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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1.         The first compound microscope was developed by:

(a) Robert Hooke

(b) Leeuwenhoek

(c) Zacharias Janssen

(d) Aristotle

2.         The increase in the apparent size of an object:

(a) Resolution 

(b) Microscopy

(c) Magnification

(d) Both a & b

3. The measure of the clarity of an image is called:

(a) Magnification        

(b) Resolution

(c) Microscopy           

(d) Both a & b

4.         The Resolution of human eye:

(a) 0.1 mm     

(b) 0.2 mm

(c) 0.3 mm     

(d) 0.4 mm

5.         The magnification of a light microscope:      

(a) 1000X       

(b) 1500X

(c) 2000X       

(d) 2500X


6.         The resolution of light microscope is:

(a) 0.1 gm.     

(b) 0.2 gm.

(c) 0.3 gm.     

(d) 0.4 gm.

7.         A photograph taken through a microscope:

(a) Micrograph

(b) Photomicrograph

(c) both a&b  

(d) None of these

8.         The magnification of an electron microscope:          

(a) 100,000X  

(b) 150,000X

(c) 200,000x   

(d) 250,000X

9.         The resolution of electron microscope is:      

(a) 0.2 nm      

(b) 0.3 nm

(c) 0.4 nm      

(d) 0.5 nm

10.       Which type of microscope is better to study the movement of Amoeba?

(a) Transmission electron microscope

(b) Scanning electron microscope

(c) Light microscope           

(d) Compound microscope

11.       The microscope used to study the changes in the shape of a human white blood cells:

(a) Light microscope           

(b) Compound microscope

(c) Scanning electron microscope    

(d) Transmission electron microscope

12.       Which type of microscope is used to study the surface texture of human hair?

(a) Light microscope  

(b) Scanning electron microscope

(c) Transmission electron microscope

(d) Compound microscope

13.       The type of microscope used to study the detailed structure of a mitochondria in the cell of human liver:

(a) Light microscope  

(b) Scanning electron microscope

(c) Transmission electron microscope

(d) Compound microscope

14.       Cells were first described by a British scientist:        

(a) Robert Hooke     

(b) Leeuwenhoek

(c) Schleiden  

(d) Schwann

15.       Who discovered nucleus in the cell? 

(a) Aristotle     

(b) Robert Brown

(c) Schwann  

(d) Schleiden

16.       Who proposed that all living cells arise from pre-existing cells?       

(a) Robert Brown       

(b) Rudolf Virchow

(c) Louis Pasteur        

(d) Leeuwenhoek

17.       A German botanist who studied plant tissues and made the first statement of cell theory:

(a) Robert Hooke       

(b) Robert Brown

(c) Mathias Schleiden          

(d) Theodor schwann

18.       The cell wall of fungi is made up of: (a)Cellulose      

(b) Lignin

(c) Peptidoglycan       

(d) Chitin

19.       In the cell wall of plants, the chemical present is:     

(a) Cellulose 

(b) Chitin

(c) Sodium     

(d) Potassium

20.       The cell wall of prokaryotes is made up of:   

(a) Cellulose   

(b) Lignin

(c) Peptidoglycan     

(d) Chitin

21.       Primary wall is made up of:-

(a) Cellulose 

(b) Lignin

(c) Chitin        

(d) All of these

22.       Secondary wall is made up of:

(a) Cellulose   

(b) Lignin

(c) Chitin        

(d) Peptidoglycan

23.       Cell membrane is mainly composed of:

(a) Proteins    

(b) Lipids

(c) Carbohydrates      

(d) All of these

24.       Which is not present in cell membrane?

(a) Carbohydrates      

(b) Proteins

(c) Lipids        

(d) DNA

25.       In eukaryotic cells, which of the following organelles are bounded by cell membranes?

(a) Mitochondria, chloroplasts

(b) Golgi apparatus

