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Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs Questions | GAT Test Preparation | Important Questions. However Today we will discuss about the important GAT / nts verbal reasoning mcqs with answers pdf from which Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test can be set up for the Subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test for the GAT upcoming paper on 12th September 2021.Similarly We have also set small verbal reasoning test pdf with answers for the Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs. Moreover we have recorded all GAT Test related preparation videos and sessions for the subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.

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Verbal Reasoning Mcqs For GAT Test Preparation | GAT Test Preparation 2021

If 5 boxes of soap weigh 75 kilos and each box when empty weight 3 kilos how much is the weight of the soap?

  1. 60
  2. 70
  3. 80
  4. 90

If Aftab is a brother of Azra and Azra is the daughter of Yasmin which one of the following statements is true?

  1. Azra is mother of Aftab
  2. Yasmin is daughter of Aftab
  3. Yasmin is mother of Aftab
  4. None of the statement is True

What number comes next in the following series? 65 61 81 9

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7

What comes next in the following series? 324 108 36 12—?

  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 16

Think a number divide it and 4 to it if the result is 31 what is the number?

  1. 71
  2. 81
  3. 91
  4. 100

Which one is different from the rest?

  1. 142
  2. 124
  3. 340
  4. 421

What number comes next in the following series. 48, 45, 40, 33, 24, ___?

  1. 13
  2. 21
  3. 34
  4. 11

What will come next . 3, 7, 14, 18, 36, 40, ___?

  1. 80
  2. 90
  3. 48
  4. 39

What comes next in the following series? 75 70 35 30 15 10

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 15
  4. 20

What will come next? 2 , 4 , 7, 9, 12 , 14, 17________?

  1. 15
  2. 19
  3. 23
  4. 28

What will come next5, 20, 6, 24, 7, 28, ___ ,___?

  1. 8, 32
  2. 10, 10
  3. 12,20
  4. 14,32

What is different from the rest?

  1. Fruit
  2. Apple
  3. Potatoes
  4. Grapes

What figure comes next in the following series. 1 , 4 , 2 , 5 ,3 , 6 , 4 , 7 ,____?

  1. 5
  2. 8
  3. 11
  4. 14

Write the letter which is as far from the beginning of the alphabet as is T from the

Beginning of the word ‘CHARACTER’

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z?

  1. C
  2. K
  3. E
  4. X

What will come next. 3, 6, 18, 72, ___?

  1. 160
  2. 260
  3. 360
  4. 460

What is different from the rest ?

  1. Lahore
  2. Karachi
  3. Pakistan
  4. Multan

What number comes next in the following series? 16 13 10 7—–?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8

How to Prepare Verbal Reasoning Mcqs

If you want to get command on these Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation then you should attempt all verbal reasoning practice tests with answers which we have prepared for you people and placed below. Moreover MCQ’ is the only platform which is providing free verbal reasoning test with answers pdf from Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.

What will come next. 2, 6, 5, 9, 8, 12, 11, 15, ___?

  1. 13
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 16

Writer is to pen as soldier is to?

  1. Gun
  2. Plane
  3. Swim
  4. Debate

What will come next. 3 , 5 , 4 , 7 , 5 , 9 ,6 ,11 ___?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

Expand is the opposite of ?

  1. Contract
  2. Contrast
  3. Construct
  4. Concrete

What is different from the rest?

  1. Stop
  2. Hop
  3. Mat
  4. Shop

What will come next. 217, 437, 657, 877, 10, ___?

  1. 12
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 14

If 28th day of a month is Sunday then the Fourth day will be?

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Thurday
  4. Saturday

If Amjad is heavier than Saleem and Saleem is lighter than Majeed then may be as heavy as Amjad?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Uncertain
  4. None of the Above

Which one of the following is different from the rest?

  1. Uncle
  2. Man
  3. Aunt
  4. Male

What is different from the rest ?

  1. Body
  2. Eyes
  3. Smell
  4. Hand

What number will come next. 7, 10, 20, 23, 46, ___?

  1. 49
  2. 56
  3. 81
  4. 100

What will come next. 5, 2, 5, 4, 5, 16, ___?

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 9

Hafiz is same age as Akmal Akmal is younger than Tahir Tahir is older than Hafiz Assuming the first two statements are true is the third statement?

  1. Third statement is true
  2. Third statement  is false
  3. Al statements are True
  4. All statements are false

2 6 18 54 162 486 ___?

  1. 1458
  2. 1464
  3. 1480
  4. 1494

What will come next: 1/16 1/4 1/2 2 4 16

  1. 18
  2. 32
  3. 45
  4. 65

Which one is different from the rest ?

