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Top 500+ New Islamic Study MCQs with Answers
Top 500+ New Islamic Study MCQs with Answers
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Top 500+ New Islamic Study MCQs with Answers

301 How many verses Surah Baqarah contains?

A. 284

B. 286

C. 288

D. 290

302 What is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Quran?

A. Dabino

B. Honey

C. Meat

D. Milk

303 Which Surah of the Holy Qur’an is known as “mother of Qur’an”?

A. Baqara

B. Fatiha

C. Iklass

D. Yaseen

304 Which is the most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala?

A. Murder

B. Backbiting

C. Listening songs

D. Divorce

305 Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with the names of 2 fruits?

A. Surah Imran

B. Surah An-Nisa

C. Surah At-Teen

D. Surah Hud

306 Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with the names of 2 Prophets?

A. Surah Yusuf

B. Surah Ibrahim

C. Surah Mujadila

D. Surah Al-A’la

307 Which prophet of Allah is called Abu Al-Bashar?

A. Hazrat Nooh (AH)

B. Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

C. Hazrat Adam (AH)

D. Hazrat Ayub (AH)

308 Surah Fatiha ka dosra naam kya hai?

A. Umm al-Quran

B. Umm al-Kitab

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

309 No of Kufars in Battle of Badr were _________?

A. 1000

B. 1100

C. 1200


310 How many Muslims were Martyred in the Battle of Badr ?

A. 7

B. 14

C. 21

D. 28

311 How many Kufars were killed in the Battle of Badr?

A. 50

B. 70

C. 120

D. 200

312 Which city is called “home of hadith”?

A. Makkah

B. Madina

C. Baghdad

D. Basra

313 Which is the best drink mentioned in the Holy Quran?

A. Honey

B. Milk

C. Water

D. Juice

314 The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Qur’an is ____________?

A. Fish

B. Whale

C. Elephant

D. Anaconda

315 The smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an is _____________?

A. Ant

B. Mosquito

C. Spider

D. Fly

316 How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem?

A. 112

B. 113

C. 114

D. 115

317 How many Surahs name is only one letter?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

318 Jannat al-Baqi is located in ________.

A. Makkah

B. Madina

C. Baghdad

D. Palestine

319 Which Angel will blow the trumpet (Sur) on the day of Judgment?

A. Hazrat Mika’il

B. Hazrat Israfil

C. Hazrat Jabra’il

D. None

320 How many times the trumpet will be blown by Hazrat Israfil?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

321 Namaz ke faraiz kitne hote hain?

A. 11

B. 12

C. 13

D. 14

322 How many faraiz of wazoo?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

323 How many faraiz of ghusl?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

324 In which Surah every verse ends with the letter ‘Ra’?

A. Buruj

B. Dariq

C. Kausar

D. Shams

325 In which Surah every verse ends with the letter ‘Dal’?

A. Iqra

B. Ikhlas

C. Falaq

D. Balad

326 Which Surah is revealed in respect of Ahl al-Bayt?

A. Baqarah

B. Luqman

C. Dahr

D. Nisa

326 How many sons Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) had?

A.  1

B.  2

C.  3

D.  4

327 Names of the sons of Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) are?

A.  Hazrat Ismail & Hazrat Haroon (AH)

B.  Hazrat Haroon & Hazrat Ishaq (AH)

C.  Hazrat Ismail & Hazrat Ishaq (AH)

D. None

328 27 attributes of Allah are mentioned in Surah __________ .

A. Yaseen

B. Ma’ida

C. Rahman

D. Hadeed

329 How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word ‘Qad’?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

330 Sheikh Saadi (RA) was a famous poet of ____________ language.

A.  Arabic

B. Persian

C. Sanskrit

D. Both A & B

331 Which prophet would not eat food without a guest?

1.   Hazrat Nooh (AH)

2.  Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)

