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Data Types, Assignment and I/O Statements
Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following option
1) Print 45 + 10 is a
(a) Direct
(b) Indirect
(c) Both a & b
(d) None
2 BASIC was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1963 at
(a) Preston College
(b) Hovered university
(c) London university
(d) Dartmouth College\
3 How many modes of operations in BASIC?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(C) 3
(d) 4
4 Which of the following is keyword?
(a) ABC
5 BASIC character set consists of
(a) Alphabetic
(b) Numeric
(c) Special
(d) All
6 Alphabetic character consist of
(a) Special characters
(b) Digits
(c) Numeric characters
(d) Small
7 English Solve the expression 5 + 2 * 3
(a) 11
(b) 21
(c) 13
8 In BASIC all addition and subtraction are made from
(a) Left to right
(b) Right to left
(c) No sequence
(d) None
9 Which of the following is not a command in BASIC?
(a) RUN
(b) READ
(c) LIST
(d) SAVE
10 The SAVE statement in BASIC transfers a program from
(a) Primary storage to secondary storage
(b) Secondary storage to primary storage
(c) One secondary storage device to another
(d) ROM to RAM
11 Comma between the variables in Print statement divide the screen in zone
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
12 How many data types in BASIC?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
13 A complete BASIC program is written in
(a) Indirect mode
(b) Direct mode
(c) Active mode
(d) Full mode
14 0,1,2,3,4,5………9 is called characters
(a) Numeric
(b) Alphabetic
(c) Special
15 $,^& * are called
(a) Numeric
(b) Alphabetic
(c) Special
(d) All
16 BASIC language was developed in
(a) England
(b) India
(c) USA
(d) China
17 Which of the following languages was developed to address the complexity issues of older languages?
18 The residential address of a person will be
(a) Alphanumeric
(b) Numeric
(c) Alphabetic
(d) Special character
19 If A = 74 and it remains 74 during execution of the program then A is
(a) Character
(b) Constant
(c) Variable
(d) Reserve word
20 An example of BASIC command is
(a) LET
(b) DATA
(c) END
(d) None
21 Which of the following is assignment operator in BASIC
(a) +
(b) –
(c) =
(d) All
22 A program in BASIC consists of a set of instructions or each of which is preceded by a number called a line number.
(a) Commands
(b) Algorithm
(c) Statements
(d) Flowchart
23 In BASIC is something that does not change its value during execution of program.
(a) Variables
(b) Constant
(c) String
(d) Numbers
24 Which of the following represents is numeric data constant?
(a) “1992”
(c) “KIPS”
(d) 2008
25 The maximum value of statement line number is
(a) 255
(b) 65529
(c) 65536
(d) 155
26 What is the last letter of string variable name?
(b) $
(c) @
(d) #
27 How many logical operators used in BASIC?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
28 Which statement is used to assign the values of variables?
(a) READ
(d) LET
29 GW-BASIC is an
(a) Interpreter
(b) Compiler
(C) Interpreter
(d) A11
30 Which of the following BASIC interpreter provides a menu driven environment to write and execute its program?
(d) None
31 BEDMAS is the
(a) Control statement
(b) Key word
(d) Hierarchy of arithmetic operators
32 A numeric variable always has a value which is
(a) Zero
(b) One
(c) Unpredictable
(d) All
33 Identify the string variable
(a) A
(b) A$
(c) A%
(d) A#
34 Which of the following is a short key to run a program in GW-BASIC?
(a) F4
(b) F2
(c) F1
(d) F3
35 If two or more statements are written on a line, they must be separated by a
(a) Hyphen
(b) Semi colon
(c) Comma
(d) Colon
36 BASIC language is developed in
(a) 1960
(b) 1961
(c) 1962
(d) 1963
37 The BASIC statement for transfer the value stored in P to Q could be
(a) INPUT P= Q
(b) LET P=Q
(c) LET PIQ=1
(d) LET Q =P
38 In BASIC which statement is used to assign large number values of variables?
(a) LET
(d) READ…
39 DATA Which statement in BASIC makes it possible to used DATA values again beginning from the first value listed in DATA statement?
(d) LET
40 Which of the following BASIC command is used to print the list of loaded program statements on the printer attached to the computer?
(a) LIST
(c) VIEW
41 hich statement is used to display numbers and string on the screen?
(d) All
42 Which of the following is the default extension of a GW-BASIC program?
(a) COM
(b) BAT
(d) BAS
43 If we intend to write 10242 in BASIC we will write it as
(a) 10242
(b) 10242
(c) 5122
(d) 1024^2
44 In BASIC a constant can be of the type
(a) String
(b) Numeric
(c) Both a & b
(d) None
45 Which of the following is a legal variable name in BASIC?
(a) A+B
(b) AB
(c) 2A
(d) A2
46 Which of the following BASIC command is used to generate the line number automatically each time when enter key is pressed?
(a) LIST
(d) LOAD
47 The maximum length of a variable name in GW-BASIC is
(a) 40
(b) 32
(c) 31
(d) 45
48 A GW-BASIC program line cannot have more than characters
(a) 240
(b) 245
(C) 250
49 The INPUT statement puts a question mark ? on the screen which means
(a) Enter value for the variable
(b) Enter name of the variable
(c) Invalid statement
(d) A= 10
50 Which of the following is a type declaration character for integer variable?
(b) %
(c) #
(d) $