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Chapter # 01
Concept of Business
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options :
1.The.basic objective of business is:
- Exchange
- Service to the society
- Earning Profit
- None of these
2. Human activities consist of following activities:
- Un-commended
- Commanded
- Commanded and uncommanded
- None of these
3. Economic activities mean:
- Business
- Business and profession
- Business, profession and employment
- None of the above
4. The objective of non-economic activities is to:
- Serve the society
- Earn profit
- Serve the society beside spiritual satisfaction
- Earning the fame\
5. The businessman is:
- Ă… trader
- A producer
- A distributor
- A trader, producer and distributor
6. A business takes into account the following activities:
- Non-economic
- Economic
- None of these
- Both
7. For the sale of goods, a businessman depends upon:
- The employees
- The relatives
- The demand of customers
- None of these
8. Economic activity which gives:
- Predetermined income
- Fixed income
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of these
9. What does a business organization mean:
- Sole tradership
- Partnership
- Joint stock company
- All the above
10.Income from business is called:
- Profit
- Interest
- Satisfaction
- Utility
11.1f any person gets income on the basis of knowledge and skill then it
- Business
- Employment
- Profession
- Trade
12.A person involved in different economic activities for the purpose of profit is called•
- Business man
- Trader
- Industrialist
- None of these
13.A person who deals in ready made items is:
- Manufacturer
- Worker
- Trader
- Distributor