3.  Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

4.  Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

332 The eldest daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ?

A. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

B. Hazrat Zainab (RA)

C. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

D. Hazrat Fatima (RA)

333 First Azan was called out in_______ A.H.

A. 3 A.H.

B. 2 A.H.

C. 1 A.H.

D. 4 A.H.

334 Surah Namal means ?

A.  goat

B. Camel

C. Ant

D. Dog

335 Who is not entitled to get Zakat?

A. Parents, Husband, wife and children

B. Uncle, Sister, and Husband

C. Brother, Nephew and children

D. Parents, brother and wife

336 How many times the word zakat is used in Makki surahs?

A. 22

B. 21

C. 19

D. 23

337 Who was the leader of pagans in the Battle of Badr?

A.  Abu Sufyan

B.  Utba

C.  Abu Jehl

D.  None

338 Which battle’s participants were bestowed with the highest rewards by Allah (SWT)?

A.  Tabook

B.  Khyber

C.  Badr

D.  Hunain

339 How many times Hazrat Nooh (AH) name is mentioned in the Holy Quran?

A. 41

B. 42

C. 43

D. 44

340 How many doors are there in Masjid-e-Haram?

A. 19

B. 21

C. 23

D. 25

341 Which day is called Sayeed-ul-Ayam?

A. Judgement day

B. Eid day

C. Friday

D. Ar

342 Which Ghazwa was fought 4 times?

A.  Tabook

B.  Khyber

C.  Badr

D.  Hunain

343 Age of Hazrat Adam (A.S) at Sheesh’s (A.S) birth was _____________years?

A. 100

B. 130

C. 160

D. 190\

344 First convert to Islam was?

A. A Woman

B. A Boy

C. A Slave

D. A Companion

345 Which False Prophet Was Called ‘The Liar’ By The Holy Prophet?

A. Musailama al Kazzab

B. Sajjah

C. Anwad Ansi

D. None Of Them

346 What is the total number of surah in the Quran?

A. 111

B. 110

C. 114

D. 116

347 Hazrat Imam Tirmazy was a student of?

A. Imam Bukhari

B. Imam Abu Dawood

C. Bukhari Sharif, Ibne Dawood

D. Muta,Ibne Maja afat day

348 After sleeping for 100 years, which prophet woke up again?

A. Hazrat Uzair (AS)

B. Hazrat Musa (AS)

C. Hazrat Salih (AS)

D. None of above

349 Who is called as Muslim Alexander?

A. Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)

B. Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)

C. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

D. Amr bin Al-Aas (R.A)

350 Who was the third Son in law of the prophet?

A. Abu’l-Aas ibn al-Rabee

B. Utbah ibn Abi Lahab

C. Usmaan ibn Affaan

D. Ali ibn Abi Taalib

501 _________ is the most disliked place by Allah Ta’ala.

A. Home

B. Shop

C. Bazar

D. Mosque

502 Which is the most liked place by Allah Ta’ala?

A. Home

B. Shop

C. Bazar

D. Mosque

503 The second daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

A. Hazrat Zainab (RA)

B. Hazrat Fatima (RA)

C. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

D. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

504 The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

A. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

B. Hazrat Fatima (RA)

C. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

D. Hazrat Zainab (RA)

505 The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.

A. Hazrat Zainab (RA)

B. Hazrat Fatima (RA)

C. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

D. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

506 What is the Name Of The 4th Daughter of the Holy prophet (SAW)?

A. Hazrat Zainab (RA)

B. Hazrat Fatima (RA)

C. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

D. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

507 How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Al-Hamdulillah?

A. Four

C. Six

D. Seven

508 Islamic calendar is also called _____________.

A. Muslim calendar

B. Hijri calendar

C. Lunar calendar

D. Above all

509 Old Name Of Makkah Was?

A. Ummul Qura

B. Baladul Ameen

C. Bakkah

D. All of these

510 In which Sura the law of inheritance mentioned?

A. Nisa

B. Ma’ida

C. Noor

D. Anbiya

511 The story of the worship of cows of Bani Israel mentioned in Surah ____________.

A. Baqara

B. Taha

C. Qasas

D. Kahfi

512 Qabeel And Habeel were the sons of which prophet?

A. Hazrat Nooh (AH)

B. Hazrat Daud (AH)

C. Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)

D. Hazrat Adam (AH)

513 How many Surahs’ names are with only one letter?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

514 In which Surah the story of Karoon is mentioned?

A. Sura Qasas

B. Sura Maida

C. Sura Baraat

D. Sura Lael

515 In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated in every verse?

A. Surah Mujadala

B. Sura Lael

C. Sura Al- Haj

D. Sura Hamzah

516 Who was last Commander in chief of Ghazwa-e-mouta?

A. Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)

B. Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (R.A)

C. Abdullah Bin Rawaha(R.A)

D. None of above

517 Zou-shadatian is the title of ________________?

A. Hazrat Khuzima Bin Sabit (R.A)

B. Hazrat Huzaifa Bin Yaman(R.A)

C. Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir (R.A)

D. Hazrat Ahmed Bin Hanbal(R.A)

518 Ozza was the name of___________?

A. A specific goddess of Quraish

B. Honour and respect

C. Name Of a tree

D. Name of snake

519 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah (صلح الحديبية) took place in March 628____________.

A. shaban 6 AH


C. Dhu al-Qi’dah, 6 AH


520 Imam-e-Kaaba Dr Saleh Bin Mohammad Aal-e-Talib is visiting Lahore to attend a two-day Ittehad-e-Ummat and Istehkam-e-Pakistan Conference from —–?

A. 8-9 March

B. 9-10 March

C. 10-11 March

D. 11

521 The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umrah ?

A. Namaz-i-Ishraq

B. Namaz-e-Khasoof

C. Namaz-e-Janaza

D. Namaz-e-Istasqa

522 When was the meat of donkey prohibited?

A. Jang-e-Badar

B. Jang-e-Khaibar

C. Jang-e-Ahzab

D. Jang-e-Hunain

523 Who was the First Women “Hafiz e Quran” to memorize the Holy Quran?

A. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Aysha (R.A)

B. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Zainab (R.A)

C. Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar (R.A)

D. None of them

524 In which Hajjri Ghazwa e Ohad was fought?

A. 2 AH

B. 4 AH

C. 5 AH

D. 3 AH