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51 Title of Ameer Ui Momineen was firstly assumed by
A. Hazrat Umar RA.
B. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA
C. Hazrat Ali RA
D. Hazrat Usman
52 Addition of phrase as-salaatu khayrum-minan-nawm was done by
A. Hazrat Ali RA
B. Hazrat Usman RA.
C. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA
D. Hazrat Umar RA
53 What is meaning of “Ghazwa”
A. Battle in which Prophet Muhammad(SAW) personally participated.
B. Battle in which Hazrat Isa participated
C. A pact signed between Quraish and Muslims on Fateh Makkah
D. A battle in defense of religion
54 The pilgrims touching Hajr e Aswad during Hajj is called
A. Tawar
B. Ramee
C. lstilam.
D. sayee
55 Al-Muwatta the Hadith book, is
compiled by
A. Imam Malik (R.A).
B. Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
C. Imam Shafi (R.A)
D. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
56 The Kitab al-Athar is compiled by
A. Imam Abu Hanifa RA.
B. Imam Shafi RA
C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal
D. Imam Malik RA
57 Which of the following is considered a mainstay in Islamic System
A. Hajj
B. Zakat.
C. Namaz
D. Fasting
58 The formal declaration of lslamic faith known as iman Mufassal. Muslims pledge to how many beliefs
A. 5
B. 7.
C. 8
D. 10
59 First complete surah revealed in Quran Kareem
A. Alaq
B. Muzzammil
C. Al Muddathir
D. Al Fatiha.
60 Which of the following is called
Year of Deputations
A. 8 Hijri
B. 9 Hijri.
C. 10 Hijri
D. 11 Hijri
61 Who destroyed idol Manat
A. Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid R.A
B. Hazrat Umar Ibn AI As R.A
C. Hazrat Saad Bin Zaid R.A.
D. Hazrat Ali R.A
62 Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah and Abu Qahafa R.A accepted lslam at the time
A. Migration to Madina Treaty of Hudaibiya
B. Conquest of Makkah
C. Ghazwa Uhad
63 Who was made wali of Makkah when Holy Prophet Left for Madina after stay of some days at Makkah after conquest of Makkah
A. Hazrat Musab Bin Umair R.A
B. Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal R.A
C. Hazrat Auttab Bin Usaid R.A.
D. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer R.A
64 Who destroyed idol Al-Uzza
A. Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid R.A.