  1. 5756
  2. 7566
  3. 7386
  4. 6756

What number comes next in the following series : 6 8 12 20?

  1. 30
  2. 29
  3. 36
  4. 42

Milk is to white as grass is to ____?

  1. Orange
  2. Green
  3. Blue
  4. Shine

If 6 and 4 make 10 write 3 your answer otherwise write 5 ?

  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 9
  4. 12

A train left Rawalpindi at 6.45 AM and reached sahiwal at 3.30 P.M how long did it take ?

  1. 7.15 hours
  2. 7.45 hours
  3. 8.15 hours
  4. 8.45 hours


  1. Shoulder
  2. Neck
  3. Head
  4. Rib

How long a car will take to cover a distance of 440 kilometers if its speed is 40 kilometers per hour and it stop for 30 minutes on the way ?

  1. 8.30hrs
  2. 9.30hrs
  3. 10.30hrs
  4. 11.30hrs

What will come next: 48 24 20 10 6 3__?

  1. -1
  2. -2
  3. -3
  4. -4

12. 112_____?

  1. 372
  2. 445
  3. 539
  4. 627

If A = 1 ,D = 2, N = 3, R = 4, S = 5 T = 6 then standard ?

  1. 36142141
  2. 46172140
  3. 56132142
  4. 66192144

What are the missing letters? Tio_____?

  1. L
  2. M
  3. N
  4. O

GAT Test Preparation for all Subjects

All important subjects like non verbal reasoning test pdf with answers, analytical reasoning mcqs with answers pdf , Quantitative reasoning mcqs with answers pdf MCQ’s are shared in detail at this platform. This is the only platform for the NTS GAT Test Preparation in which we will try to figure out verbal reasoning test with answers pdf 11 plus , and all the important areas and important type of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation questions that a candidate must be practiced and must know.

Rs 14000 is 70% of what amount ?

  1. 10,000
  2. 20,000
  3. 30,000
  4. 40,000

What are the missing letters? Pa_k_n_?

  1. R ,I ,G
  2. S,T , Y
  3. X,Z, O
  4. O,S, W

What number comes next ?

40 35 30 25 20 __________ ?

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 25


  1. F
  2. S
  3. P
  4. X

If a gets rs.5 mode than B and B gets rs.4 less than C what would be B,s share in a total of Rs 129?

  1. Rs 40
  2. Rs.45
  3. Rs.50
  4. Rs.55

Complete the  Series : A G L P S ______?

  1. P
  2. U
  3. W
  4. Z

Complete the  Series : 3.2 5.9 11.3 22.1___?

  1. 45.1
  2. 46.2
  3. 47.3
  4. 48.4

Answer the following in yes or no : Lahore is the capital of Sindh?

  1. No
  2. Yes

Complete the words: N—ed—e ? (Tool)

  1. E,L
  2. H,O
  3. S,P
  4. Z,E

Good is to bad as white is to?

  1. Gray
  2. Black
  3. Gold
  4. None

Eat is to bread as drink is to?

  1. Water
  2. Melon
  3. Chocolate
  4. Leaf

The speed of the train is twice of the speed of the truck both are staying on the road side by side which will reach the destination which is 100 km away?

  1. Truck
  2. Train
  3. No one
  4. Both

X‘s son is cousin of Y‘s son if Y has no brother what is X to Y?

  1. Sister
  2. Brother
  3. Mother
  4. Father

Complete the words: V—o—– et? (Colours)

  1. H, S
  2. I , L
  3. W. P
  4. S, R

Flying is to bird as creeping is to?

  1. Snail
  2. Parrot
  3. Dove
  4. Rat

If 455 stands for DEED then what will 6554 stand for: 6=F 5=E 5 =E 4=D __?

  1. FEAD
  2. NEAT
  3. FEED
  4. NEET

Aslam tells is friend that our cock is the best cock can you tell how many eggs can be obtained from that cock is one year?

  1. 0
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. 28

Bicycle is to motor car as biped is to ?

  1. Machine
  2. Quadruped
  3. Ship
  4. Beat

Complete the words: S—r— p ? (Medicine)

  1. S,Z
  2. Y,U
  3. P,T
  4. Z,L

January is to December as Sunday is to ?

  1. Friday
  2. Saturday
  3. Monday
  4. Tuesday

A helicopter rises up to 15 km. Then travel 10 km, towards north at the time of landing does it need some direction if yes ,which one?

  1. North
  2. East
  3. West
  4. South

Cause is to effect as disease is to?

  1. Death
  2. Health
  3. Afraid
  4. Man

Pointing to a girl a woman said‖her mother is the only daughter of my mother ―what is the girl to woman?

