PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | WORLD COUNTRIES MCQS

Today we will discuss the important PPSC general knowledge mcqs with answers 2021 from ppsc test preparation books pdf .Similarly We have also set small ppsc general knowledge mcqs online test from ppsc test preparation books pdf 2020 download. Moreover we have recorded all PPSC Online Test Preparation related videos and sessions for the subject of general knowledge mcqs for ppsc exams pdf and ppsc general knowledge mcqs pdf 2021 test preparation for PPSC General Knowledge Pdf.

WORLD COUNTRIES MCQS | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers



Q No: 1 In which region Afghanistan is located?

  1. Southwest Asia
  2. Eastern Asia
  3. Both of them
  4. None of them

Q No: 2 Which of the following is the capital of Afghanistan?

  1. Kandahar
  2. Mizar Sharif
  3. Kabul
  4. None of these

Q No: 3 What is the percentage of Muslim population in Afghanistan?

  1. 99%
  2. 90%
  3. 95%
  4. 85%

Q No: 4 Which of the following is the major and official language of Afghanistan?

  1. Arabic
  2. Pashto Dari
  3. Urdu
  4. English

Q No: 5 In which region is Albania located?

  1. Southern west Europe
  2. Southern West Asia
  3. Southern East Asia
  4. Southern East Europe

Q No: 6 What is the currency of Albania?

  1. Peseta
  2. Forint
  3. Lek
  4. Lots

Q No: 7 Name the capital of Albania?

  1. Albia
  2. Jakarta
  3. Tirana
  4. None of these

Q No: 8 Which of the following is the Europe’s Islamic state whose Muslim population is 70%?

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Pakistan
  4. Jordan

Q No: 9 Where Democratic Republic of Algeria is located?

  1. Western East Africa
  2. Eastern West Africa
  3. Western North America
  4. None of these

Q No: 10 Capital of Zimbabwe is

  1. Lagos
  2. Seoul
  3. Pretoria
  4. None of these

Q No: 11 Algeria is bordered by the Mediterranean sea; Tunisia and Libya; Niger, Mali, and Mauritania and _________.

  1. Morocco
  2. Palestine
  3. Jordan
  4. None of these

Q No: 12  What is the total area of Algeria?

  1. 2,381,741 sq.km
  2. 5,381,641 sq.km
  3. 5,351,741 sq.km
  4. 9,381,141 sq.km

Q No: 13 Algiers is the capital of Algeria, what is the currency?

  1. Dollar
  2. Rupee
  3. Lek
  4. Dinar

Q No: 14  In which region Republica de Angola is located?

  1. NW Africa on Atlantic coast
  2. SW Africa on Atlantic coast
  3. SW Asia on Atlantic coast
  4. SW Asia on Red sea

Q No: 15 Name the capital and chief port of Angola?

  1. Luanda
  2. Rwanda
  3. Ethiopia
  4. None of these

Q No: 16 Which is the official language of Angola?

  1. English
  2. Arabic
  3. Portuguese
  4. Urdu

Q No: 17 Name the currency of Angola?

  1. Dinar
  2. Dollar
  3. Kwanza
  4. Lera

Q No: 18 Peso is the currency of Argentine and its official language is ________.

  1. Persian
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. Arabic

Q No: 19 Name the capital of Argentina?

  1. Buenos Aires
  2. Hague
  3. Barcelona
  4. None of them

Q No: 20 Capital of Republic of Armenia is ________.

  1. Windhoc
  2. Yerevan
  3. Tange
  4. Lome

Q No: 21 Name the currency of Armenia?

  1. Dollar
  2. Rupee
  3. Dram
  4. Lera

Q No: 22 In which region Australia is located?

  1. South East of Asia
  2. South West of Asia
  3. South North of Asia
  4. None of these

Q No: 23 Australia’s capital is Canberra, name the currency of Australia?

  1. Denar
  2. Australian Dollar
  3. Rupee
  4. None of these

Q No: 24 The Republic of Austria is situated at central Europe. Name Austria’s capital?

  1. Vienna
  2. Millburn
  3. Cape Town
  4. None of these

Q No: 25 The currency of Austria is__________.

  1. Dollar
  2. Denar
  3. Dirham
  4. Euro

Q No: 26 Name the capital of Azerbaijan.

  1. Baku
  2. Dushanbe
  3.  Mina
  4. None of these

Q No: 27 Azerbaijan is the Muslim country, which is its major language?

  1. Azeri
  2. Tajik
  3. Persian
  4. Uzbek

Q No: 28 Name the currency of Azerbaijan.

