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Microsoft Office MCQs with Quiz Q No 1 :In Microsoft Word shortcut CTRL+Z is for
(A) Undo something
(B) Delete something
(C) Paste something
(D) None of these
3. In Microsoft Word shortcut DELETE is for
(A) Undo something
(B) Delete something
(C) Paste something
(D) None of these
4. A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make corrections as necessary
(A) Home row keys
(B) Tool bar
(C) Spreadsheet
(D) Word processor
5. Graphics for word processor
(A) Peripheral
(B) Clip art
(C) Highlight
(D) Execute
6. What type of software is used for creating letters papers and other documents?
(A) Database
(B) Word Processor
(C) Spreadsheet
(D) Operating Program
7. What does the Ctrl + I shortcut key accomplish in Ms-Word?
(A) It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
(B) It adds a line break to the document
(C) It makes the selected text bold
(D) It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.
8. What is the file extension of Ms-Word972003 document?
(A) Dot
(B) Doc
(C) Dom
(D) Txt
9. Why are headers and footers used in document?
(A) To enhance the overall appearance of the document
(B) To mark the starting and ending of a page
(C) To make large document more readable
(D) To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed