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NTS Quantitative Reasoning Mcqs Page 1 For GAT Test Preparation | GAT Test Preparation 2021

1          How many numbers between 200 and 500 are divisible by 13?

A.        23       

B.         17

C.         15       

D.        32

2          The first five multiples of 17 are:

A.        0, 1, 17, 34, 51                       

B.         17, 34, 51, 68, 85

C.         38, 57, 76, 95, 114     

D.        None of these

3          The number which is divisible by 7 but not by 14 is:

A.        21       

B.         12

C.         71       

D.        None of these

4          The total number of even prime numbers is:

A.        0         

B.         1

C.        2         

D.        None of these

5          The least prime number is:

A.        0         

B.         1

C.        2         

D.        3

6          The smallest member of set W is:

A.        0         

B.         1

C.         2         

D.        3

7          The smallest even number of three digits is:

A.        98       

B.         102

C.         998     

D.        100

8          One third of 10% of 90 is:

A.        2         

B.         3

C.         4         

D.        5

9          The cube of ½ is:

A.        1/4      

B.         1/8

C.         1/2      

D.        1/16

10        3 – 7 =?

A.        -7        

B.         7

C.        -4        

D.        4

11        If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction, it becomes (1/2) and if 1 is added to the numerator, the fraction becomes 1. The fraction is:

A.        4/7      

B.         10/11

C.        2/3      

D.        5/9

12        How many two digits numbers are there which are divisible by 6?

A.        17       

B.         18

C.         16       

D.        15

13        A number whose fifth part increased by 5 is equal to its fourth part diminished by 5, is:

A.        160     

B.         180

C.        200     

D.        220

14        If (5a) (5b) =5c/5d, then what is d in terms of a, b and c?

A.        a  + b – c         

B.         a – b + c

C.         a + b + c          

D.        c – a – b

15        Which of the following is equal to (38 x 39)10 ?

A.        3720     

B.         3170

C.         327       

D.        398

16        If 0 < P < 1, which of the following lists the numbers are in increasing order?

A.        P, √P, P2          

B.         P, P2, √P

C.         √P, P, P2          

D.        P2, P, √P

17        (16)7/4 is equal to:

A.        28       

B.         128

C.         27       

D.        None of these

18         of a number exceeds it’s  by 8. The number is:

A.        30       

B.         60

C.         75       

D.        90

19        90% of 90 is:

A.        61       

B.         71

C.        81       

D.        91

20        The smallest 4-digit number using 7, 0; 8 and 9 is:

A.        0879   

B.         0789

C.         0978   

D.        7890

21        One third of 10% of 120 is:

A.        2         

B.         3

C.        4         

D.        5

22        Find the number, one sixth of which exceeds its one ninth by 654

A.        10274             

B.         11772

C.         23822             

D.        32742

23        Quantity A                   Quantity B

X2 + 1                          2X – 1

A.        Quantity A is greater            

B.         Quantity B is greater.

C.         The two quantities are equal.  

D.        None of these

24        If f, g, and h are positive integers such that, f is a factor of g, and g is a factor of h, which of the following statements must be true?

A.        f is a factor of g2         

B.         f is a factor of gh

C.         f is a factor of h – g     

D.        All statements are true

25        If x =10-1, what is the value of (x+ ?

A.        100     

B.         101

C.         200     

D.        201

26        A rugby pitch is 70 m wide and 144 m in length. What is the approximate area of the rugby pitch in hectares?

A.        1.005 hectares

B.         1.007 hectares

C.         1.007 hectares

D.        1.008 hectares

27        The White tiger population in Country A is 60% of the Siberian tiger population in Country

B. The population of White tigers in Country C is 50% of that in Country A. If the White tiger population in Country C is 420, what is the White tiger population in Country B?

A.        1,200  

B.         1,300

C.        1,400  

D.        1,500

28        If y = 4 and 6y = 10z + y, then z =?

A.        2         

B.         4

C.         6         

D.        8

29        A sequence of numbers is: 2, 5, 8, and 11. Assuming it follows the same pattern, what would be the value of the 20th number?

