PPSC Civilian Labor Jobs Test Preparation 2021 | PPSC Labor Jobs Past Paper 2

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PPSC Civilian Labour Officer Past Papers | PPSC Labour Officer Past Papers Pdf Download

PPSC Labour Officer Past Papers


Q NO 501: “Bronchitis is a disease related to:

A:  Stomach

B:  Respiratory tract

C:  Brain

D:  Nervous system

Q NO 502: The functioning of a loudspeaker depends upon its

A:  Size

B:  Shape

C:  Size and Shape

D:  None of them

Q NO 503: Who introduced “Price Control System” in India for the first time?

A:  Akbar the great

B:  Sher Shah Suri

C:  Aurangzeb Alamgir

D:  Alla-ud-din Khilji

Q NO 504: River “Rhine’ flows in:

A:  Russia

B:  Germany

C:  Thailand

D:  Romania

Q NO 505. “7 Habits of the Highly Effective People” was written by:

A:  Anthony Robbins

B: Dale Carnegie

C: Stephen Covey

D:  Napoleon Hill

Q NO 506: One Kilometer is equal to:

A:  1.0 meters

B:  10.000 meters

C:  500 meters

D:  1000 meters

Q NO 507: Before Damascus which city was the capital of Muslim Empire?

A:  Kofa

B:  Medina

C:  Baghdad

D:  Mecca

Q NO 508: “Bhat is the currency of:

A:  Thailand

B:  Mongolia

C:  Korea

D:  Chill

Q NO 509: Morocco is the Muslim country located in:

A:  Asia

B:  Europe

C: South America

D:  Africa

Q NO 510: The biggest planet in the Solar System is:

A:  Jupiter

B:  Earth

C:  Venus

D:  Neptune

Q NO 511: Which out of the following is not a land-locked country?

A:  Nepal

B:  Afghanistan

C:  Mongolia

D:  Lebanon

Q NO 512: Legendary Character ‘Sherlock Holmes’ was created by:

A:  Ian Fleming

B:  Agatha Christi

C:  Jane Austen

D: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Q NO 513: The smallest country in order of population is:

A:  San Marino

B:  Monaco

C:  Vatican City

D:  Palau

Q NO 514: “Rabi Crops” are sown in:

A:  October November

B:  April May

C:  March April

D: July/August

Q NO 515: Which is the most spoken language of Pakistan?

A:  Urdu

B:  Punjabi

C: Saraiki

D:  Pashto

Q NO 516: Boundary line between China and India is known as:

A:  McMohan Line

B:  Red Cliff Line

C:  Durand Line

D:  Control Line

Q NO 517: Islamabad is part of which province?

A:  Punjab

B:  Sindh


D: None of these

Q NO 518: Russia withdrew from Afghanistan under the:

A:  Moscow Agreement

B: Islamabad Treaty

C:  Geneva Accord

D:  Kabul Pact

Q NO 519: “Long Walk to Freedom” is the autobiography

A:  Hasan Rohani

B:  Ahmed Mursi

C:  Angela Merkel

D:  Nelson Mandella

Q NO 520: Zabur” (Psalms) was revealed upon:

A:  Hazrat Dawood

B:  Hazrat Ibrahim

C:  Hazratishag

D:  Hazrat Ismael

Q NO 521: General Abdul Fateh-al-Sisiis:

A:  Prime Minister of Sudan

B:  A hero of Algerian War of Independence

C:  A central Character of Syrian Civil War

D:  President of Egypt

Q NO 522: Per Capita water availability in Pakistan is:

A:  decreasing

B: constant

C:  increasing

D:  fluctuating

Q NO 523: ‘SAVAK was the secret agency of

A:  Egypt

B:  Turkey

C:  Iran

D: Iraq
Q NO 524: The capital of Cyprus’ is:

A:  Alexandria

B:  Famagusta

C: Nicosia

D:  Limassal

Q NO 525: Where is Gomal University located?