  1. Bhet
  2. Manat
  3. Schilling
  4. Dollar

Q No: 29 In which region Bahrain is situated?

  1. Far East
  2. Middle East
  3. Africa
  4. South Asia

Q No: 30 Bahrain is located in________.

  1. Southwest Persian Gulf
  2. Western Persian Gulf
  3. Arabian Gulf
  4. None of these

Q No: 31 Name the capital of Bahrain.

  1. Panama
  2. Bahrain city
  3. Al-Ain
  4. Manama

Q No: 32 What is the percentage of Muslim population of Bahrain?

  1. 100%
  2. 90%
  3. 85%
  4. 80%

Q No: 33 Which of the following is the currency of Bahrain?

  1. Dollar
  2. Dirham
  3. Dinar
  4. Rial

Q No: 34 In which region Bangladesh is situated?

  1. East Asia
  2. South Asia
  3. West Asia
  4. North Asia

Q No: 35 Which is the capital of Bangladesh?

  1. Bombay
  2. Calcutta
  3. Dhaka
  4. Lahore

Q No: 36 Which is the currency of Bangladesh?

  1. Rupee
  2. Dinar
  3. Taka
  4. Dollar

Q No: 37 Currency of Belarus is ruble which is the capital of Belarus?

  1. Belarus City
  2. Bishkik
  3. Brasilia
  4. Minsk

Q No: 38 Where is Belgium located?

  1. Middle Europe
  2. South Europe
  3. Western Europe
  4. None of these

Q No: 39 Which is the capital of Belgium?

  1. Amsterdam
  2. Netherlands
  3. Belga
  4. Brussels

Q No: 40 What is the total area of Belgium?

  1. 30528 sq.km
  2. 20519 sq.km
  3. 35519 sq.km
  4. 10519 sq.km

Q No: 41 Name the currency of Belgium.

  1. Dollar
  2. Dinar
  3. Pound
  4. Euro

Q No: 42 Language of Belgium is________.

  1. English
  2. Dutch
  3. French
  4. Arabic

Q No: 43 In which region Bhutan is located?

  1. West Asia
  2. Southeast Asia
  3. South Asia
  4. Africa

Q No: 44 Which is the capital of Bhutan?

  1. Colombo
  2. Thimphu
  3. Nagaland
  4. Kathmandu

Q No: 45 70% people in Bhutan are Lamaistic Buddhist. Name the major language of Bhutan.

  1. English
  2. Arabic
  3. Dzongkha
  4. Hindi

Q No: 46 Currency of Bhutan is________.

  1. Ngultrum
  2. Dollar
  3. Rupee
  4. Rial

Q No: 47 Which is the capital of Bolivia?

  1. Lahsa
  2. Bolia
  3. Antigo
  4. La Paz

Q No: 48 Currency of Bolivia is________.

  1. Boliviano
  2. Pesa
  3. Pound
  4. Sucre

Q No: 49 Which of the following state is located in Balkan Peninsula in South East Europe?

  1. China
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. South Africa
  4. None of these

Q No: 50 Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina, what is its currency?

  1. Dollar
  2. Convertible Mark
  3. Rial
  4. Pound

Q No: 51 Brazil occupies eastern half of South America. Name its capital.

  1. Zil
  2. Brasilia
  3. Mexico
  4. None of these

Q No: 52 Currency of Brazil is_________.

  1. Real
  2. Dollar
  3. Dinar
  4. Rial

Q No: 53 Brunei is located in Eastern Asia, bounded on the north by South China Sea. By other sides with what she is surrounded?

  1. Malaysia
  2. Taiwan
  3. Thailand
  4. Indonesia

Q No: 54 What is the capital of Brunei?

  1. Cape Town
  2. Millburn
  3. Town Hall
  4. Bandar Seri Begawana

Q No: 55 Brunei was the colony of which country before gaining independence on 1st January 1984?

  1. Britain
  2. America
  3. Algeria
  4. None of these

Q No: 56 Total population of Brunei is 400,000. What is the percentage of Muslim population in Brunei?

  1. 60%
  2. 55%
  3. 58%
  4. 66%

Q No: 57 Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria, what is its currency?

  1. Rial
  2. Lev
  3. Dollar
  4. Rupee

Q No: 58 Which of the following countries is located in Central Africa?

  1. Burundi
  2. Belarus
  3. Chad
  4. Nigeria

Q No: 59 Name the capital of Burundi.

  1. Sofia
  2. Alps
  3. Belarus
  4. Bujumbura

Q No: 60 Which of the following is the capital of Cambodia?

