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Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs Questions | GAT Test Preparation | Important Questions. However Today we will discuss about the important GAT / nts verbal reasoning mcqs with answers pdf from which Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test can be set up for the Subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test for the GAT upcoming paper on 12th September 2021.Similarly We have also set small verbal reasoning test pdf with answers for the Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation Mcqs. Moreover we have recorded all GAT Test related preparation videos and sessions for the subject of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.

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Verbal Reasoning Mcqs For GAT Test Preparation | GAT Test Preparation 2021

If rs.4500 can maintain a family of 5 persons for 30 days for how long will rs.6000 maintain family of 10 person or members?

  1. 10 days
  2. 20 days
  3. 30 days
  4. 40 days

A firm borrowed a certain sum at 165 simple interest in four years the interest paid by it amounted to rs.18,000 less than the sum borrowed What was the sum borrowed?

  1. Rs.50,000
  2. Rs.60,000
  3. Rs.70,000
  4. Rs.80,000

A businessman allows 25% discount on his advertised price and makes a profit of 20% what is the advertised price of the machine of which his cost is rs.15,000 ?

  1. Rs.14,000
  2. Rs.24,000
  3. Rs.34,000
  4. Rs.44,000

A computer is marked up 50% and then marked down by 30% if the final price is rs.33600,the cost price is ?

  1. Rs.32,000
  2. Rs.33,000
  3. Rs.34,000
  4. Rs.35,000

A person bought 2 cows at the same price he sold one of them at profit of 10% and for the other he received rs.500 more than he received for the first by his bargain he got 12.5% on the whole.What did each cow cost to him?

  1. Rs.9,000
  2. Rs.10,000
  3. Rs.11,000
  4. Rs.12,000

A rectangle is three times as long as wide the parameter (sum of all sides) is 160cm Find its area?

  1. 1200 Cm
  2. 1300 Cm
  3. 1400 Cm
  4. 1500 Cm

A man invested money in 15% bonds at rs.105 per bond after paying 10% with holding tax his income was rs.13,500. What sum was invested by him ?

  1. 104,000
  2. 105,000
  3. 106,000
  4. 107,000

An artical when sold at a profit of 7.5% yields rs.150 more, when it is sold at a loss of 12.5% Find the cost price of the artical ?

  1. Rs.450
  2. Rs.550
  3. Rs.650
  4. Rs.750

A man’s net income after paying income tax a rate of 10 percent is rs.108,00.What will be his net income when tax is 15% on the original ?

  1. Rs.102,000
  2. Rs.103,000
  3. Rs.104,000
  4. Rs.105,000

A train starts full of passengers at the first station it drops one fifth of them and take in 50 more at the next station it drops one third of the new total and taken in 50 more on reaching the third station there were found to be 350 left find the starting number of passengers?

  1. 200
  2. 300
  3. 400
  4. 500

The product of two number is 40 if the sum of both number is 13 then what is their difference?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

If a father’s ago was three times to his son’s ago after 20 years it became two times of his son age What is the age of son now?

  1. 20 years
  2. 30 years
  3. 40 years
  4. 50 years

A man sold two houses for rs.792,000 each one he gained 10% and on the other he lost 10% find also the percent loss or gain?

  1. Loss Rs.14000,1%
  2. Loss Rs.16000,1%
  3. Loss Rs.18000,1%
  4. Loss Rs.20000,1%

The cost price of a product is rs.4000 and the seller attains 20% profit on sale what is the profit which the seller gains?

  1. Rs.1000
  2. Rs.2000
  3. Rs.3000
  4. Rs.4000

A camp has food for its 40 members only 3 days if members go back how much long they can use the food?

  1. 2 days
  2. 3 days
  3. 4 days
  4. 5 days

If three men or five women or ten children can do a piece of work in 90 days in what time two men 10 women and 30 children do the same job?

  1. 15.88 days
  2. 16.44 days
  3. 17.72 days
  4. 18.94 days

There are two figures the sum of both figures is 99 if the first is 9 short of second what is the second figure?

