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Chapter # 19
Means of Transportation
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1 Important types of means of transport are:
- Four
- Two
- Three
- Five
2 Which one is the fastest transport:
- Water
- Land
- Air
- All of the above
3 The cheapest source of foreign transportation for goods is:
- Train
- Air plane
- Wagon
- Railway
4 Which is the safest and effective means of transportation:
- Land
- Air
- Water
- All the above
5 Less capital is needed for which means of transport:
- Water
- Air
- Road
- All the above
6 We can transfer more goods through which means of transport:
- Railway
- Air plane
- Truck
- Wagon
7 Which ship travels on regular route and follows its time schedule strictly:
- Tramp
- Tanker
- Liner
- None of these
8 Which is the modem and developed means of transportation of goods and passengers:
- Water
- Land
- Air
- All the above
9 What are the advantages of means of transportation:
- Industrial development
- Expansion of market
- Stability in prices
- All the above
10 Different products are sent to final consumers through.
- Manufacturer
- Means of transportation
- Trader
- Both (a) and (b)
11 The international trade is entirely dependent to:
- Agricultural development
- Means of transportation
- Industrial development
- Warehousing\
12 Due to means of transportation, the production of goods is possible on:
- Large scale
- Middle scale
- Small scale
- None of these
13 The govt has monopoly in:
- Railway transport
- Road transport
- Air transport
- Water transport
14 Not suitable for huge size and heavy goods:
- Air transport
- Road transport
- Railway transport