  1. Panama
  2. Penh
  3. Phnom-Penh
  4. None of these

Q No: 61 Currency of Cambodia is ________.

  1. Riel
  2. Pound
  3. Cambodia Dollar
  4. None of these

Q No: 62 What is the location of Canada?

  1. South America
  2. Southwest America
  3. Central America
  4. North America

Q No: 63 What is the total area of Canada?

  1. 9570610 sq.km
  2. 9270610 sq.km
  3. 9984670 sq.km
  4. 7670610 sq.km

Q No: 64 What is the currency of Canada?

  1. Canadian Pound
  2. Canadian Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. Euro

Q No: 65 Name the capital of Chile.

  1. Chicago
  2. Santiago
  3. Somoa
  4. None of these

Q No: 66 What is the population of Chile?

  1. 12,150,000
  2. 17,248,450
  3. 11,150,000
  4. 10,150,000

Q No: 67 Which is the capital of China?

  1. Peking
  2. Beijing
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Melbourne

Q No: 68 Where is Colombia situated?

  1. South America
  2. North America
  3. South Africa
  4. North Africa

Q No: 69 Name the capital of Colombia?

  1. Bogota
  2. Colombo
  3. Moscow
  4. Peiking

Q No: 70 Name the currency of Congo Republic.

  1. Lera
  2. Congo Dollar
  3. Point
  4. CFA Franc

Q No: 71 What is the location of Croatia?

  1. Southwest Europe
  2. Southeast Europe
  3. Southwest Asia
  4. Southeast Asia

Q No: 72 Name the capital of Croatia.

  1. Zagreb
  2. Masco
  3. Bogota
  4. Peiking

Q No: 73 Where is Cuba located?

  1. In the Caribbean westernmost of South Africa
  2. In the Caribbean easternmost of West Indies
  3. In the Caribbean westernmost of West Indies
  4. None of these

Q No: 74 What is the capital of Cuba?

  1. Hawaii
  2. Sofia
  3. Havana
  4. Jakarta

Q No: 75 Name the capital of the Cyprus.

  1. Jakarta
  2. Nicosia
  3. Armenia
  4. None of these

Q No: 76 South Sudan became an independent state on __________ 2011.

  1. 19 July
  2. 29 July
  3. 9 July
  4. 1 July

Q No: 77 Which of the following is the capital of Czech Republic?

  1. Swiss
  2. Masco
  3. Peiking
  4. Prague

Q No: 78 Mention the capital of Denmark.

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Peiking
  3. Masco
  4. Copenhagen

Q No: 79 Where is Ecuador located?

  1. NW South America
  2. NW South Africa
  3. WN South America
  4. WN South Africa

Q No: 80 Point out the capital of Ecuador.

  1. Masco
  2. Mexico
  3. Jakarta
  4. Quito

Q No: 81 In which country the world’s highest active Volcano Cotopaxi is situated, this country is also crossed by equator?

  1. Mexico
  2. Ecuador
  3. Philippine
  4. Thailand

Q No: 82 In which continent Egypt is located?

  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Both of them
  4. None of them

Q No: 83 Egypt lies in Northeastern Africa and Southwestern Asia, which part of Egypt is in Asia?

  1. Cairo
  2. Sinai Peninsula
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of them

Q No: 84 What is the percentage of Muslim population in Egypt?

  1. 94%
  2. 88%
  3. 90%
  4. 85%

Q No: 85 Which of the following is the capital of Egypt?

  1. Beirut
  2. Ankara
  3. Cairo
  4. None of these

Q No: 86 Which of the following rivers flows in Egypt?

  1. Nile
  2. Euphrates
  3. Danube
  4. None of these

Q No: 87 In which country the world’s oldest university Al-Azhar University is located?

  1. Egypt
  2. Iraq
  3. Jordan
  4. Tunis

Q No: 88 Which is the capital of Estonia?

  1. Peiking
  2. Tallinn
  3. Dushanbe
  4. Baghdad

Q No: 89 Which is the capital of Ethiopia?

  1. Dushanbe
  2. Addis Abada
  3. Peiking
  4. Baghdad

Q No: 90 What is the percentage of Muslims in Ethiopia?

  1. 40%
  2. 35%
  3. 30%
  4. 45%

Q No: 91 Name the only African country which retained its independence during colonial rule?

  1. Algeria
  2. Ethiopia
  3. South Africa
  4. Rwanda

Q No: 92 Name the capital of France.