  1. 34
  2. 44
  3. 54
  4. 64

How to Prepare Verbal Reasoning Mcqs

If you want to get command on these Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation then you should attempt all verbal reasoning practice tests with answers which we have prepared for you people and placed below. Moreover MCQ’ is the only platform which is providing free verbal reasoning test with answers pdf from Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation.


  1. BAT
  2. TAB
  3. CAT
  4. NAT

A saller receives rs.6120 of an article allowing 10% trade discount and 15% cash discount what is the printed value of the article?

  1. Rs.6000
  2. Rs.7000
  3. Rs.8000
  4. Rs.9000

A man can run 20 miles in one hour and forty minutes in which time it in covers a mile?

  1. 2mint
  2. 3mint
  3. 4mint
  4. 5mint

King is to queen as prince is to________________

  1. Girls
  2. Princess
  3. Women
  4. None

A father is four times old as his son now . After 24 years he will be twice to his son what is the age of father now?

  1. 28 years
  2. 38 years
  3. 48 years
  4. 58 years

The cost price of books is rs. 180 the first book is rs. 10 cheaper than the second what is the cost price of first book?

  1. Rs.80
  2. Rs.85
  3. Rs.90
  4. Rs.95

The selling price of a radio set costs rs.1950 and the markup is 40% on cost What is the amount of profit per set?

  1. Rs.480
  2. Rs.580
  3. Rs.680
  4. Rs.780

In a college there are 14 and 7 boy in chemistry 10 girls and 18 boys in mathematics and 15 girls and 20 boys in physics departments How much students are there in the college?

  1. 84
  2. 85
  3. 86
  4. 87

Out of the 80,000 seats in a cricket stadium 12.2% seats were occupied by vip’s and 39040 seats by general public What percentage of seats remained unoccupied?

  1. 29%
  2. 39%
  3. 49%
  4. 59%

A clock strikes 14 times in 28 seconds what time is required to strike 5 times by the clock?

  1. 10 seconds
  2. 20 seconds
  3. 30 seconds
  4. 40 seconds

Before three years Sajid invested some amount in a bank and now he receives rs.14,160 what was the original amount which he invested if the rate of interest was 6% (simple interest)?

  1. Rs.11,000
  2. Rs.12,000
  3. Rs.13,000
  4. Rs.14,000

When the price of a t.v set was increased by 30% the number of t.v sets sold decreased by 20% what was the effect on sales?

  1. 4% Increase
  2. 5% Increase
  3. 6% Increase
  4. 7% Increase

If ‘x’ is 90% of ‘y’ then what percent of ‘x’ is ‘y’?

  1. 111.10
  2. 111.11
  3. 111.12
  4. 111.13

If 50 male employees are there in an organization and the ratio of male to female employees is 10:15 What percentage of the organization is a male employee?

  1. 10%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 40%

A room is 20 feet long 16 feet broad and 12 feet high How many yards of paper 2 feet wide will be required to cover its walla ? Find also the cost of this paper at the rate of rs.5 per yard ?     (3feet = 1 yard)

  1. 144 yards ,rs. 720
  2. 244 yards ,rs. 720
  3. 344 yards ,rs. 720
  4. 444 yards ,rs. 720

If the sum of two number is 30 and their difference is 8. What is their product?

  1. 209
  2. 210
  3. 211
  4. 212

Choose the best option that expresses the meaning of the word “Obloquy”

  1. Sermon
  2. Opprobrium
  3. Fetid
  4. Obsession

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


  1. Obstinate
  2. Handsome
  3. Clever
  4. Stout

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


  1. Soldier
  2. Sailor
  3. Pirate
  4. Spy

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


  1. Far
  2. Removed
  3. Reserved
  4. Separate

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


  1. Horse : farm
  2. Squirrel : tree
  3. Beaver : dam
  4. Cat : kitchen

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


  1. Spectator : cricket
  2. Deer : farm
  3. Professor : college
  4. Criminal : jail

Choose the appropriate word for “A critical judge for any art and craft”:

  1. Referee
  2. Arbitrator
  3. Connoisseur
  4. Magistrate

Choose the appropriate word for: “One who is not sure about God’s existence”:

  1. Agnostic
  2. Ascetic
  3. Bohemian
  4. Arbitrator

Rose ____________ a beautiful flower

  1. Is
  2. An
  3. The
  4. A

Ali is older than Ahmad and Ahmad is younger than subhan than Ali is?