A:  Dera Ghazi Khan

B:  Kohal

C:  Dera Ismael Khan

D: Sibi

Q NO 526: “Buckingham Palace” is the residence of the

A:  Pope

B:  King of Jordan

C:  Secretary General of UNO

D:  Queen of England

Q NO 527: Netherlands is the new name of:

A:  England

B:  Holland

C:  New Zealand

D:  Ireland

Q NO 528: Out of the following literary figures, who represented Pakistan in the UNO?

A:  Faiz Ahmed Faiz

B: Mustafa Zaidi

C:  Altaf Gauhar

D:  Patras Bukhari

Q NO 529: The headquarters of European Union is at:

A:  Brussels

B:  Vienna

C:  Madrid

D:  Paris

Q NO 530: Which of the following items is a source of Proteins?

A:  Sugar

B:  Butter

C: Meat

D:  All of these

Q NO 531. Which book out of the following has been written by Mr. Z.A.Bhutto?

A:  Betrayal of East Pakistan

B:  Witness to Surrender

C:  What was once East Pakistan

D:  The Great Tragedy

Q NO 532: ‘Theory of Evolution was presented by

A:  Simon Bpliver

B:  Charles Darwins

C:  Werner Heisenbarg

D:  Euclid

Q NO 533: The first general elections in Pakistan were held in:

A:  1977

B:  1956

C: 1962

D: 1970

Q NO 534: Who developed Computer Operating System “Window”?

A:  Steve Jobs

B: Bill Gates

C:  Warren Buffet

D:  Carlos Slim

Q NO535: The Roman numeral “XVI’ means:

A:  25 

B:  35

C: 15

D:  16

Q NO 536: The capital of Chile is:

A:  Santiago

B:  Tian Jin

C: N’djamena

D: Yaoundé

Q NO 537: “The Sole Spokesman” was authored by:

A:  Ayesha Jalal

B:  G. Ailana

C:  Hector Bolitho

D:  Fatimah Jinnah

Q NO 538: White flag is known as a symbol for:

A:  War

B:  Prosperity

C:  Peace

D:  Surrender

Q NO 539: “Al-Taqseem Square” is situated in

A:  Istanbul

B:  Cairo

C:  Baghdad

D:  Kabul

Q NO 540: Which out of the following countries is not a member of SAARC?

A:  Nepal

B:  Maldives

C: Bhutan

D:  Burma

Q NO 541: The National Assembly of Pakistan consists of how many members?

A:  274

B:  342

C:  291

D:  311

Q NO 542: Who was the last Governor General of Pakistan?

A:  Ghulam Mohammad

B:  Iskander Mirza

C:  KhawajaNazim-ud-din

D: Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Q NO 543: Out of the following, who has not been Foreign Minister of Pakistan?

A:  Chaudhry Muhammad Ali

B:  Aziz Ahmed

C:  Man Arshad Hussain

D: Muhammad Ali Bagra

Q NO 544: Pakistan’s area is:

A:  689000 sq. k.m

B:  534000 sq. k.m

C: 881889 sq. km

D:  935801 sq. km

Q NO 545: The 1965-indo-Pak War continued for:

A:  19 days

B:  17 days

C:  12 days

D:  10 days

Q NO 546: Who was the only Vice-President in the history of Pakistan?

A:  Ghulam Muhammad

B: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

C:  Ghulamishaque Khan

D:  Nur-ul-Amin

Q NO 547: Which city out of the following has the highest mean annual rainfall?

A:  Murree

B:  Chitral

C: Parachinar

D:  Lasbella

Q No 548: “Indus Water Basin Treaty was signed between Pakistan and India in:

A:  1948

B:  1956

C: 1960

D: 1961

Q NO 549: “Chashma Barrage” is constructed on which

A:  Indus

B:  Chenab

C: Ravi

D:  Jhelum

Q NO 550: Pakistan’s share in global exports is:

A:  0.18%

B:  0.3%

C: 11%

D:  12%

Q NO 551: The number of Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Holy Quran is:

A:  10

B:  25

C:  35

D:  45

Q NO 552: The name of the first Kalima is:

A:  Kalima Tayyabah

B: Kalima Shahdat

C: Kalima Tamjeed

D:  None of these

Q NO 553: The largest number of “Ahadith” was reported

A:  Syeda Ayesha Siddiquea (RA:

B: Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA:

C: Hazrat Ali (RA:

D:  HazratAns bin Malik

Q NO 554: Who translated the Holy Quran to Persian for the first time?

