PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | Annual Days/ Weeks

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Annual Days/Weeks | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers

Annual Days/Weeks

Annual Days/Weeks

Q No: 1 February 5 is observed annually as

  1. Black day
  2. Mastry’s day
  3. Accession day
  4. Kashmir solidarity day

Q No: 2 Kashmir black day is observed on

  1. Feb 5
  2. July 13
  3. October 24
  4. October 27

Q No: 3 Valentine’s day is a special day for lovers, celebrated on

  1. 26th March
  2. 14th Feb
  3. 16th April
  4. 23rd April

Q No: 4 International women day is

  1. 8th March
  2. 9th April
  3. 25th January
  4. 16th March

Q No: 5 Labor day is observed on

  1. 1st April
  2. 1st May
  3. 1st April
  4. 1st November

Q No: 6 International literacy day is celebrated on

  1. 4th August
  2. 8th September
  3. 15th September
  4. 21st September

Q No: 7 World No tobacco day is observed on

  1. 15th May
  2. 25th May
  3. 10th May
  4. 31st May

Q No: 8 Earth day is observed on

  1. 22nd April
  2. 10th April
  3. 1st April
  4. 15th April

Q No: 9 7th April is the day of

  1. Peace day
  2. Human Right day
  3. World health day
  4. Water day

Q No: 10 International day of First Aid is observed on

  1. 14th September
  2. 3rd December
  3. 23rd December
  4. 15th December

Q No: 11 Which day is observed as the world day for water?

  1. 15th March
  2. 20th March
  3. 18th March
  4. 22nd March

Q No: 12 World press freedom day is observed on

  1. 3rd May
  2. 13th May
  3. 15th May
  4. 18th May

Q No: 13 World environmental day is observed on

  1. 15th June
  2. 5th June
  3. 25th June
  4. 13th June

Q No: 14 11th July is observed as

  1. World maritime day
  2. World population day
  3. Universal children day
  4. World No tobacco day

Q No: 15 Pakistan day is celebrated on

  1. 14th August
  2. 23rd March
  3. 6th September
  4. 28th May

Q No: 16 International day of seas is observed on

  1. 13 December
  2. 15 December
  3. 17 December
  4. 19 December

Q No: 17 Common wealth day is observed on

  1. 15th May
  2. 10th May
  3. 24th May
  4. 18th May

Q No: 18 World food day is observed on

  1. 5th October
  2. 10th October
  3. 8th October
  4. 16th October

Q No: 19 World meteorological day is observed on

  1. 23rd March
  2. 15th March
  3. 18th March
  4. 5th March

Q No: 20 29th December is observed as

  1. International women’s day
  2. World telecommunication day
  3. International day for biological diversity
  4. Human right day

Q No: 21 World AIDs day is observed on

  1. 15th December
  2. 21st December
  3. 25th December
  4. 1st December

Q No: 22 UNO day is observed on

  1. 15th October
  2. 24th October
  3. 21st October
  4. 5th October

Q No: 23 World environmental day falls on

  1. June 5
  2. Nov 14
  3. Oct 2
  4. Nov 19

Q No: 24 February will have 30 days after?

  1. 100 Years
  2. 200 years
  3. 300 years
  4. 400 years

Q No: 25 World Postal day is observed on

  1. 9th October
  2. 18th September
  3. 25th December
  4. 1st June

Q No: 26 Friendship day is observed on

  1. 6 May
  2. 6 August
  3. 17 May
  4. 19 May

Q No: 27 World disabled day is observed on

  1. 1st December
  2. 3rd December
  3. 5th December
  4. 13th October

Q No: 28 Road safety day is observed on

  1. 1 June
  2. 2 June
  3. 3 June
  4. 4 June

Q No: 29 International tourism day is observed on

  1. 23 September
  2. 25 September
  3. 27 September
  4. 29 September

Q No: 30 International day for heart is observed on

  1. 30th September
  2. 25th November
  3. 28th November
  4. 16th December

Q No: 31 8th March is observed as

  1. Women day
  2. Children day
  3. Teachers day
  4. None of these

Q No: 32 International Anti corruption day is observed on

  1. 6th December
  2. 8th December
  3. 5th December
  4. 9th December

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