PPSC 2021 Past Papers Paper 60 ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR | PPSC Past Papers 2021 pdf | PPSC MCQs 2021

1. The oldest Anthem of the world 

(A) Japan 

(B) China

(C) Russia 

(D) Greece

2. What is Big Ben? 

(A) Clock

(B) Tower

(C) Cinema 

(D) Road 

3. Which country is called playground of Europe?

(A) Turkey 

(B) France

(c) Switzerland

(D) Spain

 4. Naira is the currency of 

(A) Niger 

(B) Nigeria

(C) Togo 

(D) Switzerland

 5. Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan after Pushtune

(A) Uzbek 

(B) Hazaras

(C) Tajik 

(D) Taztars

6. Which is the largest(biggest) country of the world? 

(A) China 

(B) Thailand

 (C) Nepal 

(D) Japan

7.  Which is the largest(lengthiest) Road Tunnel in the world? 

(A) Rokko (Japan)

(B) Apennine (Italy)

(c) Shinizu (Japan) 

(D) St. Gotthard (Switzerland)

8. Tick the correct spellings. 

(A) Diverce 

(B) Divarce

(C) Diverse 

(D) Divarse

9.  Tick the correct spellings

 (A) Absolete 

(B) Obsolete

 (C) Obsolute

(D) Obsolite

10. Anemometer is an instrument for the measure of :

(A) Velocity of wind

(B) Magnetic power

(C) Electricity 

(D) Recording the graph

11. Who was the first viceroy of India? 

(A) Lord Ripon

(B) Lord Canning 

(C) Lord Curzon

(D) Lord Mayo

12. Napoleon Bonaparte was the king of: 

(A) France 

(B) Italy

(C) Russia 

(D) Spain

13. Helvetia is the old name of 

(A) Netherlands

(B) Mungary

(C) Japan 

(D) Switzerland

14. Great Sandy Desert is situated in 

(A) Australia 

(B) South Africa

(C) Chad 

(D) China

15. Headquarter of World Economic Forum is situated in:

(A) Davos 

(B) Cairo

(C) Washington

(D) Geneva

16. 6, 3, 12, 6, 24?

(A) 12 

(B) 18 

(C) 30 

(D) 36

17. Bosphorus strait connects the black sea with 

(A) Aegean sea

(B) Marmara sea 

(C) Red sea

(D) Java sea

18. Columbus discovered the country 

(A) Australia 


(C) Newzealand

(D) Georgia

19. Which is longest river of the Asia 

(A) Nile 

(B) Indus

(C) Yangtze Kiang

 (D) Hang HO

20. ATM is an abbreviation of 

(A) Automated teller Machine

(B) Automatic tell machine

(C) Automobile tax machine 

(D) None of these

21. 12 x .012 =? 

(A) .0144 

B) .00144

(C) .144 

(D) .000144

22. The religious and spiritual movement “Falun Gong” appeared(shows) in:

(A) Japan 

(B) China

(C) Cuba 

(D) Philippines

 23. “Ramallah is the headquarter(headoffices) of Palestinian Authority located(situated) in :

(A) West Bank

(B) Gaza Strip

(C) Tunis 

(D) Jordan

24. Seattle’ is a seaport of: 

(A) Germany


(C) Britain 

(D) France

25. Which is the largest country in Muslim world? 

(A) Sudan 

(B) Nigeria

(C) Pakistan

 (D) Kazakhstan

26. The world’s famous bridge “Golden Gate” is located(situated) in:

(A) New York

(B) Mexico

(c) London 

(D) San Francisco

27. A place where leather is tanned(bronzed) is called(named): 

(A) Tannery 

(B) Casino

 (C) Brewery 

(D) None of those

28. What is the currency of Malaysia? 

(A) Peso 

(B) Dinar

(C) Ringgit 

(D) Rupee

29. Which of the following space shuttles was launched by the United States in March 2009:

(A) Colombia

(B) Discovery 

(C) Explorer

(D) Challenger

30. Violating International law. Israel has constructed(build) a concrete wall to divide the Palestinians in: 

(A) Gaza

(B) West Bank

(C) Easter Jerusalem 

(D) Golan Heights

31. Which of the following is considered the world’s oldest city:

(A) Damascus

(B) Baghdad

(C) Jericho 

(D) Cairo

32. The wonder of the world Taj Mahal is situated in the Indian state of:

(A) Uttar Pradesh

(B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh 

(D) Maharashtra

33. Yasser Arafat remained the President of Palestinian Authonty for almost:

(A) Six years

(B) Ten years 

(C) Twelve years

(D) Fifteen years

34. Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of 

(A) France 

(B) Italy

(C) England

(D) None of the above

35. ‘Monarchy’ still exists in: 

