Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 13

601. Under_______ framework, material bliss is given essential significance though under______________ framework otherworldly joy is respected more significant.

  1. Marxist, Idealistic
  2. Sensate, Ideational
  3. Ideational, Idealistic
  4. Sensate, Idealistic

Ans. (b)

602. Who of the accompanying has said that “A social job is example of conduct expected of a person in certain gathering or circumstance”?

  1. Maclver
  2. K. Youthful
  3. Kingsley Davis
  4. Lundberg

Ans. (d)

603. The metropolitan states of life and the limit division of work has made conceivable the-

  1. Ascription of status
  2. Institutionalization of status
  3. Achievement of status
  4. Status examination

Ans. (c)

604. The progressions from word related part to retirement job is known as —

  1. Role-irregularity
  2. Role struggle
  3. Transitional job
  4. Role protection

Ans. (a)

605. ______ will in general build up person’s own specific job viewpoint and lessening his comprehension of others’ perspectives.

  1. Ethnocentrism
  2. Role-protection
  3. Ethical job
  4. Role-model

Ans. (b)

606. A young man pushes out his lacking tummy and vaingloriously swings a fanciful club in duplicate of the cop who strolls past his home each day. Which of the accompanying clarifies this best?

  1. Role set
  2. Role playing
  3. Role
  4. Socialization

Ans. (b)

607. Who has recognized ‘essential deviation and auxiliary deviation’?

  1. Walter Miller
  2. Edwin Lamer
  3. Becker
  4. Henry McKay

Ans. (a)

608. Hipster culture is an illustration of-

  1. freak sub-culture
  2. western impact
  3. illicit drug use
  4. idealism

Ans. (a)

609. _____ allude to those prizes, destinations and desires which the individual is urged to see as beneficial finishes through socialization.

  1. Cultural objectives
  2. Material objectives
  3. Spiritual objectives
  4. Ethical objectives

Ans. (c)

610. Who _____ consolidated the ‘social transmission approach’ into Merton’s hypothesis of anomie and tried to give a reasonable system to the investigation of degenerate conduct?

  1. John Bowl by
  2. Cesar Lombroso
  3. Richard Coward
  4. Albert Cohen

Ans. (a)

611. As indicated by ____, abnormality has certain positive capacities to perform.

  1. Durkheim
  2. John Bowl by
  3. Merton
  4. Malinowski

Ans. (a)

612. The cycle under which one culture consolidates itself with the other is called-

  1. Adaptation
  2. Accommodation
  3. Assimilation
  4. Acculturation

Ans. (c)

613. Which of coming up next is valid for convenience however doesn’t have any significant bearing to transformation?

  1. It is more worried about science
  2. It is a social wonder
  3. It is a developmental cycle
  4. It is a result of normal rivalry

Ans. (b)

 614. Which one of coming up next is definitely not a critical element of convenience?

  1. It is an oblivious cycle
  2. It is an endless cycle
  3. It is a cognizant interaction
  4. It is required at all levels

Ans. (c)

615. Which one of coming up next is certifiably not a huge element of convenience?

  1. It is out of contention
  2. It is because of Competition
  3. It is required at, all levels
  4. It is general in nature and character

Ans. (b)

616. In a circumstance where one gathering to the question acknowledges the view-point of the other without surrendering its own essential approaches, this kind of convenience is known as-

  1. Rationalization
  2. Toleration
  3. Conversion
  4. Compromise

Ans. (b)

617. Which one of coming up next isn’t valid for monogamy?

  1. It helps in the security of family
  2. It advances feeling of solidarity and unity
  3. In it the odds of contention don’t inside and out exist
  4. There is smooth and solid advancement of relatives

Ans. (b)

618. __________ is principally a methods for regularizing sex relations.

  1. Family
  2. Marriage
  3. Incest untouchable
  4. Kinship

Ans. (b)

619. In open arrangement of marriage, there is no ___________ marriage.


  1. restrictive
  2. love
  3. Levirate

Ans. (a)

620. The establishment of marriage these days has gone under the heaviest strain from ________.

  1. majority rule organizations
  2. urbanization
  3. religion
  4. nonsensical mentality of men people

Ans. (b)

621. The organization of marriage can’t reach a conclusion on the grounds that

  1. It plays out the essential capacity of reproduction of kids
  2. individuals have gotten more heartfelt
  3. individuals want to lead a day to day life
  4. Every state feels that individuals should wed

Ans. (a)

622. Which is right?

  1. Sibs are for the most part exogamous and along these lines a family contains individuals from a few sibs.
  2. Sibs are by and large endogamous and in this way a family contains individuals from a few sibs
  3. Sibs are for the most part endogamous and hence a family contains individuals from one sib
  4. Sibs are for the most part exogamous and consequently a family contains individuals from one sib

Ans. (a)

623. What is a male centric family?

  1. A family which is cared for by the dad of the kids
  2. A family where a youngster bears his dad’s family name
  3. A family wherein the comprehensive forces are with the male top of the family
  4. A family dependent on the idea of clique

Ans. (c)

624. Joint family framework is on the decrease Which one of coming up next isn’t the primary driver for its crumbling?

  1. There is change from horticultural to modern economy
  2. There is expanded western impact
  3. There is expanded tension ashore
  4. There is expanded agrarian creation

Ans. (d)

625. A more distant family might be characterized as-

  1. a family where all siblings, their spouses and youngsters live respectively
  2. a family wherein just senior sibling, his better half and his unhitched male siblings live respectively
  3. a family which is stretched out because of social up lift mint
  4. a family stretched out due to lawful injector

Ans. (a)

626. The matriarchal kind of families developed on the grounds that-

  1. guys were not inspired by the everyday life
  2. guys were in modest number
  3. guys were overwhelmed by strict and social knowledge of goddess
  4. guys went out for hitting and gathering implies for occupation and accordingly were by and large away from the family.