  1. Older than Javed.
  2. Just as old as javed.
  3. Younger than javed.
  4. Can not say what.

Airman is to Navy Sailor is to

  1. Shopkeeper
  2. Cobbler
  3. Air Force
  4. Army

If yesterday was Tuesday what day is after Tomorrow?

  1. Saturday
  2. Monday
  3. Thursday
  4. Friday

Complete the series:           2.63, 4.63, 6.36, ……

  1. 2.63
  2. 3.69
  3. 8.36
  4. 4.57

What is average of numbers from 1 to 1000?

  1. 490.6
  2. 500.5
  3. 764.3
  4. 49.576

Complete the series: 20.1, 40.2, 60.3,………

  1. 60.4
  2. 80.4
  3. 60.3
  4. 70.3

1/8 + 1/12 = ___?

  1. 5/24
  2. 4/12
  3. 3/24
  4. 1/12

The word, “mineral,” can be spelled leaving three letters found in the word?

  1. Account
  2. Mainmemor
  3. Parliament
  4. Information

If Raza start from point X and walk 5 miles towards the west, then turn right and walk 4 miles towards the north, then turn right again and walk 3 miles, then which direction Raza is going?

  1. West
  2. South
  3. West
  4. East

Ahmad started walking towards South after walking 15 metres he turned to the left and walked 15 metres. He again turned to his left and walked 15 metres. How far is he from his original position and in which direction he is now?

  1. 15 metres North
  2. 15 metres South
  3. 15 metres East
  4. None of these

What fraction of one year is two weeks?

  1. 11/437
  2. 14/365
  3. 12/432
  4. 19/362

Ali has 4 times as many books as Saad and 5 times as many as Jamal. If Javed has more than 43 books, what is the least number of books that Ali could have?

  1. 200
  2. 205
  3. 210
  4. 220

Choose the word that does not belong.

  1. Drum
  2. Hug
  3. Guitar
  4. Sticks

2,4,8, _ ,32, _

  1. 14, 54
  2. 16 , 64
  3. 12, 74
  4. 15, 81

Which One is Out of List?

  1. Eagle
  2. Room
  3. Parrot
  4. Dove

Sail is to Ship then fly is to _________?

  1. Car
  2. Jeep
  3. Aeroplane
  4. Cycle

What Will Come Next in Following Series? 20 25 23 28 26 31 29 34 32 ______?

  1. 33
  2. 35
  3. 38
  4. 41

Write Next Two Numbers in this Series? 5 , 3 , 6 , 4 , 7 , 5 , 8 , 6 , ____ , ____ ?

  1. 2 , 7
  2. 5 , 7
  3. 9 , 7
  4. 11,7

What Will Come Next in the Following Series? 17 34  68 136 ________?

  1. 272
  2. 298
  3. 304
  4. 416

Idiot is to clever as wag is to __________________?

  1. Clever
  2. Happy
  3. Dullard
  4. Deaf

What will come next? 32, 16,  8,  4 _________?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

What Will Come Next In Following List?

4 ,12, 36, 108, 324, ________?

  1. 606
  2. 712
  3. 824
  4. 972

GAT Test Preparation for all Subjects

All important subjects like non verbal reasoning test pdf with answers, analytical reasoning mcqs with answers pdf , Quantitative reasoning mcqs with answers pdf MCQ’s are shared in detail at this platform. This is the only platform for the NTS GAT Test Preparation in which we will try to figure out verbal reasoning test with answers pdf 11 plus , and all the important areas and important type of Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation questions that a candidate must be practiced and must know.

What Will Come Next in the Following Series?

E G X F X H J X I X K M X L X ________?

  1. C + E
  2. G + J
  3. N + P
  4. W + X

Which Word is From Out of List?

  1. Small
  2. Huge
  3. Square
  4. Big

Which Word is Out of List?

  1. Chair
  2. Desk
  3. Cat
  4. Table

If BOX is coded as CDPQYZ, How would you write COAT in Code ____________?


