PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector 2021 Jobs | 55 Seats announced in PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector Advertisement 2021

Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC has recently announced 55 PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector 2021 jobs/Posts 2021 in Punjab Excise and Taxation Department its ppsc excise and taxation inspector advertisement 2021. Punjab Excise and Taxation Department is going to recruit 55 Excise Inspectors BPS-16 through Punjab Public Service Commission. Excise and Taxation Inspector Salary in Pakistan is almost 45000 pkr. Moreover PPSC announced the advertisement of these 55 Seats of Excise Inspector and The Distribution of Seats in all Regions . However Salary of Excise and Taxation Inspector (bps-16) is quit low but Excise Inspector Powers are high however Excise Inspector work is to manage and inspect the tax/businessman and other institutions. Moreover FPSC Inspector Inland Revenue Jobs 2021 are also announced by Federal Public Service commission and the recruitment of STI will also going to be held.

PPSC Excise Inspector Past Papers PDF


A second class

i) Bachelors Degree from a recognized University;
ii) Having a required experince according to the terms and policy of Federal Public Service Commission

is required occasion for the Post of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 in Punjab Police Department .

However Punjab Public Service Commission ( PPSC ) will be the appointing Authority for the Jobs / post of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 in Punjab Police Department . Moreover Pkr 45000 is the estimated PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Salary in Pakistan.

Applicant can submit fees Card / Challan for the post of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 in any branch of National Bank and then apply online for the post PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 through Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC Official Website .

How to apply for PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Online

PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In Punjab Excise and Taxation Department Description

Government of Punjab POLICE DEPARTMENT announced more then 50 jobs almost 55 PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In PUNJAB Excise and Taxation Department through Upcoming PPSC Jobs Advertisement 2021 In All over Punjab and its all subordinate Districts..

PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In PUNJAB Excise and Texation DEPARTMENT 2021

PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16  (Jobs Description)Government Job
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16  (Jobs Pay Scale )BPS 16
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 (Jobs Salary )45000 -pkr
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16  (Jobs Type)Permanent / Good
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16  (Jobs Place)Anywhere in Punjab
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16  (Jobs Appointing Authority )Punjab Public Service Commission
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Advertisement (Jobs Application )Click to View Upcoming Advertisement
STI Jobs in Punjab  2021Announced
School Teacher Internee Jobs in Gujranwala  2021Announced
Punjab Government Educators Jobs on Contract Announced in various Districts & Tehsils of Punjab
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 online applyOnly Online apply / How to Apply Online on PPSC and submit Online application
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 qualification in Pakistani) Bachelors / 14 Years of Education from a recognized University;
ii) Having a required experince according to the terms and policy of Punjab Public Service Commission
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In Punjab Police Department 2021

Minimum Qualification for PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16


i) B.A / Graduation Degree from a recognized University;
ii) Having a required experince according to the terms and policy of Punjab Public Service Commission


Age for PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT 2021


21 to 28 + 5 = 35 years

21 to 30 + 8 = 38 years

Age and sex of the
transgender will be
based on the contents
of their CNIC

PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In Punjab Police Department 2021 Application Submission Fees

600 Rupees

PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs In Punjab Police Department 2021 | Open Merit Posts

55 posts on open Merit

Total 55 posts of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector BS-16 Jobs

Lahore Region A = 12
Lahore Region B = 01

Faisalabad = 6

Multan = 03

Rawalpindi = 04

Sahiwal = 01

Bahawalpur= 07

Sargodha = 05

Gujranwala = 09