Ans. (d)

627. The occurrence of kidding relationship has been accounted for from-

  1. Vedda clan of Ceylon
  2. Nuers of Sudan
  3. Matrilineal Hopi
  4. Andaman Islanders

Ans. (c)

628. As indicated by Levi Strauss, no general public is _________ if by that, absolute disregard of one side for the other is suggested.

  1. respective
  2. one-sided
  3. matrilineal
  4. matrilineal

Ans. (b)

629. When in connection unique job is given to father’s sister, the framework is known as:

  1. imitate
  2. couvades
  3. avunclate
  4. aversion

Ans. (a)

630. Discover the inaccurate match

  1. Tyler – classificatory and distinct connection terms
  2. Pater – social parenthood
  3. Avoidance – child in-law and relative
  4. Couvades – khasi clan

Ans. (a)

631. The cutting edge western connection framework is a _________ framework.

  1. tight reach
  2. expansive reach
  3. restricted
  4. adaptable

Ans. (a)

632. ______ says that “aversion” is a system to protect harmony.

  1. Tyler
  2. Tummy-High
  3. Frazer
  4. Freud

Ans. (b)

633. Consanguineous connection is the one which is between:

  1. relative and father-in-law
  2. uncle and nephew
  3. a couple
  4. darling and cherished

Ans. (b)

634. Offspring of similar guardians are called___________.

  1. offspring’s
  2. cousins
  3. siblings
  4. kin

Ans. (d)

635. The family members by marriage are called___________.

  1. tertiary family
  2. essential family
  3. auxiliary family
  4. affinal family

Ans. (d)

636. In our occasions one of the reasons for shortcoming in family relationship is:

  1. heredity
  2. shortcoming in social ties
  3. living away from the family members
  4. losing impact of profound quality

Ans. (c)

637. The utilization of the term ‘Bapu’ to depict Mahatma Gandhi is an illustration of which one of the accompanying?

  1. North Indian family relationship phrasing
  2. Fictive family relationship
  3. Putative family relationship
  4. Collateral family relationship

Ans. (a)

638. As per the connection hypothesis, which one of coming up next is an illustration of ‘free filiations’?

  1. The connection between mother’s sibling and sister’s child in a patrilineal plummet framework
  2. The connection among grandparents and grandkids in an arrangement of uni-lineal plummet
  3. The connection among mother and girl in an arrangement of matrilineal plunge
  4. The utilization of matrilineal plummet for certain reasons and patrilineal for other people

Ans. (d)

639. Connection has a mind boggling type of order dependent on which of the accompanying?

1. Frameworks of plunge

2. Relations of connection


640. Affine relations

Select the right answer by utilizing the code given underneath:

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (c)

641. Why has the functionalist way to deal with the investigation of the foundation of family been condemned by numerous sociologists?

  1. Functionalist point of view expects the working class families to be the ideal family units.
  2. Functionalist approach doesn’t think about class, territorial and strict varieties in considering the foundation of family.

642. Functionalist see doesn’t investigate options in contrast to the family.

Select the right answer by utilizing the code given beneath:

 1 and 2

 2 and 3

 1 and 3

 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (b)

643. Who among the accompanying prominent sociologists based on investigation of a specific culture anticipated that in the post-world. War II period, there will be a confinement, separation and specialization of the family unit as a limited sub-arrangement of the general public?

  1. G.P. Murdock
  2. Talcott Parsons
  3. W.J. Goode
  4. R.D. Laing

Ans. (b)

644. Which, among the accompanying components, have associated with the family and offered catalyst to the second flood of women’s activists in 1960s to see the family with wariness?

  1. Enactment affecting sexual orientation, individual law and worldwide relocation.
  2. Expanded female workforce support.
  3. Advances in science, data and correspondence advances.

645. New conceptive innovations.

Select the right answer by utilizing the code given beneath:

  1. 2, 3 and 4
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 1, 2 and 3
  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans. (d)

646. Which one of the accompanying assertions is right? Rules of home after marriage structure a significant variable in a connection framework and in this way generously influence?

  1. The human conduct by which merchandise are created, dispersed and burned-through
  2. The nature of individual relations inside the kinfolk organization
  3. the way toward drafting connection in the political culture
  4. The human limit with respect to emblematic correspondence or language

Ans. (b)

647. The Naya thrived framework depended on which one of the accompanying?

  1. Necolocal home examples
  2. Virilocal home examples
  3. Nat local home examples AV
  4. Uxorilocal home examples

Ans. (c)

648. Intelligent relations exist between home principles and drop bunch structure. Patrilineal drop frameworks connect with either neolocal or patrivirilocal home examples. Which of the accompanying examples of home do the matrilineal plunge frameworks correspond with?

  1. Nonlocal, patrivirilocal and uxorilocal as it were
  2. Nonlocal, avunculocal and uxorilocal as it were
  3. Nonlocal, patrivirilocal and avunculocal as it were
  4. Nonlocal, patrivirilocal, avunculocal and uxorilocal

Ans. (b)

649. Taking care of a significant issue in conceptualizing the term of “plunge”, who among the accompanying researchers recognized ‘plummet’ from ‘legacy’ and bound the term ‘drop’ to ‘enrollment of a gathering as it were’?

  1. A.I. Richards
  2. W.H.R. Waterways
  3. M. Specialties
  4. J.A. Barnes

Ans. (b)

650. Think about the accompanying articulations –

1. The Near are patria lineal and the Khasi are and matrilineal

2. The Bedouin are patrilineal and the Hopi are matrilineal

3. The Gars are matrilineal and the Toda are patrilineal

Which of the assertions given above are right?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (a)