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11 | 10th Class Biology Mcqs Chapter 20 | 12 | 10th Class Biology Mcqs Chapter 21 |
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1. Antibiotics are used for the;
(a) Treatment of viral infections
(b) Treatment of bacterial infections
(c) Immunization against infections
(d) Both a and b
2. The product used for the treatment, cure, prevention or diagnosis of disease are called;
(a) Medicinal drugs
(b) Narcotics
(c) Hallucinogens
(d) Sedatives
3. Aspirin is categorized as:
(a) A drug from animals
(b) A synthetic drug
(c) A drug from plants
(d) A drug from minerals
4. The drugs used to reduce pain are known as;
(a) Analgesics
(b) Antiseptics
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Sedatives
5. Which among the following drugs is derived from plants
(a) Aspirin
(b) Opium
(c) Cephalosporin
(d) InsUlin
6. Which among of these addictive drugs are used as painkillers?
(a) Narcotics
(b) Sedatives
(c) Hallucinogens
(d) All can be used
7. Sulfonamides affect bacteria in the following way:
(a) Break the cell wall
(b) Inhibit protein synthesis
(c) Stop the synthesis of new cell wall
(d) Stop the synthesis of folic acid
8. What is true about vaccines?
(a) Protect against the future viral and bacterial infections
(b) Treat the existing bacterial infections only
(c) Treat existing infections and also protect against future infections
(d) Protect against viral infections only
9. Until 1890, the subject pharmacology was known as:
(a) Clinical pharmacology
(b) Materia Medica
(c) Pharmacy
(d) All of these
10. A cardiotonic digitalis is obtained from a plant:
(a) Poppy
(b) Fungi
(c) Cannabis
(d) Foxglove
11. The role of antiseptics is:
(a) pestroy microorganisms
(b) Kill bacteria
(c) Inhibit bacteria
(d) Reduce possibility of infections
12. Who introduced the idea of sterile surgery for first time?
(a). Alexander Fleming
(b) Joseph Lister
(c) Pasteur
(d) A stot
13. When Sir Alexander Fleming was awarded Nobel prize on the discovery of penicillin?
(a) 11881
(b) 1955
(c) 1945
(d) 1912
14. Expired drugs can cause damage to:
(a) Heart
(b) Brain
(c) Kidneys
(d) Stomach
15. The most prescribed medications in modern medicine are:
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Sedatives
(c) Cardiotonics
(d) Hallucinogens
16. A medicine for lowering blood pressure, which has sulfonamide group is: (a) Aspirin
(b) Penicillin
(c) Thiazide diuretics
(d) Terramycin
17. Edward Jenner introduced the world’s first:
(a) Vaccination
(b) Antigen
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Addictive drugs
18. In case of tetanus vaccination which is for limited time, are used for continuous protection.
(a) B-Lymphocytes
(b) Booster shots
(c) Antibiotics
(d) None of these
19. The methods of administering vaccines is/are;
(a) Injection
(b) Mouth
(c) Nasal spray
(d) All of the above
20. When the antibiotics are not Effective against viral infection then it will called;
(a) Efficiency
(b) Efficacy
(c) Inefficiency
(d) resistance
21. The medicine reduces the pain;
(a) Aspirin
(b) Quinine
(c) Chloroquine
(d) Resochin
22. This drug belongs to Hallucinogens;
(a) Morphine
(b) Codeine
(c) Heroin
(d) Mescaline
23. Cardiotonic is used to stimulate the heart, it is made from the leaves of purple flowered plant called:
(a) Rose
(b) Jasmine
(c) Hibiscus
(d) Foxglove
24. The powder form of is applied on wounds to stop bleeding and prevent infection:
(a) Ammonium nitrate
(b) Silver nitrate
(c) Sodium phosphate
(d) Sulphur
25. Diazepam is included in:
(a) Analgesics
(b) Antibiotics
(c) Sedatives
(d) Vaccines
26. Long term use of drug induced suicidal thoughts:
(a) Analgesics
(b) Vaccines
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Sedatives
27. Mescaline comes from:
(a) Mushroom
(b) Poppy plant
(c) Cactus
(d) Sunflower
28. The scientific name of marijuanplant is:
(a) Rosa Indica
(b) Brassica campestris
(c) Putrenzeva
(d) Cannabis sativa
29. __ is not used in children under the age of 8 and during the period of tooth development:
(a) Cephalosporins
(b) Tetracyclines
(c) Sulpha Drugs
(d)Thiazide Diuretics
30. In which year a British physician Edward Jenner infected a young boy with cowpox by injecting pus cells:
(a) 1786
(b) 1696
(c) 1756
(d) 1796
31. Drugs obtained from animals a ré usually their __ products.
(a) Catabolic
(b) Anabolic
(c) Waste
(d) Glandular
32. ___ recognize the weakened or dead pathogens as enemies and start producing antibodies against them.
(a) Antigens
(b) Lymphocytes
(c) Vaccines
(d) None
33. __ destroy microorganisms found on non-living objects.
(a) Sedatives
(b) Antibiotics
(c) Disinfectants
(d) Antiseptics
34. Pathogens contain special proteins called:
(a) Lymphocytes
(b) Antigens
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Antibodies
35. Which of following is/are broad antibiotic?
(a) Tetracyclines
(b) Sulfonamides
(c) Cephalosporins
(d) Tetracyclines and Sulfonamides
36. Which of the following drug is derived from a mushroom?
(a) Marijuana
(b) Mescaline
(c) Morphine
(d) Psilocin
37. Antibiotics are derived’ microorganisms:
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungi
(c) Bacteria and Fungi
(d) Viruses
38. Bacteriostatics are antibiotics:
(a) Kill bacteria
(b) Stop bacterial growth
(c) Enhance bacterial growth
(d) Lessen bacterial growth
39. Which of following is not an
(a) Penicillin
(b) Tetracycline
(c) Thiazide diuretics
(d) Sulfa drugs
40. Penicillin is derived from fungus
(a) Penicillium candidum
(b) Penicillium expansum
(c) Penicillium notatum
(d) Penicillium chrysogenum
41. Example of non-prescription drug is:
(a) Aspirin
(b) Antibiotics
(c) -Barbiturates
(d) Tranquilisers
42. Which of following is/are an example of prescription drug:
(a) Barbiturates and Aspirin
(b) Tranquilisers
(c) Aspirin
(d) Barbiturates and Tranquilisers
43. Which of following is an example of synthetic drug?
(a) Digitalis
(b) Penicillin
(c) Aspirin
(d) Streptomycin
44. Which of the following affects production of sperms in men?
(a) Codeine
(b) Morphine
(c) arhjuana
(d) Mescaline
45. Paracetamol is a/an:
(a) Analgesics
(b) Antibiotics
(c) Sedatives
(d) Vaccines
46. Small doses result in a feeling of well-being that lasts two to three hours.
(a) Mescaline
(b) Marijuana
(c) Heroin
(d) Morphine
47. Which of the following are used to relieve pain for patients with chronic diseases such as cancer.
(a) Sedatives
(b) Narcotics
(c) Hallucinogens
(d) Mescaline
48. Antibiotics used to treat a few types of bacteria are called antibiotics.
(a) Broad Spectrum
(b) Narrow Spectrum
(c) Large Range spectrum
(d) Narrow and Broad Spectrum
49. Sir Alexander Fleming is a biologist.
(a) Italian
(b) English
(c) Scottish
(d) Swedish
50. Early Pharmacologist focused on:
(a) Synthetic chemical extract
(b) Microbial Extracts
(c) Plant Extracts
(d) Animal Extracts
51. Which cells in body provide protection against future infections?
(a) Red Blood cells
(b) Thrombocytes
(c) Memory cells
(d) Platelets
52. Drugs which make a person dependent on them are:
(a) Antibiotics Free IL
(b) Addictive
(c) Clinical
(d) Non prescription
53. Aspirin is a a/an;
(a) Prescription
(b) Non prescription
(c) Synthetic drug
(d) Synthetic & Non-Prescription drug
54. Medicines which are used to stimulate heart rate are called:
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Cardiotonics
(c) Analgesics
(d) Pain killer
55. A Cardiotonic is:
(a) Penicillin
(b) Aspirin
(c) Digitalis
(d) Opium
56. Penicillin is obtained from:
(a) Plants
(b) Fungus
(c) Animals
(d) Bacteria
57. From the leaves of foxglove, which is obtained?
(a) Opium
(b) Tincture of iodine
(c) Antitoxin
(d) Digitalis
58. The example of a pain reliever is;
(a) Silver nitrate
(b) Morphine
(c) Marijuana
(d) Mescaline
59. An example of illegal addictive drug is:
(a) Marijuana
(b) Penicillin
(c) CDigitalis
(d) Foxglove
60 Drugs which are .obtained from animals are:
(a) Musk and Beeswax
(b) Musk
(c) Beeswax
(d) Mush and tincture of Iodine
61. Hallucinogen which is smoked is;
(a) Datura
(b) Marijuana
(c) Psilocin
(d) Mescaline
62. Which inhibits or kill bacteria?
(a) Aspirin
(b) Tetracycline
(c) Diazepam
(d) Paracetamol
63. Who discovered penicillin?
(a) Fleming
(b) Lister
(c) Jenner
(d) Louis Pasteur
64. Which are aroused for ecstatic effects?
(a) Sedatives
(b) Hallucinogens
(c) Narcotics
(d) Marijuana
65. Most commonly abused Narcotic is:
(a) Morphine
(b) Codeine
(c) Caffeine
(d) Heroin
66. Which is derived from Cactus?
(a) Psilocin
(b) Diazepam
(c) Mescaline
(d) Morphine
67. What affects a sympathetic Nervous system?
(a) Sedative
(b) Hallucinogens
(c) Narcotics
(d) Analgesics
68. High doses of increases heart rate?
(a) Marijuana
(b) Hashish
(c) Marijuana & Hashish
(d) Morphine
69. Which interfere with synthesis•ot bacterial cell wall?
(a) Cephalosporins
(b) Tetracyclines
(c) Tetracyclines & Cephalosporins
(d) Sulfonamide
70. Which should not be used during period of tooth development?
(a) Cephalosporins
(b) Sulfonamides
(c) Tetracyclines
(d) Hallucinogens
71. A medicine for lowering blood pressure is:
(a) Cephalosporins
(b) Sulpha drugs
(c) Tetracyclines
(d) Thiazide diuretics
72. Who introduced Carbolic Acid?
(a) Sir Alexander Fleming
(b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Joseph Lister
(d) Edward Jenner
73. The example of Sedative is:
(a) Aspirin
(b) Diazepam
(c) Carbolic acid
(d) Tetracycline
74. The drugs that causes changes in perception, thought, emotion and consciousness are:
(a) Narcotics
(b) Sedatives
(c) Hallucinogens
(d) Morphine
75. Morphine and Codeine are derived from:
(a) Poppy
(b) Foxglove
(c) Sheesham
(d) All of these
76. Which one is prescribed as a strange Analgesic under the name diamorphine in many Western countries:
(a) Paracetamol
(b) spirin
(c) Heroin
(d) Marijuana
77. To which grand aspirin belong;
(a) Obtained from animals
(b) Obtained from plants
(c) Synthetic
(d) Obtained from bacteria
78. Which of the following addictive drugs is obtainéd from opium?
(a) Morphine
(b) Marijuana
(c) Mescaline
(d) Psilocin