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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1.         Find Out  the best  match for the fermentation product and the organism involved;

(a) Formic acid — Saccharomyces

(b) Ethanol — Saccharomyces

(c) Ethanol — Aspergillus 

(d) Glycerol — Aspergillus

2.         Which is not an objective of genetic  engineering?

(a) Production of cheese and yogurt by lactic acid bacteria 

(b) Isolation of a particular gene, or part of a gene 

(c) Production of RNA and protein molecules.

(d) Correction of genetic defects in   higher organisms

3.         Which of these is an anti-viral   protein?

(a) Urokinase 

(b) Thymosin

(c) Insulin       

(d) Interferon

4.         The first step in genetic engineering is

(a) Growth of thet genetically modifi organism

(b) Transfer of the recombinant DNA into the host organism

(c) Isolation of the gene of interest

(d) Insertion of gene into a vector

5.         The , work on genetic engineering started in:

(a) 1944          

(b) 1955

(c) 1945          

(d) 1943

6.         Scientists are able to cut and paste the DNA of organism in:

(a) 1944

(b) 1970 

(c) 1990          

(d) 2002

7.         Scientists prepared human insulin by inserting the insulin gene in bacteria


(a) 1970          

(b) 1978          

(c) 1990

(d) 2002

8.         Human genome project was launched in:

(a) 1990          

(b) 1970 

(c) 1978          

(d) 2002

9.         In alcoholic fermentation, which   bacteria is used?

(a) Saccharomyces

(b) Lactobacillus 

(c) Streptococcus

(d) Both B and C

10,Which of these micro-organism is used in the production of formic acid?

(a) Aspergillus

(b) Bacillus

(c) Saccharomyces

(d) None

11.       Glycero! is produced by:

(a) Aspergillus

(b) acillus

(c) Saccharomyces

(d) Streptococcus

12.       Which one is used to dissolve blood clots?

(a) Urokinase            

(b) Interferons 

(c) Thymosin  

(d) Vaccine

13.       The complete map of human genome was published in:

(a) 2002          

(b) 1944

(c) 1978          

(d) 1990          

14.       50 kilogram of yeast produces how many tons of proteins within 24 hours.

(a) 250

(b) 150

(c) 350

(d) 450

15.       Interferon        was      produced by genetically modified microorganisms

(a) 1980          

(b) 1944

(c) 1990          

(d) 1970 

16.       500,000 sheep brains were required to produce how much milligrams of human growth hormone? 

(a) 5

(b) 10

(c) 15  

(d) 20

17.       Which one is effective against brain and lung cancer?

(a) Beta — endorphin

(b)  Vaccine

(c) Thymosin

(d) Insulin

18.       Which one is not used for the production of plastics?

(a) Bacillus

(b) Aspergillus

(c) Saccharomyces

(d) None of these

19.       Alcoholic fermentation is carried out by;       

(a) Yeast        

(b) Bacteria

(c) Virus         

(d) Algae

20.       Enzyme used to cut the identified gene from the total DNÅ of donor organism is;  

(a) Endonuclease       

(b) Ligase

(c) Restriction Endonuclease

(d) Amylase

21.       Vector transmits;

(a) Bacterium

(b) Parasite

(c) Pathogen    

(d) Both B and C

22.       Which is an important application of Biotechnology?

(a) Respiration           

(b) Decomposition

(c) Digestion   

(d) Fermentation

23.       In glycolysis, glucose molecule is broken down into two molecules of:

(a) Pyruvic acid        

(b) Lactic acid

(c) Formic acid          

(d) Acrylic acid

24.       Who produced the Dolly sheep?

(a) Louis Pasteur

(b) Walther Flemming

(c) Ian Wilmut

(d) Mendel

25.       Who invented Pasteurization?

(a) Louis pasteur

(b) Walther Flemming

(c) Carolus Linnaeus

(d) Aristotle

26.       Who introduced the term “single cell Protein”?

(a) Mendel

(b) Louis Pasteur

(c) Scrimshow          

(d) . Ian Wilmut

 27.       The use of living organisms in  processes for the manufacturer of  useful products for services is called:

(a) Genetic Engineering

(b) Biotechnology

(c) Vaccination

 (d) Maltation 

28.        Streptococcus and Lactobacillus are:

(a) Viruses      

(b) Fungi

(c) Bacteria   

(d) Algae

29,         When Pasteur gonvinced the scientific    community that all fermentations are the results of microbial activity? 