A:  Shah Rafi-ud-Din

B:  Shah Wall Ullah

C: Khalid bin Waleed

D:  Mujadid All Sani

Q NO 555: On which of the following occasions, the Muslims offer “Namaz-e-Kasuf?

A:  For the sake of rain

B:  At the time of eclipse of sun

C: At the time of eclipse of moon

D:  At the time of drought

Q NO 556. The only “Surah” of the Holy Quran which is not started with “Bismillah” is:

A:  Surah Al-Ahzab

B: Surah Al-Taubah

C: Surah Al-Jinn

D:  None of these

Q NO 557: What do you understand by “Al-Fay?

A:  Lands cultivated by Muslims

B:  Lands conquered by Muslims which became the property of the Islamic state

C:  Lands located in a Muslim state but cultivated by non-Muslims

D:  The uncultivated land of the Islamic state

Q NO 558: of a number subtracted from got the number gives 12. The number is.

A:  144

B:  120

C: 72

D:  63

Q NO 559: What is the sum of all prime numbers from 60 to 80?

A:  361

B:  341

C:  351

D:  349

Q NO 560: 5005-5000-10.00 -7

A:  0.5

B:  50

C:  5000

D:  4505

Q NO 561: Which of the following fractions is less than  and greater than?





Q NO 562: Find Square root of the 6492304:

A:  2384

B:  2484

C:  2548

D:  2684

Q NO 563: is equal to:

A:  14

B:  15

C:  18

D:  24

Q NO 564: Which of the following ratios is the largest?

A:  7:15

B:  15 23

C: 17:25

D: 21:29

Q NO 565:_____________if a number is increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%, the final value of the number:

A:  doesn’t change

B:  decreases by 4%

C:  Increases by 2%

D:  Increases by 4%

Q NO 566: If 70% of students in a school are boys and the number of girls is 504, the number of boys

A:  1680

B:  1176

C: 1276

D: None of these

Q NO 567: If 4x + 13-7-2X, what is the value of X?


B:  -3

C:  -1

D:  1

Q NO 568: Which word out of the following is nearest in meaning to ‘paucity?

A:  Flattery

B:  Scarcity

C:  Hilarity

D: Embezzlement

Q NO 569: “Carnivore means:

A:  a heart throb

B:  a regular movie watcher

C: an cater of flesh

D:  a wide-travelled person

Q NO 570: Terrorism will in the course of time.

A:  die

B:  die down

C:  die away

D: die off

Q NO 571: Which out of the following alternatives best “expresses the meaning of impediment?

A:  Obstacle

B:  Opposition

C:  Shameful

D: Masterpiece

Q NO 572: Which one is correctly spelt; out of the following?

A:  Curiousity

B:  Curioucity

C:  Curiocity

D:  Curiosity

Q NO 573: Select the word that is opposite in meaning to *Stimulus”:

A:  Deterrent

B:  Provision

C:  Instigation

D:  Romance

Q NO 574: Which word out of the following is similar in meaning to “Nefarious”?

A:  Faulty

B:  Idiotic

C:  Evil

D: Afraid

Q NO 575: Which option conveys the correct meaning of this sentence: ‘This medicine can be used even by Children’s.

A:  Only Children can use this medicine

B:  Adults cannot use this medicine

C:  Everybody can use this medicine

D:  Both children and adults can use this medicine
Q NO 576: A “multinational means:

A:  A company operating in several countries

B:  A company having shareholders from more than one country

C:  A company which does charitable work in poor countries

D:  A company that operates only in those countries that do not have import restrictions

Q NO 577: “Stalemate” is:

A:  Noun

B:  Verb

C:  Both

D:  None of these

Q NO 578: Which convention of ILO deals with the subject of Home Based Workers (HBWS)?

