PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | World News Agencies

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World News Agencies | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers

News Agencies

Q No: 1 Salon is the news agency of _________.

  1. Serbia
  2. Sweden
  3. Sudan
  4. Syria

Q No: 2 Reuter is the news agency of

  1. UK
  2. US
  3. Former USSR
  4. Germany

Q No: 3 The name of the news agency of U.S. is

  1. United Press International
  2. Reuters
  3. Itar-Tass
  4. The Guardian

Q No: 4 AFP is the news agency of __________.

  1. France
  2. Iran
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Pakistan

Q No: 5 Agerpres is the news agency of __________.

  1. South Africa
  2. Romania
  3. Argentina
  4. Georgia

Q No: 6 AGI is the news agency of _________.

  1. India
  2. Germany
  3. South Africa
  4. Italy

Q No: 7 News agency AIP belongs to

  1. Iran
  2. Palestine
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Pakistan

Q No: 8 News agency of Morocco is called

  1. MAP
  2. MAD
  3. MAT
  4. Mao

Q No: 9 Which is the news agency of Egypt?

  1. EGP
  2. MENA
  3. APP
  4. KPI

Q No: 10 Anatolia is the news agency of

  1. Romania
  2. England
  3. USA
  4. Turkey

Q No: 11 Name the news agency of Mongolia is ________.

  1. PPI
  2. MENA
  3. Montasame
  4. KPI

Q No: 12 Hungary’s news agency is called:

  1. KPI
  2. HNG
  3. Montasame
  4. MTI

Q No: 13 NAN is the news agency of

  1. Nigeria
  2. North America
  3. New Zealand
  4. Iran

Q No: 14 News agency Anagop belongs to

  1. South Africa
  2. Angola
  3. Argentina
  4. Sudan

Q No: 15 News agency ANOP belongs to

  1. Portugal
  2. Norway
  3. Romania
  4. Denmark

Q No: 16 Italy’s news agency is _______.

  1. API
  2. ITAN
  3. ANTA
  4. ANSA

Q No: 17 Pakistan’s news agency is ________.

  1. APA
  2. KPT
  3. API
  4. KPA

Q No: 18 News agency API belongs to

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Iran
  4. Russia

Q No: 19 News agency APP belongs to

  1. Iraq
  2. Russia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Pakistan

Q No: 20 Bakhtar is the news agency of

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Russia
  3. Romania
  4. Bhutan

Q No: 21 Belga is the news agency of

  1. Romania
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Belgium

Q No: 22 News agency of Malaysia is

  1. MAD
  2. WAM
  3. Bernama
  4. Interfax

Q No: 23 Bangladesh’s news agency is

  1. BTA
  2. BSS
  3. API
  4. BBC

Q No: 24 Name then news agency of Bulgaria.

  1. BTA
  2. Bernama
  3. Belga
  4. BBS

Q No: 25 Name the news agency of Czech Republic.

  1. Ceteka
  2. API
  3. GRP
  4. DPA

Q No: 26 Which is the German news agency?

  1. Klet
  2. API
  3. GRP
  4. DPA

Q No: 27 Which is the Russian news agency?

  1. BBS
  2. Montasame
  3. Interfax
  4. DPA

Q No: 28 Which is the Iranian news agency?

  1. RNAI
  2. IRNA
  3. AIRN
  4. RINA

Q No: 29 Itar-Tass is the news agency of

  1. UK
  2. Russia
  3. China
  4. Australia

Q No: 30 JANA is the news agency of

  1. Japan
  2. Russia
  3. Libya
  4. China

Q No: 31 JiJi is the news agency of

  1. China
  2. Pakistan
  3. Libya
  4. Japan

Q No: 32 Kyodo is the news agency of

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Kenya
  4. Cambodia

Q No: 33 China’s news agency is

  1. CNAN
  2. CNA
  3. NCNA
  4. CNT

Q No: 34 Poland’s news agency is

  1. PNP
  2. APP
  3. PAN
  4. PAP

Q No: 35 What is the name of Jordanian news agency?