(A) Sweden

(B) Thailand

(C) Japan 

(D) All of the above

36. Which is the fourth pillar of state’? 

(A) Press 

(B) Politics

(C) Secret agency’s

(D) Economics

37. The world’s most famous painting The Last Supper was created by:

(A) Laonardo da Vinci

(B) Pablo Picasso

(c) Rembrandt 

(D) Guljee

38. How many kilometers is equal to one mile? 

(A) 1.7015 

(B) 1.198

(C) 1.470 

(D) 1.609

39. Which vitamin is provided(offered) by sunlight to the body? 

(A) Vitamin A

(B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin C

(D) Vitamin D

40. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes(due to) 

(A) Anaemia 

(B) Goitre

(C) Scurvy 

(D) Rickets

41. Napoleon Bonaparte who conquered half of the Europe was afraid of:

(A) Dog

(B) Monkey 

(C) Cat 

(D) Rate

42. ‘Wana’ is the main town of:

(A) Bajaur agency

(B) Khyber agency

(c) North Waziristan 

(D) South Waziristan

43 Total strength of members in the National Security Council (Pakistan) is:

(A) Ten 

(B) Eleven

(C) Thirteen 

(D) Fourteen 

56. Kin “Pakistan” word stands for: 

(A) Khyber 

(B) Kashmir

(C) Karachi

(D) Kalat

57. Hepatitis is disease of: 

(A) Liver 

(B) Lungs

(C) Heart 

(D) Kidney

58. In February 2005, first time people were given right to vote in

(A) Saudi Arabia

(B) Kuwait

(C) Oman 

D) Bahrain

59. “Marines’ fight on 

(A) Land 

B) Sea

(C) Air 

(D) All of the above

60 “NIKKE” is a stock exchange of: 

(A) New York

(B) Tokyo 

(C) Hong Kong

(D) London

61. The government has renamed the ‘Micro Finance Bank’ as

(A) Supporting Bank

(B) Kisan Bank

(C) Khushali Bank 

(D) Cooperative Bank

 62. “Wheel’ is a symbol of:

(A) Peace 

(B) Progress

(C) Prosperity

(D) Speed

63. ‘Sharame-el Sheikh’ is the Egyptian seaport on:

(A) Black sea

(B) Red sea

(c) Mediterranean sea 

(D) Arabian sea

64. The historic Badshahi mosque was built by Moghul Emperor Aurargazeb in Lahore in

(A) 1670 

(B) 1673

(C) 1678 

(D) 1686

 65. The historic site “Mehrgarh” was discovered on the right side of the

(A) Indus river

(B) Kabul river 

(C) Bolan river

(D) Hub river

66. The headquarters of food and agriculture organization (FAO) is located in:

 (A) Geneva 

(B) Rome

(C) Montreal

(D) Vienna

67. The AIDS virus is called 

(A) A.I.B 

(B) H.I.V

(C) V.I.H 

(D) D.LH

68. Night blindness is due to lack of 

(A) Vitamin A 

B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin C

(D) Vitamin D

69. The Suez Canal links the 

(A) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean

(B) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

(C) Mediterranean and Black Sea 

(D) North Sea and Baltic Sea

70. In Pakistan legislative powers are vested in the

(A) President

 (B) Parliament 

 (C) Prime Minister

(D) Governor

 71. Santiago is the capital of: 

(A) Chile 

(B) Hong Kong

(C) Monaco

 (D) Spain

72. Which is the smallest republic in the world? 

(A) Vatican 

(B) Nauro

(c) Chile 

(D) Slovakia

 73. The province of Pakistan which covers the largest areas is

(A) Sindh 

(B) Punjab

(C) Baluchistan


74. The News agency of Egypt named is: 

(A) Suna 


(C) Sky 


75. NASA is the space agency of 

(A) USA 

(B) Italy

(C) France 

(D) Spain

76. Oxygen gas was discovered by 

(A) Pries Mate

(B) Priestly

(C) Faraday 

(D) B. Franklin

77. YUAN is the currency of 

(A) Amman 

(B) Thailand

(c) China 

(D) North Korea

 78. Knesset is the parliament of 

 (A) Japan

(B) China 

(C) Russia 

(D) Israel

79. The largest industry of Pakistan is 

(A) Cotton Industry

(B) Sugar Industry

(C) Sport Industry 

(D) Paper Industry

 80. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated(initiated) by Quaid-e-Azam on: 