  1. New York
  2. Peiking
  3. Paris
  4. None of these

Q No: 93 Point out the currency of France.

  1. French Dollar
  2. American Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. Euro

Q No: 94 Name the largest country of Western Europe?

  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Belgium

Q No: 95 Where is Georgia located?

  1. North Asia
  2. East Asia
  3. West Asia
  4. South Asia

Q No: 96 Capital of Georgia is__________.

  1. Georgia
  2. Tibillsi
  3. Latvia
  4. None of these

Q No: 97 In which region Germany is located?

  1. North Europe
  2. West Europe
  3. East Europe
  4. Central Europe

Q No: 98 Which is the capital of Germany?

  1. Copenhagen
  2. Berlin
  3. Paris
  4. None of these

Q No: 99 Which is the last country got independence from Serbia in February 2008?

  1. Kosovo
  2. Bosnia
  3. Mecedonia
  4. Montenegro

Q No: 100 Name the capital of Greece.

  1. Jakarta
  2. Dhaka
  3. Athens
  4. None of these

Q No: 101 Which is the capital of Haiti?

  1. Prince City
  2. Port-au-Prince
  3. Islamabad
  4. Bombay

Q No: 102 What is the location of Hungary?

  1. Middle Europe
  2. Central Europe
  3. Central Asia
  4. South Europe

Q No: 103 Name the currency of Hungary.

  1. Pound
  2. Dollar
  3. Rupee
  4. Forint

Q No: 104 Montevideo is the capital of __________.

  1. Paraguay
  2. Uruguay
  3. Nicaragua
  4. Fiji

Q No: 105 India’s capital is__________.

  1. Calcutta
  2. Gujarat
  3. Mumbai
  4. New Delhi

Q No: 106 Currency of India is _________.

  1. Rupee
  2. Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. None of these

Q No: 107 Where is Indonesia located?

  1. East Europe
  2. West Europe
  3. SE of Asia
  4. None of these

Q No: 108 Name the currency of Indonesia.

  1. Pound
  2. Dollar
  3. Rupiah
  4. Dinar

Q No: 109 Name the currency of Iran.

  1. Rial
  2. Dollar
  3. Dinar
  4. Pound

Q No: 110 In which country ruins of Persepolis are located?

  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Egypt
  4. Indonesia

Q No: 111 Name the capital of Iraq.

  1. Baghdad
  2. Jordan
  3. Bombay
  4. Jakarta

Q No: 112 In which country ancient sites of Eridu, Babylon, Nineveh, Ur, and Ctesiphon are located?

  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Jordan

Q No: 113 Which is the capital of Ireland?

  1. Baghdad
  2. Peiking
  3. Dublin
  4. None of these

Q No: 114 Name the currency of Ireland.

  1. Dollar
  2. Euro
  3. Lek
  4. Rupee

Q No: 115 Mention the country that is located in Middle East, on Eastern end of Mediterranean Sea?

  1. Iraq
  2. Turkey
  3. Iran
  4. Israel

Q No: 116 Name the capital of Israel.

  1. Jakarta
  2. Farmusa
  3. Jerusalem
  4. Tel Aviv

Q No: 117 In which continent Italy is located?

  1. West Europe
  2. Middle East
  3. South Europe
  4. None of these

Q No: 118 Name the currency of Italy.

  1. Pound
  2. Dollar
  3. Pesso
  4. Euro

Q No: 119 What is the importance of Rome in Italy?

  1. Smallest town in Italy
  2. Capital of the country
  3. Oldest city of Italy
  4. Most populated city of Italy

Q No: 120 In which continent Japan is located?

  1. Africa
  2. Asia and Europe
  3. Europe
  4. Asia

Q No: 121 Name the currency of Japan.

  1. Yen
  2. Libra
  3. Dollar
  4. Bath

Q No: 122 Which is the major religion of Japan?

  1. Buddhism
  2. Shinto
  3. Both of them
  4. None of them

Q No: 123 What is the location of Jordan?

  1. Northwestern Asia
  2. Southern Asia
  3. Northwestern Europe
  4. Southwestern Asia

Q No: 124 Which is the capital of Jordan?

  1. Amman
  2. Oman
  3. Dushanbe
  4. None of these

Q No: 125 Which river forms the border between Jordan and Israel?

  1. Jordan river
  2. Euphrates river
  3. Nile river
  4. Israel river

Q No: 126 Which is the capital of Kazakhstan?

  1. Astana
  2. Malmaty
  3. Almaty
  4. None of these

Q No: 127 What is the name of Kazakhstan’s currency?