B. Hazrat Ali R.A
C.Umar Ibn Alas R.A
D. Hazrat Umer R.A
65 Who destroyed idol Sawa
A. Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid RA
B. Hazrat Umar Ibn Al As RA.
C. Hazrat Saad Bin Zaid R.A
D. Hazrat Ali R.A
66 Who was made governor of North Yemen by Holy Prophet
A. Maaz Bin Jabal
B. Hazrat Abu Musa Ashri R.A.
C. Hazrat Amer lbn Alas
D. None of these
67 Who was made governor of south Yemen by Holy Prophet
A. Maaz Bin Jabal.
B. Hazrat Abu Musa Ashri R.A
C. Hazrat Amer lbn Alas
D. None of these
68 Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Uhud
A. Shaiba
B. Abu Jahal
C. Abu Sufyan.
D. Khalid bin Walid
69 Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of-
A. Banu Sahm
B. Banu Taym.
C. Banu Hashim
D. Banu Asad
70 What is the name of lady, whose Father Husband Brother and Son all were Prophets
A. Layya bint Yaqub.
B. Hazrat Maryam
C. Hajra
D. Sarah
71 Which is the correct etiquette of Imam to deliver Friday Khutbah
A. He can face toward Qiblah and deliver Khutba
B. He must face the audience and deliver Khutba.
C. He is at liberty to face the Qiblah or audience
D. All of the above
72 Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A
A. 5356
B. 5374.
C. 5378
D. 5837
73 The book Krtab al Umm is written By-
A. Imam Abu Hanifa
B. Imam SHAFI.
C. Imam Malik
D. Imam Hambul
74 When did Imam Abu Hanifa born
A. 70 Hijri
B. 80 Hijri.
C. 90 Hijri
D. 100 Hijri
75 When did Imam Abu Hanifa die
A. 150 Hijri.
B. 160 Hi
C. 170 Hijri
D. 180 Hijri
76 Name the wife of Haroon ur Rasheed who was the mother of Al-Ameen and Al-Haroon.
A. Zubaida.
B. Farzana
C. Ammamah
D. Buran
77 The study of Religions is called
A. Seismology
B. Theology.
C. Gerontology
D. Etymology
78 Mughal emperor Akbar enforced Din–ilahi in
A. 1581
B. 1582.
C. 1583
D. 1584
79 Book named The Voice of Human Justice is biography or
A. Hazrat Umer (R.A)
B. Hazrat Ali (R.A).
C. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
D. Hazrat Usman (R.A
80 King of Egypt sent two concubines as a gift to Muhammad(S.A.W), Maria(R.A)
A. Saira
B. Sirin bint Shamun.
C. Marriam
D. Zulaikha
81 On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom
A. Hazrat Abu bakar R.A.
B.Hazrat Ali R.A
C. Hazrat Umar R.A
D. Hazrat Usman R.A
82 How many years Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was younger than the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
A. 2 Years.
B. Years
C. 4 Years
D.5 Years
83 Current Hijri Year is-
A. 1439 AH
B. 1440 AH
C. 1441 AH.
D. 1442 AH
84 In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was called
A. Muhammad
B. Farooq
C. Tayyab.
D. Ahmed
85 The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets
A. Three Sheets
B. Four Sheets
C. Five Sheets.
D. Seven Sheets
86 The first Namaz-e-Janaza performed by Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi
A. Asad bin Zaraara.
B. Sumayyah bint khabbat
C.Yasir ibn Amir
D. A-Harith ibn Abi Hala
87 Which Surah of Holy Quran revealed twice-in Makkah & Madinah
A. Surah Yaseen
B. Surah Alaq
C. Surah Rahman
D. Surah Fatiha.
88 Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was
A. Hazrat Hussain
B. Hazrat Hassan
C. Hazrat Zubair
D. Hazrat Musab bin Umair.
89 Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the construction of which mosque
A. Masjid-e-Nabvi
B. Masjid-e-Haram
C. Masjid-e-Quba.
D. Masjid-e-Qiblatain
90 During Which prayer, the change of Qibla happened
A. Fajar
B. zuhr.
C. Asar
D. Magrib
91 The word Takaful comes from the Arabic root word
A. Wakala
C. Wauf
D. None of Them
92 LEAAN is ….
A. Name of surah
B. A Clause of Islamic law.
C. Honour and respect
D. Name of a tree
93 Al-Maida means-…
A. Food
B. Fruits
C.The Table Spread with Food.
D. None of these
94 By whom Prophet (PBUH) learnt Salat & ablution
A. Hazrat Mossa (A.s)
B. Hazrat Essa (A.s)
C. Hazrat Mekail (A.s)
D. Hazrat jibrail (A.s).
95 Prophet Muhammed (PB.U.H) performed a total of Umrahs
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four.
96 Meaning of Surah Al Araaf is
A. Place in the Heaven
B. Place in the Hell
C. Borderland between Heaven and Hell.
D. None of these
97 Minimum Persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamaat
A. 1
B. 2.
C. 4
D. 7
98 Bayta-Hikmat was a
A. Observatory
B. Medical University
C. Translation bureau.
D. None
99 Afzal ul Bashr is the title of
A. Hazrat Abu Bakr RA.
B. Hazrat Umar RA
C. Hazrat Usman RA
D. Hazrat Ali RA
100 Who Introduced Police System
A. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
B. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
C. Hazrat Umer (R.A).