(A) July 1, 1948

(B) July 1, 1947

(c) July 1, 1949 

(D) None of these 

81۔شکوہ اور جواب شکوہ نظمیں علامہ اقبال کی کسی کتاب میں ہیں؟ 

(A) بانگ درا 

 (B) بال جبریل 

(c) ارمغان حجا ز

(D)  پیام مشرق 

82 ۔ اردو کے مشہور شاعر جنہیں راولپنڈی سازش کیس میں جیل جاناڑا؟ 

(A) فیض احمد فیض 

  (B)  الطاف حسین حالی 

c) )اختر شیرانی

 (D)  احمد ندیم قاسمی 

83۔اگست 2008ء میں کسی مشہور شاعر کا نتقال ہوا ہے؟ 

(A) امجد اسلام امجد

(B) احمد فراز

 (c) اختر شیرانی

(D) انور مسعود

84۔خالق کا متضاد کیا ہے؟ 

(A) مخلوق 

(B) تخلیق 

(C)  ماہر

(D)  کامل 

85۔گوہر کے معنی کیا ہے؟ 

(A) منزل 

(B) موتی 

(C) مراد

(D)   نایاب 

86۔ناولدستک نہ دو کس نے لکھا ہے؟ 

 (A) ثوبیہ

(B) عضت عاشق 

(C) الطاف فاطمه

(D) عائشہ 

87۔محاورہ تین پانچ کرنا کا کیا مطلب ہے؟ 

(A) حساب کتاب کرنا 

(B) دھوکہ دینا 

C) جھوٹ بولنا

 (D) تکرار کرنا 

88۔غنی کی جمع کیا ہے؟

(A) غنون

(B) فنیات 

 (C) إغناء 

 (D)   اغینا

89۔لفظ اروو، کسی زبان کا لفظ ہے؟ 

(A) ترکی 

 (B) قارسی 

(C) بندی 

(D) عربی 

90۔مخمس کے لفظی معنی کیا ہیں ؟

  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 6

91۔ثانی آدم کس پیغمبر کو کہتے ہیں ؟

(A) حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام

 (B)  حضرت اسحاق

 (C) حضرت موسی

(D حضرت نوح علیہ

92۔قرآن مجید میں کل کتنے سجدے ہیں؟ 

  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16

93۔مکی سورتوں کی تعداد بتائیں؟ 

  • 28
  • 12
  • 86
  • 16

94۔دنیاکا سب سے لمبا دریا کس ملک میں بہتا ہے ؟


(B) ملائیشیا

(C) مصر

(D)  پاکستان

 95۔حضرت موسی ا کا حضرت ہارون سے کیا رشتہ تھا؟

 (A)باپ کا

 (B) بھائی کا

 (C) چچا کا

(D) کوئی رشتہ نہ تھا

 96۔ابو الانبیاء کس پیغمبر کو کہا جاتا ہے؟

(A) حضرت نوح کو

(B) حضرت آدم کو

(C) حضرت موسی کو

 (D) حضرت ابراہیم کو

97۔کس پیغمبر کو مچھلی نے نگل لیا تھا اور چالیس دن مچھلی کے پیٹ میں رہے ؟

(A) حضرت یونس علیہ السلام

(B) حضرت ہود علیہ السلام

(C) حضرت موسی علیہ السلام

 (D) حضرت ہارون علیہ السلام

98۔غزوات کی تعداد کیا ہے؟

  • 20
  • 23
  • 25
  • 27

99۔زید بن حارثہ کا کلام کس سورت میں آیا ہے؟

  • سورۃ الاحزاب
  • سورۃ البقرہ
  • سورۃ آل عمران
  • سورۃ کوثر

100۔حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے عمرے کیے؟

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4




1. The oldest Anthem of the world 

(A) Japan 

(B) China

(C) Russia 

(D) Greece

2. What is Big Ben? 

(A) Clock

(B) Tower

(C) Cinema 

(D) Road 

3. Which country is called playground of Europe?

(A) Turkey 

(B) France

(c) Switzerland

(D) Spain

 4. Naira is the currency of 

(A) Niger 

(B) Nigeria

(C) Togo 

(D) Switzerland

 5. Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan after Pushtune

(A) Uzbek 

(B) Hazaras

(C) Tajik 

(D) Taztars

6. Which is the largest(biggest) country of the world? 

(A) China 

(B) Thailand

 (C) Nepal 

(D) Japan

7.  Which is the largest(lengthiest) Road Tunnel in the world? 

(A) Rokko (Japan)

(B) Apennine (Italy)

(c) Shinizu (Japan) 

(D) St. Gotthard (Switzerland)

8. Tick the correct spellings. 

(A) Diverce 

(B) Divarce

(C) Diverse 

(D) Divarse