(c) Endoplasmic reticulum

(d) All of these

26.       Microtubules are made up of:

(a) Tubulin    

(b) Tropomyosin

(c) Myosin      

(d) Actin

27.       Microfilaments are made up of:

(a) Tubulin      

(b) Tropomyosin

(c) Myosin      

(d) Actin

28.       Which organelles are involved in protein synthesis?  

(a) Mitochondria         

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Ribosomes

(d) Nucleus

29.       Ribosomes are formed in:     

(a) Nucleus    

(b) Nucleolus

(c) Cytoplasm

(d) Mitochondria

30.       Which organelles are involved in energy production?           

(a) Mitochondria      

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Ribosomes

(d) Nucleus

31.       The mitochondrion functions in:

(a) Lipids storage       

(b) Photosynthesis

(c) Protein synthesis  

(d) Cellular respiration

32.       Which of these organelles have their own DNA?      

(a) Lysosomes

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Ribosomes

(d) Golgi bodes

33.       Plastids are present in the cells of:

(a) Plants       

(b) Algae

(c) Both a and b         

(d) Fungi

34.       Function of Chloroplast is:     

(a) Photosynthesis  

(b) ATP formation

(c) Protein formation  

(d) DNA replication

35.       The stack of thylakoids is called:

(a) Cristae      

(b) Leucoplast

(c) Granum   

(d) Stroma

36.       Chromoplasts are associated with bright colours and help in:

(a) Pollination 

(b) Dispersal of fruits

(c) Store food 

(d) Both a and b

37.       Leucoplasts are colourless and store

(a) Starch       

(b) Proteins

(c) Lipids        

(d) All of these

38.       The type of plastids that contain pigments associated with bright colours:

(a) Chloroplasts          

(b) Chromoplasts

(c) Leucoplasts          

(d) All of these

39.       Smooth endoplasmic Reticulum are involved in:

(a) Lipid metabolism  

(b) Transpon of materials

(c) Detoxification of harmful chemicals

(d) All of these

40.       Golgi was awarded Nobel Prize in:

(a) 1905          

(b) 1906

(c) 1907          

(d) 1908

41.       Flattened sacs, cisternae are found in:

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Golgi apparatus

(c) Ribosomes

(d) Plastids

42.       Golgi was awarded Nobel Prize for:

(a) Physiology

(b) Medicine

(c) both a and b        

(d) Morphology

43.       Rene De Duve was awarded Nobel Prize in:

(a) 1972          

(b) 1973

(c) 1974          

(d) 1975

44.       Lysosomes were discovered by:

(a) Camillo Golgi

(b) Robert Hook

(c) Christian Rene de Duve

(d) A.F.A king

45. Cell organelle which contain digestive enzymes:

(a) Ribosomes

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Centrioles 

(d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

46.       Animal cells have two centrioles near the exterior surface of nucleus collectively called:  

(a) Centrosome

(b) Nucleosome

(c) Chromosome       

(d) Both a and b

47.       Centrioles are involved in the formation of:

(a) Spindle fibres        

(b) Cilia

(c) Flagella     

(d) All of these

48.       Human body is made up of types of cells:    

(a) 50  

(b) 100

(c) 150

(d) 200

49.       The cells that contribute in coordination of the body:

(a) Nerve       

(b) Muscle

(c) RBC          

(d) Bone cells

50.       The cells that undergo contraction and share their role in movements of:

(a) Nerve        

(b) Muscle

(c) Bone         

(d) All of these

51.       The size of smallest Bacterium is:

(a) 0.4gm       

(b) 0.3gm

(c) 0.2gm       

(d) 0.1gm

52.       The diameter of human red blood cells is:    

(a) 4 gm.        

(b) 6 gm.

(c) 8 gm.        

(d) 10 gm.