A:  177

B:  199

C:  155

D:  191

Q NO 579: In Punjab, two Labour Appellate Tribunals are established at:

A:  Faisalabad and Sialkot

B:  Lahore and Multan

C:  Lahore and Faisalabad

D:  Lahore and Rawalpindi

Q NO 580: In extra-ordinary circumstances, an employee is bound to inform his employer regarding his absence (to obtain casual leave) within:

A:  a week

B:  3 days

C:  a month

D: 5 days

Q NO 581: Which Article of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan prohibits al forms of forced labour?

A:  07

B:  11

C: 21

D:  73

Q NO 582: The Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 extends to the

A:  notified industrial areas

B:  registered industrial units

C:  whole of the Punjab

D:  None of these

Q NO 583: A strike declared, commenced or continued other than is accordance with the provisions of the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 is

A:  Unauthorized strike

B:  Unfair strike

C: Informal strike

D: illegal strike

Q NO 584: Minimum, how many workers of an establishment are required to form a Union under the law?

A:  10

B:  100

C:  80

D:  50

Q NO 585: To which officer the application for establishing a union is submitted as per law?


B:  Secretary Labour

C: Commissioner

D:  Registrar

Q NO 586: A learner who is paid an allowance during the period of training is termed as: an

A:  Probationer

B:  Trainee

C:  Apprentice

D:  Student

Q NO 587: The time during which the workers employed are at the disposal of employer excluding any interval allowed for rest and meals is called:

A:  Duty hours

B:  Productive hours

C: Work hours

D:  Hours of work

سوال588: میرا جی کا تعلق اردو ادب کی کس تحریک سے تھا ؟

 ترقی پسند تحریک:A

رومانوی تحریک:B

حلقہ ارباب ذوق:C

دار المعنقین:D

سوال589: “آواز دوست “کس کی تصنیف ہے ؟

عبدالحلیم شرر :A

انتظار حسین:B

اشفاق احمد:C

    مختار مسعود😀

سوال590: علامہ اقبال کا کون سا شعری مجموعہ ہے جس میں اردو اور فارسی دونوں زبانوں کا کلام موجود ہے ؟

بانگ درا:A

ارمغان حجاز :B

پیام مشرق:C

ضرب کلیم 😀

سوال591۔شام شہر یاراںکس کا مجموعہ کلام ہے؟

احمد سلام:A

ناصر کاظمی:B

فیض احمد فیض:C

مصطفی زیدی:D

۔ سوال592:”طلوع اسلامکس کی نظم ہے



حفیظ جالندھری:C


سوال593:مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کون سا ناول جمیلہ ہاشمی کا تحریر کردہ ہے ۔

تیری لکیر:A

دستک نہ دہ:B

دشت سوس:C

زمین 😀

سوال594: علامہ اقبال کے پہلے مجموعہ کلام بانگ درا کا مقدمہ کس نے لکھا ہے

سرسید احمد خان :A

پروفیسر آرنلڈ :B

علامہ میر حسن:C

شیخ عبدالقادر 😀

 سوال595: “گڈریاکس ادیب کا مشہور ترین افسانہ ہے ؟

سعادت حسن منٹو :A

احمد ندیم قاسمی  :B

اشفاق احمد :C

کرش چندر 😀

سوال596: “چاچا چھکنکا کردار کس ادیب کی تخلیق ہے ؟

سجاد حیدر یلدرم :A

امتیاز علی تاج:B

 چراغ حسن حسرت :C

ڈپٹی نذیر احمد 😀

سوال597: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کونسا محاورہ غلط ہے ؟

پیالوں میں دال بٹنا :A

بازار گرم ہونا :B

بھیگی بلی بننا:C

جان کے لالے پڑنا 😀

سوال598: “حقہ پانی بند کرناکے کیا معنی ہیں ۔

کسی کا دشمن وہ جلنا :A

شہر کو چھوڑ کر چلے جانا:B

بائیکاٹ کر دینا:C

کھانا نہ دینا 😀

سوال599:مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کون سا مجموعہ کلام ساحر لدھیانوی کا ہے ؟

درد آشوب:A

صد برگ:B

تلخیاں :C


سوال600: ردو ہندی تنازعہ کے سال شروع ہوا؟