Which Word is Out of List?

  1. Day
  2. Week
  3. Long
  4. Month

If Sunday Dawned three Days before Yesterday what day will dawn two days after tomorrow?

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday

Spot Out the Stranger in the Following?

  1. Man
  2. Husband
  3. Singer
  4. Son

What Will Come Next in the Following Series? 10 50 250 1250 ________?

  1. 6250
  2. 7220
  3. 8253
  4. 9240

If Ali moves 20 metres in East direction and then turns to his left and then moves 15 metres and then he turns to his right and moves 25 metres. After this he turns to his right and moves 15 metres. Now how far is he from his starting point?

  1. 10 metre
  2. 25 metres
  3. 35 metres
  4. 45 metres

Heat is to Oven as Essence is to _________?

  1. Glitter
  2. Flower
  3. Volume
  4. Quality

Liquor is to Teetotaler as Meat is to _________?

  1. Shake
  2. Vegetarian
  3. Water
  4. Juice

My Mother is Sister of your Brother, What relation am i to you?

  1. Daughter
  2. Son
  3. Nephew
  4. Cousin

What Number Comes in this Series? 13 15 17 19 21 23 _______?

  1. 22
  2. 23
  3. 24
  4. 25

Free is to Imprison as Forgive is to _______________?

  1. Punishment
  2. Love
  3. Agreement
  4. Right

What is Next Number? 62 31 34 17 20 _________?

  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 12
  4. 14

Toe is to knee as Finger is to  __________________?

  1. Elbow
  2. Foot
  3. Shoulder
  4. Knee

What Will Comes Next in Following Series of Number? 10 20 30 40 50 60________?

  1. 60
  2. 70
  3. 80
  4. 90

Snake is to crawling as fish is to ________________?

  1. Flying
  2. Swimming
  3. Crawling
  4. Sleeping

If STEP is coded as 3165 then PETS is Coded as ______________________?

  1. 5613
  2. 6220
  3. 7253
  4. 8240

What will come Next in the Following Series ? 3 4 10 11 17 18  24__________ ?

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 28
  4. 30

Complete the words: D—nk– y? (Animal)

  1. O, E
  2. U ,C
  3. Y,U
  4. P,T

If pencils sell at 4 for 60 paisas how much will 2 1/2 dozen cost ?

  1. 2.50 Paisa
  2. 3.50 Paisa
  3. 4.50 Paisa
  4. 5.50 Paisa

In a thank there is 100 liter of water before starting the taps. If each tap fills 25 liters per hour and 5 tap continue to fill 4 hours and 4 taps for only 15 minutes each .during this filling 125 liter s are consumed. What is the position of water in tank now?

  1. 200 Liters
  2. 3600 Liters
  3. 500 Liters
  4. 730 Liters

One basket of oranges has one third again as many oranges as a second basket if the first basket has has 3 more oranges as a second basket,how many has the first basket?

  1. 4 Orange
  2. 7 Orange
  3. 10 Orange
  4. 12 Orange

If 5 is sutracted from30 what will be the square root of remaining?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 1

In a cricket_tennis ball tournament based on knock out system the winner of final match won six matches in whole tournament .How many teams took part in the tournament ?

  1. 34 Teams
  2. 44 Teams
  3. 54 Teams
  4. 64 Teams

In a group of 50 players 30% play hockey 80% play cricket Are there any who play both hockey and cricket?

  1. Yes
  2. No

There is a two digit figure in which one digit is exacity half the other. If the position of both fonts or digits is interchanged ,the resultant figure when added with the original figure sum to 99 . What is the original ?

  1. 36
  2. 47
  3. 59
  4. 62

There are eight balls arranged in such a way that one is the center while other from a circle a round the first How many lines have to draw in order to join each ball with both adjacent balls and also with the central balls? No line can interest the other line also?

  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 18

A swimmer can swim a distance of 36 kilometer in the direction of water current in the same time, which he requires to swim 36 kilometer in the opposite direction of water current in stream if in stil water swimmer has speed of 12 kilometer per hour more than the speed of that of water in stream then what is the speed of water?