53.       Gaseous exchange in gills and lungs occurs by:

(a) Diffusion

(b) Facilitated diffusion

(c) Effusion    

(d) Osmosis

54.       Facilitated diffusion is:

(a) Active transport    

(b) Passive transport

(c) Reverse osmosis  

(d) All of these

55.       Which term refers to the relative concentration of solutes in the solution:

(a) Diffusion   

(b) Osmosis

(c) Tonicity   

(d) Turgor

56.       The solution that has relatively more solute:

(a) Hypertonic          

(b) Hypotonic

(c) Isotonic     

(d) All of these

57.       The shrinking of cytoplasm is:

(a) Endocytosis          

(b) Exocytosis

(c) Glycolysis 

(d) Plasmolysis

58.       The process in which semi-permeable membranes separate salts from water :

(a) Osmosis   

(b) Reverse osmosis

(c) Filtration    

(d) Diffusion

59.       The movement of molecules from a region of lower concentration to higher concentration is known as :

(a) Active transport

(b) Osmosis

(c) Diffusion   

(d) Filtration

60.       Energy is required in: 

(a) Osmosis   

(b) Diffusion

(c) Filtration    

(d) Active transport

61.       Which one is not an animal tissue?

(a) Epithelial   

(b) Connective

(c) Epidermal

(d) Nervous

62.       The muscles found in heart:  

(a) Skeletal     

(b) Smooth

(c) Cardiac    

(d) All of these

63.       Cardiac muscles are present in the walls of:

(a) Heart        

(b) Lungs

(c) Kidney      

(d) Stomach

64.       Blood is an example of:

(a) Epithelial tissue     

(b) Connective tissue

(c) Nervous tissue      

(d) Muscle tissue

65.       Nervous tissues are found in:

(a) Brain         

(b) Spinal cord

(c) Skin          

(d) All of these

66.       Smooth muscles are formed in the walls of:

(a) Alimentary canal

(b) Urinary bladder

(c) Blood vessels

(d) All of these

67.       Which of these muscles are voluntary in action?

(a) Skeletal muscles

(b) Smooth muscles

(c) Cardiac muscles  

(d) All of these

68.       The muscles that are involuntary in their action are: 

(a) Smooth muscles

(b) Cardiac muscles

(c) Skeletal muscles

(d) Both (a) and (b)

69.       The tissues present in lungs, heart and blood vessels are:

(a) Squamous epithelium    

(b) Cuboidal epithelium

(c) Stratified squamous epithelium    

(d) Ciliated columnar epithelium

70.       The tissues located at the tips of roots and shoots:   

(a) Apical meristem 

(b) Lateral meristem

(c) Cambium  

(d) Parenchyma

71.       The epidermal tissues contain:

(a) Root hairs 

(b) Stomata

(c) Both a & b           

(d) Lenticels

72.       Ground tissues are made up of:

(a) Collenchyma        

(b) Sclerenchyma

(c) Parenchyma        

(d) Tracheids

73.       The tissues present in the midrib of the leaves and in petals of flowers:

(a) Collenchyma

(b) Sclerenchyma

(c) Parenchyma         

(d) Cambium

74.       The function of ground tissues is:

(a) Food storage        

(b) Photosynthesis

(c) Respiration and Protein synthesis

(d) All of these

75.       The cell walls of sclerenchyma tissues are hardened with:  

(a) Chitin        

(b) Cellulose

(c) Peptidoglycan       

(d) Lignin

76.       A plant tissue composed of more than one type of cells:

(a) Compound          

(b) Support

(c) Meristematic         

(d) Ground

77.       Transport of water and soluble materials from roots to the aerial parts is done by:

(a) Phloem tissue       

(b) Xylem tissues

(c) Stromal tissues     

(d) Both (a) and (b)

78.       Tracheids are present in:

(a) Xylem       

(b) Phloem

(c) Epidermal tissue   

(d) Parenchyma

79.       Phloem tissues contain  cells:

(a) Tracheids cells     

(b) Vessel cells

(c) Fiber cells 

(d) Sieve tube cells

80.       Companion cells are present in:

(a) xylem        

(b) Phloem

(c) Epidermal tissues 

(d) Parenchyma tissue