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101.Since the end of the nineteenth century, the number of married women in the labor force has:

  1. decreased dramatically
  2. increased dramatically
  3. increased slightly
  4. remained the same

102.All of the following are characteristics of global cities, except:

  1. headquarter multinational corporations
  2. exercise significant international political influence
  3. host headquarters of international NGOs
  4. host influential philosophers

103.Interest in the genital, coming to terms with Oedipal/Electra conflict, leading to identification with same-sex parent, occurs during:

  1. anal stage
  2. latency period
  3. phallic stage
  4. genital stage

104.A unique combination of traits is called:

  1. motivation
  2. personality
  3. lifecycle
  4. attitude

105.Which theoretical approach focuses on the link between culture and social inequality?

  1. the structural-functional approach
  2. the social-conflict approach
  3. the symbolic-interaction approach
  4. the sociobiology approach

106.Which of the following terms did William F. Ogburn use to refer to the period of maladjustment during which the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions?

  1. economic shift
  2. political turmoil
  3. social change
  4. culture lag

107.One suggested consequence of modernization is movement toward a “symmetrical society.” This means:

  1. a higher average level of education
  2. greater economic equality among all groups in society
  3. greater equality between men and women
  4. greater political equality

108.In an ________ political system power is vested in a single person or small group.

  1. Authoritarian
  2. Democracy
  3. Socialist
  4. Republic

109.Auguste Comte invented the term sociology.

  1. True
  2. False

110.Sociology emerged as a separate field of study during the Renaissance.

  1. True
  2. False

111.Which of the following statements regarding Karl Marx is not true?

  1. Marx accepted the evolutionary argument that societies develop along a particular path.
  2. Marx believed that history proceeds through a series of stages, each of which exploits a class of people.
  3. Marx accepted Parsons’s equilibrium model, which states that as changes occur in one part of society, there must be adjustments in other parts if stability is to be maintained.
  4. Marx argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change.

112.Which of the following is a description of ethnocentrism?

  1. taking pride in your ethnicity
  2. judging another culture using the standards of your own culture
  3. seeing another culture as better than your own
  4. judging another culture by its own standards

113.The physical sciences (physics, chemistry, and so on) use the scientific method. Social sciences use unscientific, social methods.

  1. True
  2. False

114.Max Weber and Karl Marx were in close agreement in their explanations of the role of religion in society.

      A. True

B. False

 115.In Horticultural societies

  1. people are nomadic.
  2. people have learned to raise animals.
  3. people use simple hand tools to raise crops.
  4. people hunt animals and gather vegetation.

116.It is ________ when political authority is extended over all other social life aspects.

  1. Democracy
  2. Totalitarianism
  3. Socialism
  4. Liberalism

117.Nineteenth-century models of social change tended to be:

  1. cyclical
  2. evolutionary
  3. homeostatic
  4. multilinear

118.Which of the following is NOT an element of the evolutionary model of change?

  1. Social change has a direction.
  2. Social change is continuous.
  3. Social change is natural and necessary.
  4. Social change results from inter-group conflict.

119.The psychopathology of everyday life was a prominent work of:

  1. Jung
  2. Skinner
  3. Freud
  4. Adler

120.A seventeen year old girl sits in a corner, weeping continually. This behavior could be:

  1. hypochondria
  2. nomadism
  3. repression
  4. regression

121.Which statement best expresses why there have been so few charismatic female leaders throughout history?

  1. Women have different leadership styles than men.
  2. Women are not interested in leading at all.
  3. Few women have had the opportunity to hold leadership roles over the course of history.
  4. Male historians have refused to acknowledge the contributions of female leaders in their records.

122.Comte thought sociology would move society toward perfection.

  1. True
  2. False

123.The doctrine of social Darwinism calls on the government to intervene actively to help the less fortunate in society.

  1. True
  2. False

124.Which of the following would Lenski highlight as a cause of change in society?

  1. new religious movements
  2. conflict between workers and factory owners
  3. the steam engine
  4. the extent to which people share moral values

125.Rule by a single individual is a ________.