  1. 1 km/h
  2. 3 km/h
  3. 5 km/h
  4. 7 km/h

Two trains are traveling in opposite directions one of these is 500 meter long having a speed of 120 km/h while other is 100 meter long having a speed of 60 km/h in what time do these crose each other ?

  1. 10 Seconds
  2. 20 Seconds
  3. 30 Seconds
  4. 40 Seconds

A watch lost two minutes per hour if on Monday 9 A.M the watch was exactly showing 9 A.M then what is the time on watch on Wednesday 9 A.M ?

  1. 7 A.M
  2. 8 A.M
  3. 9 A.M
  4. 10 A.M

There is a wooden block of two feets wide and there feets long. A carpenter required one minute to cut one right foot. How much time will be required to cut the block in equal blocks of one squarer feet ?

  1. 9 Minutes
  2. 5 Minutes
  3. 8 Minutes
  4. 7 Minutes

If a boy is 24 year younger than his father and after two year the sum of their will be 40. How old is the father?

  1. 10 Years
  2. 20 Years
  3. 30 Years
  4. 40 Years

What profit percent is made by selling an article at a certain price if by selling it at half of that price there would be a loss of 15% ?

  1. 60%
  2. 70%
  3. 80%
  4. 90%

Find the cost of white washing a room 40 feet long 30 feet wide and 20 feet high at rate of 50 paisas per square foot?

  1. Rs.2000
  2. Rs.3000
  3. Rs.4000
  4. Rs.5000

What sum of money invested at 12% simple interest will secure the same income as rs .25,000 can secure at 18% ?(simple interest):

  1. 29,000
  2. 37,000
  3. 73,000
  4. 10,700

A sells an to article to „b‟ at a profit of 20% „b‟ sells the same to „c‟ at the profit of 10% if C pays rs,6600 What did it cost to A?

  1. 2000
  2. 4500
  3. 5000
  4. 10,000

The costs of a pair of pants and shoes total Rs. 175/if the shoes cost Rs.25/more Than the pants, what is the cost of pants?

  1. Rs.54
  2. Rs.61
  3. Rs.75
  4. )Rs.88

A man walks a certain distance and rides back in three hours 45 mint. He could ride both ways in 21/ 2 hours. How long would he take to walk both ways?

  1. 5 Hours
  2. 3 Hours
  3. 8 Hours
  4. 9 Hours

In first wage plan ,one worker gets , 1000 rupees for a month doing 20 hours only , the management offered another plan to all its workers that normal rate of rupees 50 is to be given on 15 hours and then 20% extra commission is to be given on every extra hour of work done .if the same worker does the same work done if the same worker does the same work in 20 hours. What will he earn in the second wage plan ?

  1. Rs1153
  2. Rs1050
  3. Rs1550
  4. Rs1952

There are 29 teams in a cricket tournament. The main condition of contest is “knock _out” How many match will take place in the whole tournament?

  1. 22 Matches
  2. 24 Matches
  3. 26 Matches
  4. 28 Matches

There are three departments A, B and C department B produces two units from one unit of “A” while C produces two units from one of “B” A &B department sold half of their product to next department and half to outsiders then what is the total production of A department?

  1. 24,000 Units
  2. 26,000 Units
  3. 29,000 Units
  4. 34,000 Units

The cost price of 25 articles is equal to the selling price of 20 articles Find the price percent?

  1. 20%
  2. 25%
  3. 30%
  4. 35%

An arithmetic figure is comprising of two fonts. If we add both and square the digits and add 9 to it, the final figure is the same if we interchange the position of original figure What is the final figure? I.c Refix the final figure?

  1. 60
  2. 70
  3. 80
  4. 90

A man went to market with 24 taperecorders and rs.4000 in his pocket he sold 24 taperecorders and bought 4 televisions at rs.14,000 each .he then hand rs.8,000 .what sum did he get each taperecorder?

  1. 2500
  2. 3643
  3. 4832
  4. 5824

A watch lost one minute 18 seconds in 39 days. How many seconds did it lose per day?