  1. Tenge
  2. Dollar
  3. Rial
  4. Rupee

Q No: 128 Which is the following language is spoken in Kazakhstan by majority?

  1. Kazakh
  2. Russian
  3. Both of them
  4. None of them

Q No: 129 Name the capital of North Korea.

  1. Pyongyang
  2. Hongyang
  3. Nongyang
  4. Songyang

Q No: 130 Currency of North Korea is_________.

  1. Dollar
  2. Pound
  3. Korona
  4. Won

Q No: 131 South Korea is located in northern East Asia. What is its total area?

  1. 78,268 sq.km
  2. 22,268 sq.km
  3. 85,268 sq.km
  4. 99,678 sq.km

Q No: 132 Which is the capital of South Korea?

  1. Reoul
  2. Tang Pe
  3. Masco
  4. Seoul

Q No: 133 Mention the currency of Latvia?

  1. Pound
  2. Liera
  3. Lats
  4. Rupee

Q No: 134 What is the percentage of Muslim population in Lebanon?

  1. 68%
  2. 75%
  3. 60%
  4. 70%

Q No: 135 Name the currency of Lebanon.

  1. Pound
  2. Dinar
  3. Rial
  4. Dirham

Q No: 136 Libya is located in_______.

  1. South Africa
  2. North Asia
  3. North Africa
  4. Central Africa

Q No: 137 Which is the capital of Libya?

  1. Tripoli
  2. Ben Ghazi
  3. Trablus
  4. Beirut

Q No: 138 Which one is principle resource of Libya?

  1. Coal
  2. Mining
  3. Gold
  4. Petroleum

Q No: 139 Name the currency of Libya?

  1. Riyal
  2. Rupee
  3. Dinar
  4. Dirham

Q No: 140 Which is the currency of Kuwait?

  1. Riyal
  2. Kuwaiti Pound
  3. Dinar
  4. Dollar

Q No: 141 Name the capital of Lithuania.

  1. Lithuania City
  2. Louisiana
  3. Vilnius
  4. Bishkik

Q No: 142 Name the currency of Lithuania.

  1. Litas
  2. Mark
  3. Franc
  4. Dollar

Q No: 143 What is the location of Luxembourg?

  1. Eastern Europe
  2. Western Europe
  3. Central Europe
  4. None of these

Q No: 144 Which of the following is the capital of Luxembourg?

  1. Holland
  2. Copenhagen
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Bulgaria

Q No: 145 Name the currency of Macedonia.

  1. Dirham
  2. Dinar
  3. Riyal
  4. Rupee

Q No: 146 Point out the capital of Malaysia.

  1. Jakarta
  2. Sydney
  3. Bishkik
  4. Kuala Lumpur

Q No: 147 Pick out the official language of Malaysia.

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Indian
  4. Malay

Q No: 148 What is the percentage of Muslims in Malaysia?

  1. Over 50%
  2. Over 51%
  3. Over 54%
  4. Over 55%

Q No: 149 The location of Maldives is ___________.

  1. In Indian Ocean southwest of Pakistan
  2. In Indian ocean southwest of India
  3. In Indian ocean southwest of Sri Lanka
  4. In Indian ocean northwest of India

Q No: 150 Which of the following is the currency of Maldives?

  1. Rufiyaa
  2. Rupiah
  3. Dinar
  4. Dollar

Q No: 151 Name the capital of Mauritius.

  1. Small Louis
  2. Louis City
  3. Port Louis
  4. Port Qasim

Q No: 152 Name the currency of Mauritius.

  1. Dollar
  2. Pound
  3. Lek
  4. Rupee

Q No: 153 What is the location of Mexico?

  1. America
  2. Central Asia
  3. Eastern America
  4. North America

Q No: 154 Capital of the Mexico is ___________.

  1. Dhaka
  2. Mexico City
  3. Bombay
  4. Hong Kong

Q No: 155 What is the percentage of Muslim population in Morocco?

  1. 92%
  2. 90%
  3. 98%
  4. 95%

Q No: 156 Currency of Morocco is _________.

  1. Pound
  2. Dollar
  3. Riyal
  4. Dirham

Q No: 157 Name the capital of Myanmar.

  1. Naypyidaw
  2. Masco
  3. Mayer
  4. None of these

Q No: 158 Name the currency of Nepal.

  1. Rupee
  2. Dollar
  3. Dinar
  4. Pound

Q No: 159 Which is the currency of Mauritania?

  1. Kwacha
  2. Ouguiya
  3. Dinar
  4. Loti

Q No: 160 Which is the currency of Mongolia?