9.  Tick the correct spellings

 (A) Absolete 

(B) Obsolete

 (C) Obsolute

(D) Obsolite

10. Anemometer is an instrument for the measure of :

(A) Velocity of wind

(B) Magnetic power

(C) Electricity 

(D) Recording the graph

11. Who was the first viceroy of India? 

(A) Lord Ripon

(B) Lord Canning 

(C) Lord Curzon

(D) Lord Mayo

12. Napoleon Bonaparte was the king of: 

(A) France 

(B) Italy

(C) Russia 

(D) Spain

13. Helvetia is the old name of 

(A) Netherlands

(B) Mungary

(C) Japan 

(D) Switzerland

14. Great Sandy Desert is situated in 

(A) Australia 

(B) South Africa

(C) Chad 

(D) China

15. Headquarter of World Economic Forum is situated in:

(A) Davos 

(B) Cairo

(C) Washington

(D) Geneva

16. 6, 3, 12, 6, 24?

(A) 12 

(B) 18 

(C) 30 

(D) 36

17. Bosphorus strait connects the black sea with 

(A) Aegean sea

(B) Marmara sea 

(C) Red sea

(D) Java sea

18. Columbus discovered the country 

(A) Australia 


(C) Newzealand

(D) Georgia

19. Which is longest river of the Asia 

(A) Nile 

(B) Indus

(C) Yangtze Kiang

 (D) Hang HO

20. ATM is an abbreviation of 

(A) Automated teller Machine

(B) Automatic tell machine

(C) Automobile tax machine 

(D) None of these

21. 12 x .012 =? 

(A) .0144 

B) .00144

(C) .144 

(D) .000144

22. The religious and spiritual movement “Falun Gong” appeared(shows) in:

(A) Japan 

(B) China

(C) Cuba 

(D) Philippines

 23. “Ramallah is the headquarter(headoffices) of Palestinian Authority located(situated) in :

(A) West Bank

(B) Gaza Strip

(C) Tunis 

(D) Jordan

24. Seattle’ is a seaport of: 

(A) Germany


(C) Britain 

(D) France

25. Which is the largest country in Muslim world? 

(A) Sudan 

(B) Nigeria

(C) Pakistan

 (D) Kazakhstan

26. The world’s famous bridge “Golden Gate” is located(situated) in:

(A) New York

(B) Mexico

(c) London 

(D) San Francisco

27. A place where leather is tanned(bronzed) is called(named): 

(A) Tannery 

(B) Casino

 (C) Brewery 

(D) None of those

28. What is the currency of Malaysia? 

(A) Peso 

(B) Dinar

(C) Ringgit 

(D) Rupee

29. Which of the following space shuttles was launched by the United States in March 2009:

(A) Colombia

(B) Discovery 

(C) Explorer

(D) Challenger

30. Violating International law. Israel has constructed(build) a concrete wall to divide the Palestinians in: 

(A) Gaza

(B) West Bank

(C) Easter Jerusalem 

(D) Golan Heights

31. Which of the following is considered the world’s oldest city:

(A) Damascus

(B) Baghdad

(C) Jericho 

(D) Cairo

32. The wonder of the world Taj Mahal is situated in the Indian state of:

(A) Uttar Pradesh

(B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh 

(D) Maharashtra

33. Yasser Arafat remained the President of Palestinian Authonty for almost:

(A) Six years

(B) Ten years 

(C) Twelve years

(D) Fifteen years

34. Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of 

(A) France 

(B) Italy

(C) England

(D) None of the above

35. ‘Monarchy’ still exists in: 