  1. Mother
  2. Daughter
  3. Niece
  4. Grand Daughter

Dawn is to dusk as morning is to?

  1. Evening
  2. Tommorw
  3. Weekend
  4. Yesterday

Iqbal  ̳s father is the brother of your sister what relation Iqbal has with you?

  1. Niece
  2. Nephew
  3. Son
  4. Cousin

What will come next: 3=3 3=9 3=15 3 =?

  1. 3=12
  2. 3=17
  3. 3=21
  4. 3=27

Complete the words: L—–n—h ? (meals)

  1. U ,C
  2. Y,U
  3. P,T
  4. Z,L

Answer the following in yes or no : Washington is the capital of USA?

  1. Yes
  2. No

What will come next : 6= 0 7=7 8=16 9 = ?

  1. 3=16
  2. 6=20
  3. 9=27
  4. 12=35

If 10 years are added to 3/5 of Abid he will be 4 years younger to the present age of his elder brother who will be 25 years What is the present of Abid ?

  1. 18.33 years
  2. 19.34 years
  3. 20.38 years
  4. 28.43 years

The combined length of two rivers a and b is 1000 kilometer if the river a is 200 km shorter than the river b find the individual length of each river?

  1. 400 km
  2. 500 km
  3. 600 km
  4. 700 km

What will come next: 4 16 36 _____?

  1. 64
  2. 57
  3. 93
  4. 49

The cost of one car or four bicycles is rs.180,000 Akram wants to purchase one car and one bicycle and also willing to pay rs.90,000 as down payment. What will be the credit for Akram?

  1. Rs. 105000
  2. Rs.112000
  3. Rs. 135000
  4. Rs.149000

If a price of rope 20 ft. Long is cut into 2 pieces so that one is 2/3 as long as the other how long will that longer piece be?

  1. 10.33
  2. 11.33
  3. 12.33
  4. 13.33

If 5 boxes of soap weight 75 kilos and box when empty weight 3 kilo how much is the weight of soap?

  1. 40k.g
  2. 50k.g
  3. 60k.g
  4. 70k.g

A shoes maker industry produces 1200 pairs of shoes in one month ,having 40 workers if it receives an order of 1800 pairs in one month how many workers should it want to employ more ?

  1. 5 Workers
  2. 10 Workers
  3. 20 Workers
  4. 25 Workers

A tribe consisted of a man his five wives his seven daughters his six sons and their wives each son had two children How many members were there in the whole tribe?

  1. 27
  2. 37
  3. 47
  4. 57

Khalid is now four times as old as this daughter , ten year ago ,if the sum of their ages was sixty. Find the present age of daughter?

  1. 15years
  2. 16years
  3. 17years
  4. 18years

A city is 100 km away from B city . If A bus radius of two feet of its Tyre and it reaches to city B from A after completing 1000 revolutions of its Tyre then a car having radius of one foot of its Tyre will complete the distance in_ revolution of its Tyre?

  1. 1000
  2. 2000
  3. 3000
  4. 4000

Ono person can complete a piece of work in eight day while the other can complete the same work in four days(if both work 10 hours per day)How many hours are required to complete the same work if both person do the same combined?

  1. 24 Hours , 30 Mint
  2. 26 Hours , 40 Mint
  3. 28 Hours , 50 Mint
  4. 30 Hours , 20 Mint

A figure comprises of four digits first and second digit are same while third is zero and fourth is square of the first digits is 15 them what is the figure ?

  1. 1329
  2. 2302
  3. 3309
  4. 4379

Zahoor is 5 cm taller than Nasir , while Akram is 3 cm taller than Zahoor . If Nasim is 2 cm shorter than Nasir and having a height of 5 feet . What is the height of Akram?

  1. 2feet – 10cm
  2. 3feet – 10cm
  3. 4feet – 10cm
  4. 5feet – 10cm

Add the number which come in the middle of the series to the largest number and divide the total by the smallest number: 28 5 18 6 7__?

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 24
  4. 11

If a train is runing 4 mints lates and losing 4 seconds per minute how many more minute will it take for the train to running half an hour late?

  1. 183 Mint Running Fast
  2. 293 Mint Running Fast
  3. 369 Mint Running Fast
  4. 429 Mint Running Fast

A father’s age is twice his son’s age ten years ago he was thrice as his son find their present ages?

  1. Son age 10 years & Father age 20 years
  2. Son age 30 years & Father age 60 years
  3. Son age 20 years & Father age 40 years
  4. Son age 40 years & Father age 80 years brings to you all Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation with answers pdf which are new and latest. These Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation  with answers pdf are never published on internet so far. For full information about all GAT / PPSC / FPSC / CSS / PMS latest jobs visit

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