A.        49       

B.         59

C.         69       

D.        79

30        The first four numbers of a sequence are 5, 10, 20, 40. Assuming the pattern continues, what is the 6th term of the sequence?

A.        130     

B.         140

C.         150     

D.        160

31        Given f(x) = x2 – 9. What are the zeroes of the function?

A.        -1, 1    

B.         -2, 2

C.        -3, 3    

D.        -4, 4

32        Give the lines y = 0.5x+3 and y=3x-2. What is the y value of the point of intersection?

A.        4         

B.         5

C.         6         

D.        7

33        Ali’s and Ahmad’s current ages are represented by t and s, respectively. If in five years, Ali will be twice as old as Ahmad, which of the following represents t in terms of s?

A.        t=2s−5             

B.         t=s+10

C.        t=2s+5            

D.        t=2s+10

34        10 Bottles of paint will cover 75 ft2. How many Bottles of paint will be required to paint the area of a rectangular wall that has a height of 8 ft and a length of 24 ft?

A.        22.8 gallons    

B.         25.6 gallons

C.         31.4 gallons    

D.        34.4 gallons

35        If a % b = (2b + 3a) / (6ab), what would have a greater value, 2%3 or 3%2?

A.        1%2    

B.         2%2

C.        3%2   

D.        4%2

36        What is the number, which decreased by 7 is equal to 10 increased by 7?

A.        14       

B.         24

C.         34       

D.        44

37        If 5 + x is 5 more than 5, what is the value of 2x?

A.        10       

B.         15

C.         20       

D.        25

38        Let f(x) = 2x3 + 7x2 – 4x and g(x) = 4x – x3. If k is a positive number such that f(k) = 0, then what is g(k)

A.        12/8    

B.         13/8

C.         14/8    

D.        15/8

39        The sum of two consecutive positive even integers is two greater than one-tenth of the product of the two integers. What is the sum of the positive factors of the smaller integer?

A.        29       

B.         39

C.         49       

D.        59

40        In a group of 24 Adults, there are twice as many women as there are men.  How many men are there?

A.        4         

B.         6

C.        8         

D.        10

41        For each megawatt of power that it produces, a power plant spends $30,000 on coal, $50,000 on salaries, and $20,000 on general expenses. If the plant produces 250 megawatts, how much does it spend on salaries and general expenses combined?

A.        $12,500,000   

B.         $15,000,000

C.        $17,500,000   

D.        $20,000,000

42        For what value of x does 4(3x – 2) = 12?

A.        5/3      

B.         3/5

C.         4/3      

D.        6/3

43        If 11 + 3x is 29, what is 2x?

A.        6         

B.         12

C.         18       

D.        24

44        If 2x = 3y = 6z = 48, what is the value of x * y * z?

A.        1072   

B.         2072

C.        3072   

D.        4072

45        If 3|x – 2| = 12 and |y + 4| = 8, then |x – y| can equal ALL of the following EXCEPT:

A.        6         

B.         14

C.         10       

D.        18

46        If a line has an equation of 2y=3x+3, what is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line?

A.        -2/3     

B.         -3/4

C.         4         

D.        3/2

47         Solve for x?

A.        3         

B.         5

C.         6         

D.        No Solution

48        If $ is defined for all numbers x and y to be x$y= x2−2xy, then what is 4$2?

A.        0         

B.         4

C.         18       

D.        23

49        Call service costs $0.50 per minute for the first ten minutes and is $0.20 a minute thereafter. What is the equation that represents the cost of call in dollars when time is greater than 10 minutes?

A.        5.00+0.20 (x)  

B.         5+0.20 (x+10)

C.        5.00+0.20 (x−10)       

D.        10+0.20 (x−10)

50        Zora goes on a trip of b kilometres at a speed of c kilometres an hour. How long did the trip take?

A.        a/c       

B.         b/c

C.         c/a       

D.        c/b