  1. Kyat
  2. Togrog
  3. Pesos
  4. Baht

Q No: 161 When Burma was separated from India?

  1. 1901
  2. 1920
  3. 1937
  4. 1939

Q No: 162 Name the capital of Netherlands.

  1. Amsterdam
  2. London
  3. Mexico
  4. Masco

Q No: 163 Which is the currency of Netherlands?

  1. Euro
  2. Pound
  3. Dutch Dollar
  4. None of these

Q No: 164 Southwest Pacific ocean is the location of ___________.

  1. France
  2. Netherlands
  3. Belgium
  4. New Zealand

Q No: 165 Name the capital of New Zealand.

  1. New City
  2. Millburn
  3. Wellington
  4. Cape Town

Q No: 166 Name the capital of Nicaragua.

  1. Managua
  2. Rangoon
  3. Antigua
  4. Brazilia

Q No: 167 What is Niamey in Niger?

  1. Capital of Niger
  2. Language of Niger
  3. Currency of Niger
  4. Province of Niger

Q No: 168 Name the currency of Niger.

  1. FNA-Franc
  2. Dollar
  3. CFA-Franc
  4. Pound

Q No: 169 What is the capital of Nigeria?

  1. Lagos
  2. Algeria
  3. Abuja
  4. Algire

Q No: 170 Norway’s capital is _________.

  1. Oslo
  2. Lagos
  3. Norway City
  4. None of these

Q No: 171 What is the name of Norway’s currency?

  1. Pound
  2. Krone
  3. Dollar
  4. Rupee

Q No: 172 Which is Philippine’s currency?

  1. Baht
  2. Leu
  3. Peso
  4. Rinngit

Q No: 173 Name the currency of Poland.

  1. Zloty
  2. Rupee
  3. Dollar
  4. None of these

Q No: 174 Which of the following is the capital of Poland?

  1. Budapest
  2. Sofia
  3. Riga
  4. Warsaw

Q No: 175 Name the currency of Qatar.

  1. Dinar
  2. Dollar
  3. Riyal
  4. Rupee

Q No: 176 Which is the capital of Qatar?

  1. Riyadh
  2. Doha
  3. Sharjah
  4.  None of these

Q No: 177 Which state stretches from East Europe across North Asia to the Pacific ocean?

  1. Russia
  2. Moldavia
  3. Poland
  4. None of these

Q No: 178 Name the capital of Russia.

  1. Rome
  2. Moscow
  3. Mexico
  4. None of these

Q No: 179 Moscow is the capital, Ruble is the currency. What is their religion?

  1. Christian
  2. Islam
  3. Russian Orthodox
  4. Buddhism

Q No: 180 Name the country that occupies most of Arabian Peninsula in Middle East?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Kuwait
  3. Sudan
  4. UAE

Q No: 181 What is the name of capital of Saudi Arabia?

  1. Jeddah
  2. Makkah
  3. Riyadh
  4. Medina

Q No: 182 Which is the capital of Singapore?

  1. Singapore
  2. Bangkok
  3. Malta
  4. Manila

Q No: 183 Mention the currency of Slovakia.

  1. Lira
  2. Euro
  3. Rupee
  4. Pound

Q No: 184 Which state occupies the eastern horn of Africa?

  1. Nigeria
  2. Somalia
  3. Chad
  4. Ethiopia

Q No: 185 Name the capital of Somalia.

  1. Mogadishu
  2. Somalia City
  3. Chad
  4. None of these

Q No: 186 Which one of the following is judicial capital of South Africa?

  1. Bloemfontein
  2. Cape Town
  3. Durban
  4. Pretoria

Q No: 187 Name the currency of South Africa.

  1. Rand
  2. Lira
  3. Lek
  4. None of these

Q No: 188 What is the currency of Spain?

  1. Danube
  2. Euro
  3. Karone
  4. Dollar

Q No: 189 Name the currency of Sri Lanka.

  1. Rupiah
  2.  Lek
  3. Dollar
  4. None of these

Q No: 190 Which is the largest country of Africa?

  1. Nigeria
  2. Libya
  3. Sudan
  4. Somalia

Q No: 191 Which is the capital and largest city of Sudan?

  1. Paris
  2. Khartoom
  3. Riyadh
  4. New York

Q No: 192 Name the currency of Sudan.

  1. Sudanese Pound
  2. Sudanese Dollar
  3. Lira
  4. Pound

Q No: 193 Which is the capital of Sweden?

  1. City of Sweden
  2. Paris
  3. Copenhagen
  4. Stockholm

Q No: 194 Point out the currency of Sweden?