(A) Sweden

(B) Thailand

(C) Japan 

(D) All of the above

36. Which is the fourth pillar of state’? 

(A) Press 

(B) Politics

(C) Secret agency’s

(D) Economics

37. The world’s most famous painting The Last Supper was created by:

(A) Laonardo da Vinci

(B) Pablo Picasso

(c) Rembrandt 

(D) Guljee

38. How many kilometers is equal to one mile? 

(A) 1.7015 

(B) 1.198

(C) 1.470 

(D) 1.609

39. Which vitamin is provided(offered) by sunlight to the body? 

(A) Vitamin A

(B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin C

(D) Vitamin D

40. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes(due to) 

(A) Anaemia 

(B) Goitre

(C) Scurvy 

(D) Rickets

41. Napoleon Bonaparte who conquered half of the Europe was afraid of:

(A) Dog

(B) Monkey 

(C) Cat 

(D) Rate

42. ‘Wana’ is the main town of:

(A) Bajaur agency

(B) Khyber agency

(c) North Waziristan 

(D) South Waziristan

43 Total strength of members in the National Security Council (Pakistan) is:

(A) Ten 

(B) Eleven

(C) Thirteen 

(D) Fourteen 

56. Kin “Pakistan” word stands for: 

(A) Khyber 

(B) Kashmir

(C) Karachi

(D) Kalat

57. Hepatitis is disease of: 

(A) Liver 

(B) Lungs

(C) Heart 

(D) Kidney

58. In February 2005, first time people were given right to vote in

(A) Saudi Arabia

(B) Kuwait

(C) Oman 

D) Bahrain

59. “Marines’ fight on 

(A) Land 

B) Sea

(C) Air 

(D) All of the above

60 “NIKKE” is a stock exchange of: 

(A) New York

(B) Tokyo 

(C) Hong Kong

(D) London

61. The government has renamed the ‘Micro Finance Bank’ as

(A) Supporting Bank

(B) Kisan Bank

(C) Khushali Bank 

(D) Cooperative Bank

 62. “Wheel’ is a symbol of:

(A) Peace 

(B) Progress

(C) Prosperity

(D) Speed

63. ‘Sharame-el Sheikh’ is the Egyptian seaport on:

(A) Black sea

(B) Red sea

(c) Mediterranean sea 

(D) Arabian sea

64. The historic Badshahi mosque was built by Moghul Emperor Aurargazeb in Lahore in

(A) 1670 

(B) 1673

(C) 1678 

(D) 1686

 65. The historic site “Mehrgarh” was discovered on the right side of the

(A) Indus river

(B) Kabul river 

(C) Bolan river

(D) Hub river

66. The headquarters of food and agriculture organization (FAO) is located in:

 (A) Geneva 

(B) Rome

(C) Montreal

(D) Vienna

67. The AIDS virus is called 

(A) A.I.B 

(B) H.I.V

(C) V.I.H 

(D) D.LH

68. Night blindness is due to lack of 

(A) Vitamin A 

B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin C

(D) Vitamin D

69. The Suez Canal links the 

(A) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean

(B) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

(C) Mediterranean and Black Sea 

(D) North Sea and Baltic Sea

70. In Pakistan legislative powers are vested in the

(A) President

 (B) Parliament 

 (C) Prime Minister

(D) Governor

 71. Santiago is the capital of: 

(A) Chile 

(B) Hong Kong

(C) Monaco

 (D) Spain

72. Which is the smallest republic in the world? 

(A) Vatican 

(B) Nauro

(c) Chile 

(D) Slovakia

 73. The province of Pakistan which covers the largest areas is

(A) Sindh 

(B) Punjab

(C) Baluchistan


74. The News agency of Egypt named is: 

(A) Suna 


(C) Sky 


75. NASA is the space agency of 

(A) USA 

(B) Italy

(C) France 

(D) Spain

76. Oxygen gas was discovered by 

(A) Pries Mate

(B) Priestly

(C) Faraday 

(D) B. Franklin

77. YUAN is the currency of 

(A) Amman 

(B) Thailand

(c) China 

(D) North Korea

 78. Knesset is the parliament of 

 (A) Japan

(B) China 

(C) Russia 

(D) Israel

79. The largest industry of Pakistan is 

(A) Cotton Industry

(B) Sugar Industry

(C) Sport Industry 

(D) Paper Industry

 80. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated(initiated) by Quaid-e-Azam on: 