  1. 7 Seconds
  2. 2 Seconds
  3. 5 Seconds
  4. 17 Seconds

A man bought 200 books .he sold 80 of them at a profit 15% and the remaining at a profit of 50% he realized rs.27200 in total .what was his cost of books?

  1. 20,000
  2. 30,000
  3. 40,000
  4. 50,000

A man employed a peon on the conditions that he would get rs.3000 and a watch after a month but after ten days he dismissed him and giving him only the watch, Find the value of watch?

  1. Rs1153
  2. Rs1050
  3. Rs1500
  4. Rs1952

The circumference of the fore wheel and hindwheel of a carriage are 10 feet and 12 feet respecityely After how much distance will the former make 100 revolutions more than the latter?

  1. 1000 Yards
  2. 2000 Yards
  3. 3000 Yards
  4. 4000 Yards

Is it possible and if then what is the number?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Two trains are moving in opposite directions at a speed of 50 and 70 km/hr Their lengths are 150m and 100m. The time required for their crossing each other is ?

  1. 1.5 Seconds
  2. 5.5 Seconds
  3. 7.5 Seconds
  4. 9.5 Seconds

Book shop sells its books it its customers on 40% discount if one third books are sold on 33% discount and the total cash received is rs.6222 then what was the original price of all books.?

  1. Rs.100,00
  2. Rs.115,00
  3. Rs.155,00
  4. Rs.195,02

Mr, Aslam is a chief accountant in a textile mills he spends one third of his salary on personal affairs, then gives half of remaining amount for the household purpose and finally he invested 75% of final remaining amount for emergency .if he has 1000 in head now , what is his total salary ?

  1. 11,000
  2. 10,400
  3. 13,000
  4. 12,000

The average age of a class of 50 students is 14.4 years ten of them leave there by diminishing the average of 14.2 years Find the average of those who leave?

  1. 15.2 Years
  2. 16.2 Years
  3. 17.2 Years
  4. 18.2 Years

A man spend 2500 per month for four months and runs into debts. He then reduces his expenses 1750 per month and just clears of his debts after eight months Find his income per month?

  1. 1000
  2. 2000
  3. 3000
  4. 4000

Saleem has three children the sum of weight of the two smallest children is 71 ponds, the sum of the two largest children is 96 pounds, and the sum of the weight of the smallest and the eldest is 87 pounds,What is the sum of the weight of all three children?

  1. 127 pounds
  2. 137 pounds
  3. 147 pounds
  4. 157 pounds

If the price of silk is reduced by 20% its consumption increased by 30% by what percent revenue increases or decreases?

  1. 2% increase
  2. 3% increase
  3. 4% increase
  4. 5% increase

If there are 27 teams in a tournament based on knock out system .the winner of the tournament would win matches?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

A man is going on his car at the of 40km/hr After thirty miles he rests for 10 minutes How long will it take for him to cover 150 km ?

  1. 2 hours 50 mint
  2. 2 hours 55 mint
  3. 3 hours 50 mint
  4. 3 hours 55 mint

The average age of a group of 10 students is 15 years When 5 more boys joined the group the average age rose by 1years The average age in years for a new students is ?

  1. 18 years
  2. 28 years
  3. 38 years
  4. 48 years

A man spends 15% of his money and after spending 60% of the remainder he has rs.4080. Find the money he had at the beginning?

  1. Rs.2000
  2. Rs.3000
  3. Rs.8000
  4. Rs.7000

There is an arithmetic word consisting of two fonts if we add both fonts and then square them the figure thus obtained is the same when we interchange the position of both fonts of original word What is the original word?

  1. 18
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. 21

What is the product of following multiplications 16% * 9% ?

  1. 1.42%
  2. 1.43%
  3. 1.44%
  4. 1.45%

A photocopier machine is marked up 50% and then later on marked down 30% if the final price is RS.3360 then what was the cost price of photocopier?

  1. Rs.3200
  2. Rs.3400
  3. Rs.3600
  4. Rs.3800

The speculator sells goods at a profit of 40% but his customers fail and only 75% of the amount due How much percent does the speculator gain or lose by his venture?