  1. Lira
  2. Krona
  3. Sweden Pound
  4. Frank

Q No: 195 In which region is Switzerland located?

  1. Northeast Europe
  2. Western Europe
  3. South Europe
  4. Central Europe

Q No: 196 Name the currency of Syria.

  1. Dollar
  2. Pound
  3. Lira
  4. None of these

Q No: 197 In which country Mount Hermon, Golan Heights, Crusader castles, Phenician City sites and ancient Palmyra are located?

  1. Egypt
  2. Iraq
  3. Syria
  4. Yemen

Q No: 198 Which of the following is the capital of Taiwan?

  1. Taipei
  2. Beijing
  3. Farmusa
  4. None of these

Q No: 199 Name the currency of Taiwan.

  1. Taiwan Pound
  2. Point
  3. Rupee
  4. New Taiwan Dollar

Q No: 200 Point out the currency of Tajikistan.

  1. Rukle
  2. Ruble
  3. Pound
  4. Dollar

Q No: 201 Name the capital of Thailand.

  1. Peiking
  2. Taipei
  3. Bangkok
  4. Jakarta

Q No: 202 Which of the following is the currency of Thailand?

  1. Lira
  2. Baht
  3. Lek
  4. Pound

Q No: 203 Which of the following is the capital of Turkey?

  1. Istanbul
  2. Beirut
  3. Cairo
  4. Ankara

Q No: 204 Name the currency of Turkey.

  1. Dollar
  2. Pound
  3. Rupee
  4. Lira

Q No: 205 Name the capital of Turkmenistan.

  1. Ankara
  2. Ashgabat
  3. Peiking
  4. Jakarta

Q No: 206 Which is the currency of Turkmenistan?

  1. Lira
  2. Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. Manat

Q No: 207 Which is the currency of Uganda?

  1. Shilling
  2. Dollar
  3. Swahili
  4. Pound

Q No: 208 Which is the currency of Ukraine?

  1. Lek
  2. Hryvnia
  3. Dollar
  4. Rupee

Q No: 209 United Arab Emirates is comprised of how many states?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

Q No: 210 London is the capital of U.K. Name its currency.

  1. Lira
  2. Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. Rupee

Q No: 211 Currency of US is _________.

  1. Pound
  2. Rupee
  3. Dollar
  4. None of these

Q No: 212 Uruguay’s currency is ________.

  1. Lek
  2. Dollar
  3. Pound
  4. Peso

Q No: 213 Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia. Name its currency?

  1. Som
  2. Bath
  3. Rupee
  4. Dollar

Q No: 214 Which of the following is the currency of Vietnam?

  1. Bath
  2. Dong
  3. Lira
  4. None of these

Q No: 215 Currency of the Yemen is _________.

  1. Riyal
  2. Rupee
  3. Dinar
  4. Dollar

Q No: 216 Capital of Venezuela is Caracas. Which is its currency?

  1. Sol
  2. Guarani
  3. Bolivar
  4. Syli

Q No: 217 Which country/currency/capital combination is wrong?

  1. Iran/Riyal/Tehran
  2. Bulgaria/Lev/Sofia
  3. Korea/Won/Seoul
  4. Mongolia/kip/Ulan Bator

Q No: 218 Which one of the following country/capital/currency combination is correct?

  1. Botswana/Usumbura/franc
  2. Bangladesh/Dhaka/Taka
  3. Jordan/Jerusalem/Dinar
  4. Guinea/Conakry/Drachma

Q No: 219 What is the capital of Switzerland?

  1. Geneva
  2. Vevey
  3. Lausanne
  4. Berne

Q No: 220 Which of the following countries/ capital combination is not correct?

  1. Libya/Tripoli
  2. Malawi/Zomba
  3. Egypt/Cairo
  4. Chad/Bangui

Q No: 221 Which of the following is the capital and seaport of Philippines?

  1. Manila
  2. Davao
  3. Zamboanga
  4. Quezon City

Q No: 222 Zimbabwe attained independence in ___________.

  1. 1975
  2. 1979
  3. 1980
  4. 1981

Q No: 223 Minsk is the capital of __________.

  1. Belarus
  2. Latvia
  3. Ukraine
  4. Kyrgyzstan

Q No: 224 Port of Spain is a __________.

  1. Sea port of Spain
  2. Capital of Trinidad and Tobago
  3. Harbour of Barbados
  4. A Fishing city of El Salvador

Q No: 225 Which country is called protectorate state of the world?

