friday

If FET is TEF then TAR is to _________________________

  1. SAT
  2. TAF
  3. RAT
  4. FEE

What Will Come Next in the Following Number Series ? 10 18 15 23 20 28 __?__

  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 30
  4. 35

Complete the Number Series ? 10 11 13 16 20 ________?

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28

What Letter comes next in this series ?

A C F J  ________?

  1. U
  2. H
  3. O
  4. P

If Yesterday was Monday, What day is after Tomorrow ?

  1. Thursday
  2. Friday
  3. Saturday
  4. Sunday brings to you all Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation with answers pdf which are new and latest. These Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation  with answers pdf are never published on internet so far. For full information about all GAT / PPSC / FPSC / CSS / PMS latest jobs visit

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