  1. Petra
  2. RJN
  3. JNA
  4. TJN

Q No: 36 Pakistan’s news agency is

  1. APT
  2. PKP
  3. APK
  4. PPI

Q No: 37 India’s news agency is

  1. IPT
  2. PTI
  3. INT
  4. ZNA

Q No: 38 Writers is the news agency of

  1. UK
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. America

Q No: 39 What is the name of Denmark’s news agency?

  1. DNA
  2. Aitzua
  3. Titzua
  4. Ritzua

Q No: 40 SANA is the news agency of

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Jordan
  3. Syria
  4. Romania

Q No: 41 SPA is the news agency of

  1. Romania
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Jordan
  4. Syria

Q No: 42 SUNA is the news agency of

  1. Pakistan
  2. Syria
  3. Jordan
  4. Sudan

Q No: 43 PRELA is the news agency of

  1. Cuba
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. Romania

Q No: 44 Star news agency is the agency of

  1. Italy
  2. Germany
  3. India
  4. Canada

Q No: 45 Vietnam’s news agency is

  1. VAN
  2. VWN
  3. VNA
  4. VNW

Q No: 46 WAFA is the news agency of

  1. Pakistan
  2. Jordan
  3. Syria
  4. Palestine

Q No: 47 WAM news agency belongs to

  1. Bahrain
  2. Kuwait
  3. UAE
  4. Iran

Q No: 48 What is the name of Chinese news agency?

  1. Xinhua
  2. Tinhua
  3. Hinhua
  4. Zinhua

Q No: 49 What is the name of South Korean news agency?

  1. Zonhap
  2. Tonhap
  3. Conhap
  4. Yonhap

Q No: 50 ZIANA is the news agency of

  1. Zambia
  2. Zimbabwe
  3. New Zealand
  4. Zaire

Q No: 51 BOPA is the news agency of

  1. Botswana
  2. South Korea
  3. Burma
  4. Bahrain

Q No: 52 CANA is the ___________.

  1. Caribbean news agency
  2. Islamic world news agency
  3. Latin America countries news agency
  4. South Korean news agency

Q No: 53 JTA is a news agency of

  1. Israel
  2. Jordan
  3. Germany
  4. Bhutan

Q No: 54 PANA is the news agency of

  1. Senegal
  2. Poland
  3.  Russia
  4. Georgia

Q No: 55 CAN is the central news agency located at

  1. Bridge Town
  2. Kabul
  3. Shanghai
  4. Taipei

Q No: 56 What is the name of Brazil’s news agency?

  1. BZIPN
  2. BPKN
  3. BANA
  4. BENP

Q No: 57 What is the name of Lithuania’s news agency?

  1. LPTU
  2. LPT
  3. LNP
  4. None of these

Q No: 58 PALK is the news agency of

  1. Pakistan
  2. Iran
  3. Peru
  4. Syria

Q No: 59 KIAP is the news agency of

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Kenya
  4. Peru

Q No: 60 What is the name of Germany’s news agency?

  1. IPT
  2. DPA
  3. API
  4. ZNA

Q No: 61 MIT is the news agency of

  1. Andorra
  2. Switzerland
  3. Congo
  4. New Zealand

Q No: 62 Woodmark is the news agency of

  1. Bolivia
  2. Mali
  3. Fiji
  4. Togo

Q No: 63 JAMA is the news agency of

  1. Jordan
  2. Japan
  3. Jamaica
  4. Barbados

Q No: 64 World Time is the famous news paper of

  1. Jordan
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Malaysia

Q No: 65 Fox TV Channel is related to

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Thailand
  4. New Zealand

Q No: 66 Express News is the news agency of __________.

  1. Russia
  2. China
  3. Pakistan
  4. Britain

Q No: 67 KUNA is the news agency of

  1. Kuwait
  2. Kenya
  3. Canada
  4. Kazakhstan

Q No: 68 Bachi news agency is related to

  1. Belgium
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Romania
  4. Chile

Q No: 69 GND is the news agency of

  1. Germany
  2. Spain
  3. Italy
  4. USA

Q No: 70 NAS is the national news agency of

  1. America
  2. Australia
  3. Austria
  4. Albania

Q No: 71 NUMA is the news agency of

  1. Niger
  2. Nigeria
  3. Norway
  4. Denmark

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