PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | COUNTRIES OLD & NEW NAMES

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COUNTRIES OLD & NEW NAMES | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers


Countries Old and New Names

Q No: 1 Cambodia was earlier known as _________.

  1. Mauritania
  2. Persia
  3. Kampuchea
  4. None of these

Q No: 2 Rhodesia’s new name is _________.

  1. Zaire
  2. Zimbabwe
  3. Tanzania
  4. Swaziland

Q No: 3 Belize was formerly known as _________.

  1. British Hondoras
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Aksai Chin
  4. Malvinas

Q No: 4 Abyssinia is the old name of which of the following countries?

  1. Malaya
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Rhodesia
  4. Ceylon

Q No: 5 Which of the following is the old name of Ankara?

  1. Ottawa
  2. Angora
  3. Avon
  4. Elbe

Q No: 6 Indonesia is the new name of _________.

  1. Batavia
  2. Istanbul
  3. Bechaunaland
  4. Basutoland

Q No: 7 Constantinople is the old name of _________.

  1. Surinam
  2. Leopoldville
  3. Istanbul
  4. Dahomey

Q No: 8 Botswana is the new name of __________.

  1. Basutoland
  2. Burma
  3. Madagascar
  4. Bechaunaland

Q No: 9 Myanmar is the new name of _________.

  1. Burma
  2. Ceylon
  3. Congo
  4. Formosa

Q No: 10 New name of British Guiana is _________.

  1. Tuvalu
  2. Greenland
  3. Guyana
  4. Gold Coast

Q No: 11 Lykomoma is the old name of _________.

  1. Colombo
  2. Kendy
  3. Kotte
  4. Seoul

Q No: 12 Sri Lanka is the new name of _________.

  1. Malaya
  2. Dahomey
  3. Malawi
  4. Ceylon

Q No: 13 The old name of Norway is _________.

  1. Christina
  2. Ellice Islands
  3. Benin
  4. Formosa

Q No: 14 Congo is the old name of _________.

  1. Botswana
  2. Guyana
  3. Zaire
  4. Harare

Q No: 15 Suriname is the new name of _________.

  1. Congo
  2. Dutch Guyana
  3. Dutch East Indies
  4. Burma

Q No: 16 Kalaolit Nunaat is the new name of _________.

  1. Greenland
  2. Tamil Nado
  3. Nyasaland
  4. Saigon

Q No: 17 Loro Sae is the new name of _________.

  1. Dajla
  2. Dahomey
  3. Guinea Bissau
  4. East Timor

Q No: 18 Formosa is the old name of _________.

  1. Cambodia
  2. Rhodesia
  3. Taiwan
  4. Bangkok

Q No: 19 Ghana is the new name of _________.

  1. Guyana
  2. New Guinea
  3. Gold Coast
  4. Asia Minor

Q No: 20 Netherlands is the new name of _________.

  1. New Hebrides
  2. Lesotho
  3. Nyasaland
  4. Holland

Q No: 21 New name of Nippon is

  1. Japan
  2. Bangkok
  3. Singapore
  4. Saigon

Q No: 22 Kinshasa is the new name of _________.

  1. Malaya
  2. Leopoldville
  3. Rhodesia
  4. None of these

Q No: 23 Malagasy is the new name of __________.

  1. Madagascar
  2. Petrogral
  3. Zaire
  4. Cape Canaveral

Q No: 24 Malaysia is the new name of _________.

  1. Zaire
  2. Malaya
  3. Cune
  4. Abuja

Q No: 25 Manchukno is the old name of _________.

  1. Malawi
  2. Manchuria
  3. Malagasy
  4. None of them

Q No: 26 Iraq is the new name of __________.

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Constantinople
  3. Angora
  4. None of them

Q No: 27 Zambia is the new name of _________.

  1. Congo
  2. Northern Rhodesia
  3. Hispania
  4. Euphra

Q No: 28 Nyasaland is the old name of _________.