(A) July 1, 1948

(B) July 1, 1947

(c) July 1, 1949 

(D) None of these 

81۔شکوہ اور جواب شکوہ نظمیں علامہ اقبال کی کسی کتاب میں ہیں؟ 

(A) بانگ درا 

 (B) بال جبریل 

(c) ارمغان حجا ز

(D)  پیام مشرق 

82 ۔ اردو کے مشہور شاعر جنہیں راولپنڈی سازش کیس میں جیل جاناڑا؟ 

(A) فیض احمد فیض 

  (B)  الطاف حسین حالی 

c) )اختر شیرانی

 (D)  احمد ندیم قاسمی 

83۔اگست 2008ء میں کسی مشہور شاعر کا نتقال ہوا ہے؟ 

(A) امجد اسلام امجد

(B) احمد فراز

 (c) اختر شیرانی

(D) انور مسعود

84۔خالق کا متضاد کیا ہے؟ 

(A) مخلوق 

(B) تخلیق 

(C)  ماہر

(D)  کامل 

85۔گوہر کے معنی کیا ہے؟ 

(A) منزل 

(B) موتی 

(C) مراد

(D)   نایاب 

86۔ناولدستک نہ دو کس نے لکھا ہے؟ 

 (A) ثوبیہ

(B) عضت عاشق 

(C) الطاف فاطمه

(D) عائشہ 

87۔محاورہ تین پانچ کرنا کا کیا مطلب ہے؟ 

(A) حساب کتاب کرنا 

(B) دھوکہ دینا 

C) جھوٹ بولنا

 (D) تکرار کرنا 

88۔غنی کی جمع کیا ہے؟

(A) غنون

(B) فنیات 

 (C) إغناء 

 (D)   اغینا

89۔لفظ اروو، کسی زبان کا لفظ ہے؟ 

(A) ترکی 

 (B) قارسی 

(C) بندی 

(D) عربی 

90۔مخمس کے لفظی معنی کیا ہیں ؟

  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 6

91۔ثانی آدم کس پیغمبر کو کہتے ہیں ؟

(A) حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام

 (B)  حضرت اسحاق

 (C) حضرت موسی

(D حضرت نوح علیہ

92۔قرآن مجید میں کل کتنے سجدے ہیں؟ 

  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16

93۔مکی سورتوں کی تعداد بتائیں؟ 

  • 28
  • 12
  • 86
  • 16

94۔دنیاکا سب سے لمبا دریا کس ملک میں بہتا ہے ؟


(B) ملائیشیا

(C) مصر

(D)  پاکستان

 95۔حضرت موسی ا کا حضرت ہارون سے کیا رشتہ تھا؟

 (A)باپ کا

 (B) بھائی کا

 (C) چچا کا

(D) کوئی رشتہ نہ تھا

 96۔ابو الانبیاء کس پیغمبر کو کہا جاتا ہے؟

(A) حضرت نوح کو

(B) حضرت آدم کو

(C) حضرت موسی کو

 (D) حضرت ابراہیم کو

97۔کس پیغمبر کو مچھلی نے نگل لیا تھا اور چالیس دن مچھلی کے پیٹ میں رہے ؟

(A) حضرت یونس علیہ السلام

(B) حضرت ہود علیہ السلام

(C) حضرت موسی علیہ السلام

 (D) حضرت ہارون علیہ السلام

98۔غزوات کی تعداد کیا ہے؟

  • 20
  • 23
  • 25
  • 27

99۔زید بن حارثہ کا کلام کس سورت میں آیا ہے؟

  • سورۃ الاحزاب
  • سورۃ البقرہ
  • سورۃ آل عمران
  • سورۃ کوثر

100۔حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے عمرے کیے؟

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4