(a) 1957

(b) 1857 

(c) 1900          

(d) 2010

30.        Which one is the commonest type of  fermented cereal product?  

(a) Pickles

(b) Bread

(c) Jams

(d) Powdered milk

31.        In the synthesis of bear, fermentation of fine powder of cereal grains is done

(a) Yeast        

(b) Bacteria

(c) Viruses      

(d) All of the above

32.       Which one is used in the production of Vinegar and Beverages?

(a) Aspergillus

(b) Bacillus

(c) Saccharomyces

(d) Lactobacillus

33.       The vector DNA and the attached gene of interest are collectively called:

(a) GMO

(b) Recombinant DNA

(c) DNA 

(d) Endonucleases

34.       Wheat dough is fermented by:

(a) Yeast        

(b) S Cerevisiae

(c) Lactobacillus

(d) Streptococcus

35.       Organisms with modified genetic set up are called:

(a) Dolly

(b) Transgenic organisms

(c) Breed

(d) Vector       

36.       The process in which glucose molecule is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acid is called:     

(a) Fermentation

(b) Genetic Engineering

(c) Glycolysis

(d) Biotechnology

37.       Which one is used as sweetener

(a) Formic acid

(b) Ethanol

(c) Glycerol

(d) All of these

38.       DNA carries   was proved in?

(a) 1970’s       

(b) 1944

(c) 1978          

(d) 2000          

39.       When was DNA prepared outside the  cells?

(a) 1944          

(b) 1953

(c) 1970’s       

(d) 1990

40.       Scientists were able to cut and paste the DNA of organisms in;

(a) 1953          

(b) 1970’s       

(c) 1944          

(d) 1990        


41.       Human Genome project was  launched?                 

(a) 1970          

(b) 1990          

(c) 1991          

(d) 2000       


42.       Complete human genome map was published in?

(a) 1976          

(b) 2004

(c) 2002          

(d) 2012 

43.       Malted food-is / are;

(a) Powdered milk

(b) Mixture of barely

(c) Whole milk

(d) All of these

44.       Fermented food is/are;          

(a) Pickles      

(b) Yogurt

(c) Both A and B

(d) Wheat flour

45.       Which is used for souring milk and for production of various types of cheese?

(a) Lactobacillus

(b) Streptococcus

(c) Both lactobacillus and streptococcus 

(d) Saccharomyces 

46.       Fermentation makes the food more?

(a) More Digestible

(b) Less Nutritious

(c) Tasteless

(d) Less digestible 

47.       Grapes can directly be fermented by  yeasts to       

(a) Formic acid          

(b) Wine

(c) Pyruvic acid         

(d) Ethanol

48. Which product is used inelectroplating

(a) Formic acid

(b) Ethanol

(c) Glycerol    

(d) Acrylic acid

49.       Which maintains the microorganisms in growth phase?

(a) Fermenter

(b) Continuous fermenter

(c) Batch fermenter

(d) All of these

50.       A joining enzyme is;

(a) Thymosin

(b) Endonuclease

(c) Ligase

(d) Urokinase

51.       A breaking enzyme is;

(a) Recombinant DNA

(b) Ligase

(c) Urokinase

(d) Endonuclease     

52.       SCP has good prospects for future because it contains all important;

(a) Nutrients

(b) Amino acids

(c) Lipids

(d) Fats

53.       It is a catabolic process:

(a) Photosynthesis

(b) Fermentation

(c) Fragmentation

(d) None of these

54.       To preserve fruits, vegetables and pickles we add;

(a) Water and yogurt

(b) Salt and acid 

(c) Flour and salt

(d) Onion and garlic

55.       An enzyme produced by genetically   modified organisms used to break up   blood clots is called;

(a) Lipase

(b) Amylase

(c) Urokinase

(d) Peptidase