Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 7

301. Which of coming up next is definitely not a trait of gathering of people?

  1. Its individuals are aware of shared participation.
  2. Its individuals acknowledge certain rights and commitments.
  3. Its individuals are an easygoing assortment of individuals
  4. Its individuals have a particular arrangement of relational relations.

Ans. (c)

302. George Simmel’s order of gathering as monad, dyad, set of three and so forth depends on:

  1. actual nearness
  2. nature of enrollment
  3. social relations
  4. size

Ans. (d)

303. Who among the accompanying presented the idea of ‘fanciful reference bunch’?

  1. New Comb
  2. Merton
  3. Klinberg
  4. Hyman

Ans. (c)

304. Who among the accompanying have applied reference bunch hypothesis in understanding sanskritization measure in India’?

  1. Damle and Lynch
  2. O. Lewis and Majumdar
  3. Marriott and Singer
  4. Srinivas and Beteille

Ans. (d)

305. Imprint out the essential gathering among the accompanying:

(a) Members of a worker’s guild

(b) Family

(c) Students of history

(d) The social specialists

Ans. (b)

306. Which among coming up next are reference gatherings?

  1. College going understudies
  2. Nuclear researchers
  3. Marine designers
  4. All

Ans. (d)

307. Which among coming up next is definitely not an optional gathering?

  1. Political coalition
  2. A city
  3. Labor association
  4. Students in a homeroom

Ans. (d)

308. Which among the accompanying don’t establish the reference bunch?

  1. Cambridge researchers
  2. Nov Ratans in the Court of Vikramaditya
  3. Urchins out and about side
  4. Members of the United Nations

Ans. (c)

309. Which among coming up next is optional gathering’?

  1. Nurses going to upon patient
  2. Production proficiency board in a plant
  3. A cookout bunch
  4. Cooperative Society

Ans. (d)

310. As indicated by Toniest, neighborhood is types of_____________.

  1. Community
  2. Gesell chat
  3. Social gathering
  4. Primary gathering

Ans. (a)

311. Discover the wrong match-

  1. Horizontal gathering – make association
  2. Spatial gatherings – en

  1. terprise
  2. Secondary gathering – enterprise
  3. Primary gathering – ideological group

Ans. (d)

312. Taking a stab at affirmation is a ___________ conduct.

  1. reference bunch
  2. essential gathering
  3. in-bunch
  4. optional gathering

Ans. (a)

313. Which among coming up next is organized and includes the option to make certain moves including choices to give orders?

  1. certainty
  2. strength
  3. authority
  4. power

Ans. (c)

314. As per Weber, the three sorts of authority are:

  1. levelheaded, medieval and industrialist
  2. medieval, conventional and charming
  3. lawful, convention

  1. al and charming
  2. nothing from what was just mentioned

  1. al and charming
  2. nothing from what was just mentioned

Ans. (c)

315. Social design is a/an-

  1. underlying intelligibility
  2. combination of extreme qualities
  3. formal articulation
  4. practical course of action

Ans. (d)

316. As per Parsons, society is a framework having four essential practical earlier conditions, they are-

  1. variation, objective direction, combination and example upkeep
  2. instruction, socialization, social control and religion
  3. financial organizations, political foundations philosophy and family relationship
  4. nothing from what was just mentioned

Ans. (a)

317. At the point when universalism is joined with accomplishment esteems, the outcome is a social construction of

  1. universalistic-accomplishment design
  2. particularistic-credit design
  3. universalistic-credit design
  4. particularistic-accomplishment design

Ans. (a)

318. As indicated by Weber the gatherings which are explicitly worried about affecting strategies and settling on choices in light of a legitimate concern for their enrollment are called_____________.

  1. Parties
  2. Communities
  3. Political Parties
  4. Relative Classes

Ans. (a)

319. As per H.M. Johnson, which one stands significant for reconciliation and example support?

  1. initiative
  2. ethical quality
  3. marriage
  4. family relationship

Ans. (b)

320. As per Weber, which are originates from a person’s passionate stage at a specific time?

  1. Affective activity
  2. Reflective activity
  3. Spring activity
  4. Rational activity

Ans. (a)

321. With whose name will you relate the ‘Voluntaristic hypothesis of Action’?

  1. Parsons
  2. Weber
  3. Tonnies
  4. Durkheim

Ans. (a)

322. Humanism is the interpretive comprehension of social activity. This definition was brought by

  1. Max Weber
  2. Karl Marx
  3. C. Levi Strauss
  4. Henry Maine

Ans. (a)

323. Standards are:

  1. the behaviors which join esteem decisions
  2. the normalized speculations
  3. the behaviors which are the rules of the normal conduct
  4. not example drawing certain lines or the conduct of a person

Ans. (d)

324. Which of the accompanying assertions gives right clarification of standards:

  1. standards are those norms of gathering conduct which the individuals should follow
  2. standards are those principles which are complied to bring dispersion among the people
  3. standards are sure principles which are embraced to get the people far from any sort of collaboration
  4. standards act against the methods of conduct of the people

Ans. (a)

325. Norm is:

  1. genuine conduct
  2. a socially shared meaning of alluring conduct
  3. conduct wanted by dominant part of the people
  4. standard of conduct