  1. 3% gain
  2. 4% gain
  3. 5% gain
  4. 6% gain

If rs.6000 maintains a family of 5 persons for thirty day’s for how long will rs.7200 maintain a family of 10 persons?

  1. 16 Days
  2. 18 Days
  3. 20 Days
  4. 22 Days

By selling a t.v set for rs.12,000 a dealer would loose 4% For what amount should he sell it to gain 20%?

  1. Rs.15,000
  2. Rs.16,000
  3. Rs.17,000
  4. Rs.18,000

A man donated 5% of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20% of the remainder un the bank if he now has 1919 left what is his income ?

  1. Rs.2225
  2. Rs.2325
  3. Rs.2425
  4. Rs.2525

The seventh part of a certain number exceeds its ninth part by four find the number ?

  1. 126
  2. 127
  3. 128
  4. 129

‘A ‘ & ‘B ‘ together can mow a field in 5 days if A ALONE CAN DO IT IN 15 DAYS then in how many days will B alone be able to mow the same field?

  1. 68/ 2 days
  2. 69/ 2 days
  3. 70/ 2 days
  4. 71/ 2 days

Man should build a wall in 12 days ,How many of them were removed if it took them 20 days to finish it?

  1. 6 Men
  2. 9 Men
  3. 12 Men
  4. 15 Men

A father’s age is three time the sum of the ages of his two children 20 years hence his age will be equal to the sum of their ages Find the father’s present?

  1. 22 years
  2. 29 years
  3. 30 years
  4. 34 years

There were 12 girls sitting in a merry go round one of them got down and was replaced by her mother thus the average weight increase by 11/ 2 kg if the weight oof the girls who got down was 45kg then find the weight of the mother ?

  1. 63kg
  2. 64kg
  3. 65kg
  4. 66kg

The average of 12test scores is 55. When the two highest and two lowest scorers are dropped the average of the remaining score has dropped the average of the remaining score is 50, the average of the score dropped is?

  1. 63
  2. 64
  3. 65
  4. 66

Five years ago father’s ago was seven times his son’s ago. Ten years hence their ago will be in the ratio of 5:2 Find their percentage ?

  1. 40*10
  2. 50*10
  3. 60*10
  4. 70*10

A sum of money lent at simole interest amount to rs.16,500 in 3 years and to rs. 19,500 is 5 years Find the sum lent ?

  1. Rs.10,000
  2. Rs.11,000
  3. Rs.12,000
  4. Rs.13,000

A man planted corn and oats the ratio of the number of acres of corns to the number of acres of oats is 3 to 5 he planted 225 acres of oats how many acres of cores of corn did he plant?

  1. 135
  2. 136
  3. 137
  4. 138

The face value of a 12% share is rs.100 a person invests rs.7875 in it at rs.105 per share Find his income in this bargain?

  1. Rs.300
  2. Rs.600
  3. Rs.900
  4. Rs.1000

A bankrupt can pay 56% of the amount due if his assets were rs.160,000 more he could pay 64% find his debt ?

  1. Rs.2,00,000
  2. Rs.3,00,000
  3. Rs.4,00,000
  4. Rs.5,00,000

Find the larger side of a rectangular whose area is 24 and whose parameter (sum of all four sides) is 22.?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8

In an examination a candidate must get 33% marks to pass A candidate who gets 220 marks fail by 11 marks what was the maximum marks in the examination?

  1. 700
  2. 800
  3. 900
  4. 1000

A loan of rs.15,000 is made at a simple interest rate of 12% the amount that borrower owes at the end of the ten month is ?

  1. Rs.12,500
  2. Rs.14,500
  3. Rs.16,500
  4. Rs.18,500

A man distributes his property worth rs.80,000 among his wife four sons and two daughters his wife received one fourth of the property the rest is distributed in a way that every son gets double of what one daughter receives Fine the shares of both the daughter’s?

  1. 12,000
  2. 13,000
  3. 14,000
  4. 15,000 brings to you all Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation with answers pdf which are new and latest. These Verbal reasoning mcqs for GAT Test Preparation  with answers pdf are never published on internet so far. For full information about all GAT / PPSC / FPSC / CSS / PMS latest jobs visit

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