  1. Patriarchy
  2. Monarchy
  3. Hierarchy
  4. Oligarchy

126.A major problem with theories of social change is that they cannot:

  1. be tested using data from actual experience
  2. be used for making policy decisions
  3. explain change that occurred in the past
  4. explain the role of technological innovation in social change

127.Laws and administrative regulations that are formulated by government to control, regulate or guide behavior are called:

  1. civic culture
  2. judicial verdicts
  3. public policy
  4. totalitarianism

128.The “Interpretation of Dreams” was written by:

  1. Carl Jung
  2. Sigmund Freud
  3. Ernest Jones
  4. Alfred Adle

129.Most basic among Freudian defense mechanisms is:

  1. rationalization
  2. reaction formation
  3. identification
  4. repression

130.Which of the following terms did William F. Ogburn use to refer to the period of maladjustment during which the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions?

  1. economic shift
  2. political turmoil
  3. social change
  4. culture lag

131.All of the following are characteristics of global cities, except:

  1. headquarter multinational corporations
  2. exercise significant international political influence
  3. host headquarters of international NGOs
  4. host influential philosophers

132.August Comte invented the term sociology.

  1. True
  2. False

133.Sociology emerged as a separate field of study during the Renaissance.

  1. True
  2. False

134.Which theoretical approach focuses on the link between culture and social inequality?

  1. the structural-functional approach
  2. the social-conflict approach
  3. the symbolic-interaction approach
  4. the sociobiology approach

135. an ________ political system power is vested in a single person or small group.

  1. Authoritarian
  2. Democracy
  3. Socialist
  4. Republic

136.One suggested consequence of modernization is movement toward a “symmetrical society.” This means:

  1. a higher average level of education
  2. greater economic equality among all groups in society
  3. greater equality between men and women
  4. greater political equality

137.Since the end of the nineteenth century, the number of married women in the labor force has:

  1. decreased dramatically
  2. increased dramatically
  3. increased slightly
  4. remained the same

138.Interest in the genital, coming to terms with Oedipal/Electra conflict, leading to identification with same-sex parent, occurs during:

  1. anal stage
  2. latency period
  3. phallic stage
  4. genital stage

139.A unique combination of traits is called:

  1. motivation
  2. personality
  3. lifecycle
  4. attitude

140.Which of the following statements regarding Karl Marx is not true?

  1. Marx accepted the evolutionary argument that societies develop along a particular path.
  2. Marx believed that history proceeds through a series of stages, each of which exploits a class of people.
  3. Marx accepted Parsons’s equilibrium model, which states that as changes occur in one part of society, there must be adjustments in other parts if stability is to be maintained.
  4. Marx argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change.

141.What is the primary driver of modernization theory?

  1. Industrialization
  2. Aging
  3. Conflict
  4. Interaction

142.The physical sciences (physics, chemistry, and so on) use the scientific method. Social sciences use unscientific, social methods.

  1. True
  2. False

143.Which of the following is a description of ethnocentrism?

  1. taking pride in your ethnicity
  2. judging another culture using the standards of your own culture
  3. seeing another culture as better than your own
  4. judging another culture by its own standards

144.An example of interpretive social science research would be a study aimed at understanding and ending child abuse.

  1. True
  2. False

145.According to Ralf Dahrendorf, a frequent effect of modernization on the lives of individuals is:

  1. a feeling of anomie
  2. a higher level of living
  3. an unwillingness to face new experiences
  4. decreased political participation

144.One of the principle concepts of a ______ psychologist is that of “unconscious processes”:

  1. humanistic
  2. psychoanalytic
  3. cognitive
  4. behavioral

145.Freud believed that the primary force in an individual’s life was:

  1. the superego
  2. psychosexual development
  3. sexual urge
  4. bodily function

146.To say that an argument is not empirical is to say that it is not based on evidence.

  1. True
  2. False

147.Sociologists use the term “cultural lag” to refer to:

  1. the slowing of cultural change in Asia
  2. the fact that some societies change faster than others do
  3. that fact that some elements of culture change faster than others
  4. people who are less cultured than others

148.Critical social science believes that research must be value-free.

  1. True
  2. False

149.When Ralf Dahrendorf argues that we need “flexible institutions,” he means that we should:

  1. adjust to modernization with minimal disruption of existing institutions
  2. engage in more centralized planning
  3. make every effort to reverse the modernization process
  4. rely on the government to solve the problems that arise as a result of modernization

150.A major drawback of Immanuel Wallerstein’s world system theory is that it:

  1. focuses too much on capitalist domination of the world economy
  2. ignores the extent of economic specialization in the international economy
  3. ignores the fact that core nations have areas of production that resemble semiperipheral and peripheral areas
  4. relies too heavily on political repression to explain relationships between core and peripheral areas