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Chapter # 19

Means of Transportation

Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1 Important types of means of transport are:

  1. Four
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Five

2 Which one is the fastest transport:

  1. Water
  2. Land
  3. Air
  4. All of the above

3 The cheapest source of foreign transportation for goods is:

  1. Train
  2. Air plane
  3. Wagon
  4. Railway

4 Which is the safest and effective means of transportation:

  1. Land
  2. Air
  3. Water
  4. All the above

5 Less capital is needed for which means of transport:

  1. Water 
  2. Air
  3. Road
  4. All the above

6 We can transfer more goods through which means of transport:

  1. Railway
  2. Air plane
  3. Truck
  4. Wagon

7 Which ship travels on regular route and follows its time schedule strictly:

  1. Tramp
  2. Tanker
  3. Liner  
  4. None of these

8 Which is the modem and developed means of transportation of goods and passengers:

  1. Water 
  2. Land
  3. Air      
  4. All the above

9 What are the advantages of means of transportation:

  1. Industrial development           
  2. Expansion of market
  3. Stability in prices        
  4. All the above

10 Different products are sent to final consumers through.

  1. Manufacturer 
  2. Means of transportation
  3. Trader
  4. Both (a) and (b)

11 The international trade is entirely dependent to:

  1. Agricultural development       
  2. Means of transportation
  3. Industrial development
  4. Warehousing\

12 Due to means of transportation, the production of goods is possible on:

  1. Large scale   
  2. Middle scale
  3. Small scale    
  4. None of these

13 The govt has monopoly in:

  1. Railway transport    
  2. Road transport
  3. Air transport
  4. Water transport

14 Not suitable for huge size and heavy goods:

  1. Air transport
  2. Road transport
  3. Railway transport