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151 Fatwa kazi khan is the authentic fatwa of which sect
A. Fiqah Hanbali
B. Fiqah Shafi
C. Fiqah Hanfia.
D. Fiqah Jafriya
152 When Hazrat Imam Shafi was born in Gaza
A. 140 AH
B 150 AH .
C. 160 AH
D. 170 AH
153 Hazrat Imam Shafi died in at Egypt
A. 204 AH.
B. 212 AH
C. 220 AH
D. 223 AH
154 What is the name of the Surah that was last revealed on the Quran
A. Al- Nas
B. Al- Nasr.
C. Al- Alaq
D. Al- Falaq
155 Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis
A. Imam Maalik.
B. Imam Bukhari
C. Imam Ahmad
D. Imam Abu Hanifa
156 How many Ahadis does the Sahih Bukhari contain
A. 5,636
B. 7275.
C. 8,821
D. 6,722
157 Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of
A. Hazrat Umar(R.A)
B. Hazrat Ali( R.A)
C. Hazrat Abu bakar (R.A).
D. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
158 How many days Hazrat Muhammad PBUH stayed during Tabook Battle
A. 10
B. 20.
C. 8
D. 18
159 To sit straight in Salat is called A. Qauma
B. Jalsa
C. Qayaam
D. Qaada.
160 What is name of 30th Para of Holy Quran
A. Qala Fama Khatbukum
B. Qadd Sami Allah
C. Tabarakallazi
D. Amma Yatasaaloon.
161 The short period between two Sajdas is called
A. Qauma
B. Jalsa.
C. Qayaam
D. Qaada
162 What is name of 29th Para of Holy Quran
A. Qala Fama Khatbukum
B. Qadd Sami Allah
C. Tabarakallazi.
D.Amma Yatasa Aloon
163 What is name of 28th Para of Holy Quran
A. Qala Fama Khatbukum
B. Qadd Sami Allah.
C. Tabarakallazi
D. Amma Yatasaaloon
164 What is name of 27th Para of Holy Quran
A. Qala Fama Khatbukum.
B. Qadd Sami Allah
C. Tabarakallazi
D. Amma Yatasaaloon
165 What is name of 26th Para of Holy Quran
A. Wa Mali
B. Faman Azlam
C. Elahe Yuruddo
D. Haa Meem.
166 What is name of 25th Para of Holy Quran
A. Wa Mali
B. Faman Azlam
C. Elahe Yuruddo.
D. Haa Meem
167 Takbeer-e- Tashreeq is recited in
A. Juma Prayer
B. Eid-ul-Azha.
C. Eid-ul-fitr
D. Janaza
168 What is name of 24th Para of Holy Quran
A. Wa Mali
B. Faman Azlam.
C. Elahe Yuruddo
D. Haa Meem
169 Which caliph formed a parliament namely Mailis e Aam
A. Hazrat Abu Bakar
B. Hazrat Umar.
C. Hazrat Usman
D. Hazrat Ali
170 Who Urged Hazrat Adam (A.S) to taste Prohibited Tree
A. Iblees.
B. Hazrat Jibraeel (AS)
C. Hazrat Hawwa (AS)
D. All of the above
171 Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-Hajj
A. Fajar-Zuhar
B. Maghrib-Isha.
C. Isha-Fajar
D. None of these
172 __is standing straight during Rukus
A. Qauma.
B. Jalsa
C. Qayaam
D. Qaada
173 Hazrat bib1 Zainab (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and
A. Aisha bint Abi Bakr
B. Rayhana bint Zayd
C. Khadija bint Khuwaylid.
D. Maria al-Qibtiyya
174 Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and
A. Zaynab bint Khuzayma
B. Rayhana bint Zayd
C. Khadija bint Khuwaylid.
D. Maria al-Qibtiyya
175 Who was the Youngest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
A. Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A)
B. Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A)
C. Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A).
D. Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A)
176 Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
A. Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A)
B. Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A).
C. Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A)
D. Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A)
177 Where does jannah (Heaven) lies
A. Under Fathers feet
B. Under Mothers feet.
C. Under Teachers feet
D. None of them
178 Hazrat Umer was Caliph for __Years
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 10 years.
D. None of these
179 What is name of 23rd Para of Holy Quran
A. Wa Mali.
B. Faman Azlam
C. Elahe Yuruddo
D. Haa Meem
180 Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle
A. Badr
B. Yamama.
C. Khyber
D. Uhud
181 Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of migration
A. Surah-e-Tawbah
B. Surah-e-Yasin.
C. Surah-e-Rehman
D. Surah-e-Kausar
182 Which battle is referred to as Yaumul Furqan
A. Uhad
B. Badr.
C Hunayn
D. Mutah
183 Hazrat Usman khilafat perĂod was
A. 5 years
B. 8 years
C. 12 years.
D. 14 years
184 Surah-e-hamd is another name for
A. Surah-e-Yasin
B. Surah-e-Fatiha.
C. Surah-e-Rehman
D. Surah-e-Naas
185 Serial no of Surah Yasin w.r.t Surahs in Quran is
A. 32th
B. 34th
C. 36th.
D. 38th
186 When was Waqia e Karbala(The Battle of Karbala) Occurred
A. 60 AH
B. 61 AH.
C. 62 AH
D. 63 AH
187 Tahleel Literally means Recitation
A. Quran
B. Kalimas.
C. Namaz
D. Surah
188 Ohad is located near
A. Makkah
B. Madina.
C. Syria
D. Baghdad
189 Ohad is miles from Madina
A. 3.
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 7
190 In Hijrah year, Ghazwat Salim, Banu Nuzair, Ohad Hamara-al-Asad and Ghatfan were fought
A. 3rd.
B. 5th
C. 7th
D. 9th
196 Hazrat Idrees (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the heaven
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th.
197 Hazrat Yahya (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the heaven
A. 1st
B. 2nd.
C. 3rd
D. 4th
198 Hazrat lsa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ___heaven
A. 1st
B. 2nd.
C. 3rd
D. 41
199 Hazrat Adam (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the heaven
A. 1st.
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
200 What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran
A. Wa Qalallazina ()
B. Aman Khalaq ()
C.Utlu Ma Oohi ()
D. Wa Manyaqnut ().