Ans. (c)

326. Accepted practices allude to:

  1. a wide range of conduct
  2. the most as often as possible noticed conduct in a general public
  3. right sort of conduct
  4. those guidelines or rules which determine fitting and unseemly conduct

Ans. (b)

327. Which among the accompanying has affected man’s confidence and conviction most?

  1. the living spaces
  2. (d) levels of culture accomplished
  3. the growing experience
  4. the in-conceived feeling

Ans. (d)

328. Institutional conviction framework:

  1. can’t at all be changed
  2. can be changed without any problem
  3. can be changed seldom
  4. can be changed just when not many incredible in the general public like that

Ans. (c)

329. Institutional conviction framework is one which is:

  1. embraced by just a single establishment
  2. received by hardly any organization
  3. embraced by a specific Society
  4. disposed of by all establishment

Ans. (a)

330. Conviction framework in each strict framework:

  1. has some representative articulations
  2. steers clear of images
  3. embraces images when vital
  4. disposes of images freely

Ans. (c)

331. Which one of the accompanying can’t be the reason for disappointment in the conviction framework?

  1. inconvenient passing of a connection
  2. substantial loss of property
  3. disappointment in gathering a gathering of companions
  4. more award for less work

Ans. (d)

332. In strict conviction framework which one of coming up next isn’t accurate about Muslim framework:

  1. it has confidence in one incomparable God
  2. it has confidence in the hypothesis of held and paradise
  3. it has confidence in truth and deception
  4. it puts stock in immigration of soul

Ans. (c)

333. _____ is unconstrained, _____ is counterfeit.

  1. Fashion, culture
  2. Mores, custom
  3. Custom, design
  4. Culture, propensity

Ans. (c)

334. Which one of coming up next is definitely not an attribute of degenerate conduct?

  1. It upsets social harmony
  2. It negates normal practices
  3. It is a takeoff from regular method of conduct
  4. It is a takeoff from recently created set of conduct

Ans. (d)

335. General assessment as a methods for social control is-

  1. A feeble approval
  2. An unsure assent, since nobody can make certain of its bound together stand
  3. Useless since no one is prepared to follow it
  4. Has no connection with social control

Ans. (b)

336. It is accepted that similarity with the traditions is-

  1. A programmed interaction
  2. An impassively forced interaction
  3. A counterfeit interaction as in individuals follow customs to hotshot
  4. With some possible measure of deviation.

Ans. (a)

337. Customs are those approvals

  1. Which are consigned by a solitary position
  2. Which are managed by the oldest individual in the gathering
  3. Which are basically acknowledged by the individuals from the general public
  4. Which are managed by law

Ans. (c)

338. Which of the accompanying can’t be called as the degenerate people?

  1. Delinquent
  2. Saint
  3. Miser
  4. Hippie

Ans. (c)

339. Which of the accompanying assertions is right?

  1. Deviance is in logical inconsistency to normal practices
  2. Deviance is the invalidation of the social conduct and fairness
  3. Deviance implies the exhibition of exercises which are not supported by the general public
  4. All of the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

340. Degenerate conduct

  1. Brings the deteriorating powers in balance
  2. Disturbs the balance in the public activity of individuals
  3. Acts in logical inconsistency to aberrance
  4. Means the conduct which is appeared by industrious people

Ans. (b)

341. “The inclination with respect to at least one of the segment components to act so as to upset the balance of intelligent cycle”, is the definition given by-

  1. W.G. Sumner
  2. Emile Durkheim
  3. R.K. Merton
  4. Talcott Parsons

Ans. (d)

342. “An inspired inclination of an entertainer to act in negation of at least one regulated regularizing designs” is a meaning of-

  1. Deviant Behavior
  2. Customary acquiescence
  3. Refusal-propensity
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (a)

343. Freud’s ‘Id’ can best be interpreted as____________.

  1. Reason
  2. Hostility
  3. Desire
  4. Social soul

Ans. (c)

344. As per Cooley, the idea of____________ alludes to an individual view of self as controlled by the manner in which one envisions one appears to other people or as others see us______.

  1. Significant others
  2. Generalized others
  3. Looking-glass self
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (c)

345. Which among coming up next is valid for socialization?

  1. It mingles the people
  2. It makes society above person
  3. It carries people into the social
  4. All the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

346. Whose name is related with the cycle of Socialization?

  1. C.H. Cooley
  2. G.H. Mead
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. All the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

347. Which is valid for socialization?

  1. It features esteems and habits inside people.
  2. Socialization incorporates both learning of new things and forgetting of maladaptive practices
  3. Socialization is both purposeful and unexpected
  4. All the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

348. Who among the accompanying has brought the idea of ID, Ego and Superego?

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. G.H. Mead
  3. C.H. Cooley
  4. Maclver

Ans. (a)

349. The idea of T and ‘Me’ is ascribed the name of-

  1. C.H. Cooley
  2. G.H. Mead
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. Maclver

Ans. (b)

350. Who has postponed the interaction of socialization through the way toward playing at a job?

  1. O.H. Mead
  2. C.H. Cooley
  3. S. Freud
  4. T. Mazumdar

Ans. (a)