  1. New Hebrides
  2. Tripoli
  3. Malawi
  4. None of them

Q No: 29 Leningrad is the new name of _________.

  1. Stalingrad
  2. Volgograd
  3. Salisbury
  4. Petrograd

Q No: 30 Beijing is the new name of _________.

  1. Taiwan
  2. Formosa
  3. Peking
  4. None of them

Q No: 31 Hispaniola is alternative name of __________.

  1. Iran
  2. Cuba
  3. Fiji
  4. Haiti

Q No: 32 Ho Chi Minh City is the new name of _________.

  1. Petrograd
  2. Saigon
  3. Laos
  4. None of them

Q No: 33 Salisbury is the old name of

  1. New Hebrides
  2. Siam
  3. Harare
  4. None of them

Q No: 34 Hawaiian Island is the new name of _________.

  1. Guyana
  2. Sandwich Islands
  3. Tanganika
  4. None of them

Q No: 35 Thailand is the new name of _________.

  1. Ceylon
  2. Siam
  3. Bangkok
  4. None of them

Q No: 36 Namibia is the new name of _________.

  1. South west Africa
  2. South East Africa
  3. Zanzibar
  4. None of them

Q No: 37 Volgograd is the new name of _________.

  1. Leningrad
  2. Petrograd
  3. Stalingrad
  4. None of them

Q No: 38 Tanzania is the new name of __________.

  1. Zanzibar
  2. Congo
  3. Nyasaland
  4. None of them

Q No: 39 Old name of Faisalabad is __________.

  1. Lyallpur
  2. Montgomery
  3. None of them

Q No: 40 The old name of Libya is

  1. Trablus
  2. Tripoli
  3. United Arab
  4. Undlas

Q No: 41 New name of Persia is ________.

  1. Iran
  2. Baghdad
  3. Turkey
  4. Iraq

Q No: 42 Wien is the old name of

  1. Austria
  2. Venus
  3. Luxemburg
  4. Vienna

Q No: 43 What is the new name of Bombay?

  1. Mumbai
  2. Delhi
  3. Bombee
  4. Bombai

Q No: 44 What is the old name of Cologne?

  1. Colon
  2. Wien
  3. Kampuchea
  4. Koin

Q No: 45 Helvetia is the old name of ________.

  1. Switzerland
  2. Spain
  3. France
  4. Thailand

Q No: 46 Magyar is the old name of __________.

  1. Japan
  2. Austria
  3. Australia
  4. Hungary

Q No: 47 Cambal Pure is the old name of __________.

  1. Jacobabad
  2. Attock
  3. Pakpattan
  4. Nandipur

Q No: 48 Ajodhanpur is the old name of __________.

  1. Jacobabad
  2. Attock
  3. Pakpattan
  4. Nandipur

Q No: 49 What is the old name of Sahiwal?

  1. Montgomery
  2. Lawrencepur
  3. Lyallpur
  4. Khanpur

Q No: 50 What is the old name of Bin Qasim?

  1. Cambalpur
  2. Gaddomi
  3. Mansoora
  4. Pepri

Q No: 51 Burkina Faso is the new name of

  1. Lower Volta
  2. Rhodesia
  3. Burma
  4. Upper Volta

Q No: 52 Athens is the new name of

  1. Greece
  2. Cyprus
  3. Athinai
  4. Andora

Q No: 53 Acre is the old name of

  1. Tel Aviv
  2. Akko
  3. Ankara
  4. Aceb

Q No: 54 The new name of East Pakistan is __________.

  1. Bangladesh
  2. East Burma
  3. Formosa
  4. None of these

Q No: 55 Which African country was formerly called French Sudan?

  1. Zanzibar
  2. Mali
  3. Botswana
  4. Djibonti

Q No: 56 Which Asian capital city was known as Betavia until 1949?

  1. Jakarta
  2. Aukare
  3. Bangkok
  4. Koalalampur

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