  1. Nepal
  2. Bhutan
  3. Japan
  4. Monaco

Q No: 226 How many countries are there is Asia?

  1. 48
  2. 45
  3. 42
  4. 38

Q No: 227 Philippines comprises of how many tropical islands?

  1. 6500
  2. 7000
  3. 8000
  4. 8500

Q No: 228 Name the country that is administered by South Africa.

  1. Namibia
  2. Senegal
  3. St. Helena
  4. Swaziland

Q No: 229 UAE is the federation of how many Emirates?

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 9

Q No: 230 Out of 193 sovereign independent nations of the world how many republics and how many are under perusal rules?

  1. 160-33
  2. 147-46
  3. 145-48
  4. 140-53

Q No: 231 Which city is built on 118 Islands?

  1. Malaysia
  2. Venice
  3. Maldives
  4. Indonesia

Q No: 232 Name the country which was name after the equator.

  1. Estonia
  2. Eritrea
  3. Ecuador
  4. El Salvador

Q No: 233 Which country has three capital cities: Admin, Legislate, Judicial?

  1. South Africa
  2. Russia
  3. Spain
  4. Latvia

Q No: 234 Name two countries which are located in Europe and Asia.

  1. Turkey and Russia
  2. Russia and China
  3. Georgia and Russia
  4. Lithuania and Turkey

Q No: 235 Name a country which is located in Africa and Asia.

  1. Libya
  2. Egypt
  3. Brunei
  4. Morocco

Q No: 236 Which country has its flag on its map?

  1. Finland
  2. Cyprus
  3. Greenland
  4. Lithuania

Q No: 237 Which country’s national anthem has only music but no words?

  1. Qatar
  2. Bahrain
  3. UAE
  4. Jordan

Q No: 238 Victoria falls are on the border between

  1. Zimbabwe and South Africa
  2. Mozambique and Namibia
  3. Nigeria and South Africa
  4. South Africa and Nigeria

Q No: 239 “Abdin Palace” is the official residence of the president of

  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Malaysia
  4. Egypt

Q No: 240 Which set of countries is called Nordic countries?

  1. Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland
  2. Norway, Sweden, Greece, Finland and Iceland
  3. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland
  4. None of these

Q No: 241 The name of which North African city literally mean white horse?

  1. Bujum Bura
  2. Conaky
  3. Casablanca
  4. Burnako

Q No: 242 Which six countries border the Black Sea?

  1. Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey
  2. Greece, Italy, Uzbekistan, Norway, South Africa

Q No: 243 Which country has the largest army in the world?

  1. Russia
  2. USA
  3. China
  4. India

Q No: 244 Paris and what other capital had the world’s first telephonic link?

  1. Amsterdam
  2. Rome
  3. Brussels
  4. Prague

Q No: 245 Which is the largest country in the Central Asia?

  1. Azerbaijan
  2. Kyrgyzstan
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Tajikistan

Q No: 246 Which is the poorest country with a lowest per capita income in the world?

  1. Senegal
  2. Shu tan
  3. Brunei
  4. Burundi

Q No: 247 Which is the largest capital city in the world?

  1. Moscow
  2. Washington
  3. Ottawa
  4. Chicago

Q No: 248 Which is the largest city of Africa?

  1. Algeria
  2. Kinshera
  3. Cairo
  4. Nairobi

Q No: 249 Which is the largest Island in Indian Ocean?

  1. Baffin
  2. Borneo
  3. Madagascar
  4. Cathy Pacific

Q No: 250 Which country is the first to introduce old age benefits?

  1. Germany
  2. England
  3. France
  4. Switzerland

Q No: 251 Which parliament of the world has the largest membership?

  1. USA
  2. Russia
  3. Canada
  4. China

Q No: 252 Which is the freest economy of the world with lowest taxis and lack of trade barriers?

  1. UAE
  2. Singapore
  3. Dubai
  4. China

Q No: 253 Who is the first president of Russian Federation?

  1. Boris Yeltsin
  2. Podgorny
  3. Kosygin
  4. Bur Zemin

Q No: 254 In the Muslim world which country has the highest per capita income?

  1. UAE
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Turkey
  4. Kuwait

Q No: 255 Which is the oldest flag in the world?

  1. Japan
  2. Brazil
  3. Azerbaijan
  4. Denmark

Q No: 256 Which country has the largest flag?

  1. Finland
  2. Brazil
  3. Canada
  4. Bolivia

Q No: 257 Country with largest coast line is

  1. Dona, Russia
  2. China
  3. Canada
  4. Brazil

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