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Worlds Parliaments Names | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers
Worlds Parliaments Names
Q No: 1 “Riksdag” is the name of parliament of___________.
- Iran
- Iraq
- Sweden
- United States
Q No: 2 Which country’s Parliament has the largest membership?
- Russia
- China
- Japan
- United States
Q No: 3 Which of the following is the name of Afghan Parliament?
- Federal Parliament
- Shora
- Congress
- Majles
Q No: 4 What is the name of Argentina’s Parliament?
- National Congress
- Federal Parliament
- National Assembly
- General Assembly
Q No: 5 Name the Parliament of Australia?
- National Congress
- Parliament
- Federal Parliament
- National Assembly
Q No: 6 What is the name of Bangladeshi Parliament?
- Tsongdu
- JatiyaSangshad
- Shergo
- Majlis
Q No: 7 Parliament of Algeria is called_________.
- National People’s Assembly
- Federal Assembly
- People’s National Assembly
- KuvendPopullore
Q No: 8 Parliament of Austria is called____________.
- Federal Assembly
- Parliament
- National Congress
- National People’s Assembly
Q No: 9 The name of China Mainland’s parliament is National People’s Congress. What is the currency of China?
- Yuan
- Yen
- Baht
- Peso
Q No: 10 Which of the following is the name of Cuban Parliament?
- National People’s Congress
- National Assembly of People’s Power
- People’s National Congress
- People’s Assembly
Q No: 11 Name the Parliament of Egypt
- People’s Assembly
- Majlis
- Shoora
- Shergo
Q No: 12 Name the Parliament of France
- Bundestrat
- Eduskusta
- Landstraad
- National Assembly
Q No: 13 Which of the following is the Parliament of Indonesia?
- People’s Consultative Assembly
- Majlis
- Shoora
- Congress
Q No: 14 Rial is the currency of Iran. Which is the Parliament of Iran?
- Shoora
- Majlis
- Congress
- Shergo
Q No: 15 National Assembly is the Parliament of Iraq. Name the currency of Iraq?
- Riyal
- Dinar
- Dollar
- Dirham
Q No: 16 Which of the following is the Parliament of Japan?
- Folketing
- Yuan
- Knesset
- Diet
Q No: 17 Ringgit is the name of Malaysian currency. Which of the following is the Parliament of Malaysia?
- Majlis
- Parliament
- National Assembly
- Dewan Rakyat
Q No: 18 Name the Parliament of Nepal?
- RajyaSabha
- Shergo
- National Panchyat
- Assembly
Q No: 19 Oslo is the Capital of Norway. Which is the Parliament of Norway?
- Storting
- Sejm
- Cortes
- National Parliament
Q No: 20 Parliament of Libya is called___________.
- National Congress
- General People’s Congress
- People’s Assembly
- Parliament
Q No: 21 Parliament of Netherlands is called__________.
- The States General
- Sejm
- Staten
- Parliament
Q No: 22 Parliament of Poland is called Sejm. Name the Parliament of Romania?
- People’s Congress
- Riksdag
- Storting
- Grand National Assembly
Q No: 23 Parliament of Somalia is called People’s Assembly. By what name Parliament of New Zealand called?
- Parliament (House of representatives)
- National Assembly
- National Assembly
- Storting
Q No: 24 South African Parliament is called House of Assembly. By what name Parliament of Spain is called?
- Sejm
- House of Assembly
- Staten
- Cortes
Q No: 25 Parliament of Iceland is called_______.
- National congress
- National Assembly
- Bondesrat
- Althing
Q No: 26 By what name the Parliament of Turkey is known?
- Grand National Assembly
- People’s Council
- National Assembly
- People’s Assembly
Q No: 27 Syrian Parliament is called People’s Council. Name the Parliament of United States?
- Federal Assembly
- National Assembly
- People’s Assembly
- Congress
Q No: 28 Venezuela’s Parliament is called National Congress. By what name the Vietnam Parliament is called_________.
- National Assembly
- People’s Assembly
- People’s Council
- Liblandia
Q No: 29 British Parliament is called Parliament. What is the name of the Parliament of Burma?
- Shergo
- PyethicHylttaw
- Land straad
- Folketing
Q No: 30 MajlisMeshaurat is the Parliament of__________.
- Afghanistan
- Indonesia
- Bolura
- Brunei
Q No: 31 Parliament of Brazil is
- Negeri
- Federal Assembly
- National Congress
- People’s Assembly
Q No: 32 Parliament of Canada is called___________.
- Parliament
- House of Representative
- People’s Assembly
- National Congress
Q No: 33 Parliament of Denmark is called_________.
- People’s Assembly
- Folketing
- National Chamber of Representative
- Federal Assembly
Q No: 34 Bundesrat is the Parliament of _________.
- States General
- Germany
- Cartes
- Diet
Q No: 35 Parliament of India is called_________.
- Parliament
- National Assembly
- Federal Assembly
- National Congress
Q No: 36 Parliament of Ireland is called____________.
- Knesset
- Cortes
- Oireachtas
- States general
Q No: 37 Knesset is the Parliament of__________.
- Ireland
- Israel
- Mexico
- Germany
Q No: 38 Parliament of Jordon is__________.
- Majlis-e-Shoora
- Majlis-i-Umma
- Majlis-al-Umma
- Majlis-ul-Nawab
Q No: 39 Parliament of Libya is called__________.
- National Congress
- National Assembly
- People’s Partional
- General People’s Congress
Q No: 40 Parliament of Kuwait is called___________.
- Majlis-ul-Nawab
- Majlis-e-Shoora
- Majlis-i-Umma
- Majlis-ul-Umma
Q No: 41 Parliament of Maldives is___________.
- People’s Assembly
- Citizen’s Assembly
- National Congress
- Federal Assembly
Q No: 42 People’s Great Hural is the Parliament of___________.
- Cuba
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Nigeria
Q No: 43 Oireachtas is the Parliament of____________.
- Spain
- Italy
- Hungary
- Iceland
Q No: 44 Congress is the Parliament of_________.
- Peru
- Philippines
- All of above
Q No: 45 Parliament of Oman is called_________.
- Majlis-e-Shoora
- National Congress
- National Assembly
- Consultative Assembly
Q No: 46 Parliament of Philippines is called__________.
- People’s Congress
- Parliament
- Congress
- National Congress
Q No: 47 Parliament of Qatar is called__________.
- Advisory Council
- Parliament
- MajlisShora
- Majlis al Umma
Q No: 48 Doma is the Parliament of__________.
- India
- Burma
- Russia
- Bhutan
Q No: 49 Parliament of Sri Lanka is called___________.
- Federal Congress
- People’s Congress
- Parliament
- National Congress
Q No: 50 Parliament of Sudan is called__________.
- National Assembly
- Constituent Assembly
- parliament
- people’s Assembly
Q No: 51 Name the Parliament of Thailand
- people’s Assembly
- federal Assembly
- chamber of Deputies
- national Assembly
Q No: 52 The largest number of women representatives are in the Parliament of:
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Rawanda
- Pakistan
Q No: 53 Piksdagen (Eduskunta) is the Parliament of
- Sweden
- Finland
- Netherlands
- Hungary
Q No: 54 Which of the following is called “Mother of Parliaments”?
- The German Parliament
- The American Parliament
- The Japanese Parliament
- The British Parliament
Q No: 55 Which is called Parliament of world?
- General Assembly of UNO
- Security Council
Q No: 56 The Apex elected body in Israel is called
- Parliament
- Congress
- Knesset
- Shura
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