PPSC Civilian Labor Jobs Test Preparation 2021 | PPSC Labor Jobs Past Paper 7

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Q NO 1: Which article of the 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan prohibits all forms of slavery, forced labour and child labour?

A: 37

B: 11

C: 25

D: 18

Q NO 2:Under the Factories Act, 1934 no adult employee, defined as a worker who has completed his or her 18th year of age, can be required or permitted to work in any establishment in excess of hours a day and hours a week

A: 7.42

8: 9, 48

C: 8.48

D: 8 56

Q NO 3: The capital of Byzantine Empire was

A: Anatolia

B: Adrianople

C: Byzantium

D: Constantinople

Q NO 4: During the time of Prophet (PBUH), the Emperor of Byzantine Empire was

A: Justinian

B: Cyrus

C: Heraclius

D: Khosrau

Q NO 5. Servile is the opposite of

A: puerile

B: futile

C: haughty

D: foul

Q NO 6:____________ wrote the treaty of Hudaibiya:

A: Hzarat Al (RA:

B: Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (RA:

C: Hazrat Amr bin Aas (RA:

D: Hazrat Usman (RA:

Q NO 7:___________ is the meaning of Assraa:

A: Disseminator

B: Pessimism

C: Ascension

D: Descent

Q NO 8: Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was leader of

A: Muslim League

B: Unionist Party

C: Congress

D: None of them

Q NO 9: The national flower of Pakistan is:

A: Tulip

B: Rose

C: Jasmine

D: Sunflower

Q NO 10: Ghiyas ud din Balban declared himself the king of Delhi Sultanate in the year:

A: 1166

B: 1266

C: 1366

D: None of these

Q NO 11: In the election of United States President, the largest number of “Electoral College members are elected from the state of

A: New York

B: Texas

C: California

D: Florida

Q NO12: The recently appointed Governor of Bank of England Mark Camey is a citizen of:

A: United States

B: Canada

C: United Kingdom

D: Australia

Q NO 13: Out of the following, the largest ethnic group by population without having a state of its own

A: Kurdish

B: Welsh

C: Uighurs

D: Sikhs

Q NO14: The first President of Palestinian Authority Yasir Arafat died on:

A: 11th September 2006

B: 9th November 2001

C: 12th December 2007

D: 11th November 2004

Q NO 15: The phenomenon of ‘Arab Spring was sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, a fruit-seller in:

A: Egypt

B: Tunisia

C: Morocco

D: Syria

Q NO 16: Before becoming Governor General of Pakistan, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad was

A: Foreign Minister

B: Finance Minister

C: Defence Minister

D: Interior Minister

Q NO 17: The imaginary line of zero degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called:

A: Meridian

B: Equator

C: Tropic of Cancer

D: Tropic of Capricorn

Q NO 18: The famous book ‘East of Eden” is the work

A: John Steinbeck

B: RW Emerson

C: Bertrand Russell

D: Earnest Hemingway

Q NO 19: Bastille Day is the commemoration of the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison which was seen as a symbol of the revolutionary uprising in

A: Canada

B: France


D: Belgium

Q NO 20: The hurricane in October 2012 was caused wide-spread damage in the Eastern sea-board states of the USA is:

A: Katrina

B: Sandy

C: Isaac

D: Irene

Q NO 21: The newly elected President of People’s Republic of China is:

A: Hu Jintao

B: Xi Jinping

C: Li Keqiang

D: Wen Jiabao

Q NO 22: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is headed by:

A: British monarch

B: Russian President

C: Host nation’s head of state

D: None of the above

Q NO 23: Sul generis is a Latin term for:

A: Unique

B: Generous

C: Sui gas

D: Common

Q NO 24: The Strait of Hormuz fall between:

A: UAE and Oman

B: Iran and UAE

C: Iran, Oman and UAE

D: Iran and Oman

Q NO 25: Under the West Pakistan Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969, employees working in shops and commercial establishments are restricted to work for the following maximum weekly hours:

A: 42

B: 48

C: 38

D: 56

Q NO 26: “Rand’ is the currency of

A: South Africa

B: Tanzania

C: Educator

D: Somalia

Q NO 27: Total number of districts in Punjab are:

A: 32

B: 35

C: 34

D: 36

Q NO 28: Artisan has the opposite meaning of which of the following:

A: educator

B: sculptor

C: decider

D: unskilled labourer

Q NO 29: Recently, the United Nations granted the Palestinians with the status of

A: Non-state Observer

B: Non-member Observer State

C: Member State

D: Non-member State

Q NO 30: The new status of Palestinians at the United Nations will make them equal in diplomatic status to”:

A: Israel

B: Switzerland

C: Vatican City

D: Cook Islands

Q NO 31: The Headquarters of International Labour Organisation (ILO) are established at:

A: Geneva

B: Vienna

C: Frankfurt

D: Rome

Q NO 32. In the recent President Elections in the United States, the main election rival of President Obama was

A: David Patraeus

B: Rick Santourm

C: John McCain

D: Mitt Romney

Q NO 33: Under the Employment of Children Act 1991, employment of Children is banned who are aged below:

A: 12

B: 14

C: 15

D: 16

Q NO 34: The number of working children according to ILO estimates in developing countries is:

A: 80 million

B: 300 million

C: 250 million

D: 320 million

Q NO 35. Trachoma is a disease of the:

A: Lung

B: Spinal Cord

C: Larynx

D: Eye

Q NO 36: If x = 4, y = 2, then (x) =

A: 20

B: 32

C: 36  

D: 12

Q NO 37: Which is not one of the functions performed by Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI)

A: Medical care for secured workers and their dependents

B: Hajj facility

C: Cash benefits

D: Provision of free quality education to the children of industrial workers

Q NO 38: Despicable is the opposite of:

A: worthy of esteem

B: incapable

C: inevitable

D: steering

Q NO 39: Which of the following is not a function of Punjab Workers’ Welfare Board:

A: Provision of medical care to Industrial workers

B: Construction of labour colonies

C: Provision of free education to the children of Industrial workers

D: Welfare grants

Q NO 40: Which one of the following statements is false?

A: ‘Unenforceable’ means that there is no remedy for breaches of a convention

B: The laws of the constitution are enforceable in the courts

C: The conventions of the constitution are binding political rules which are not enforceable in the courts

D: Constitutional conventions are not binding on anyone

Q NO 41: Which one of the following statements is false?

A: The legislative function is primanly responsible for making, unmaking and amending the law

B: The executive function gives effect to and enforces the law

C: The legislative function is inferior to the judicial function of government

D: The primary judicial function is to interpret and apply the law, resolve disputes, provide remedies and determine punishments when the law is breached

Q NO 42: Which of the following is not an essential ingredient of a Legally-binding contract:

A: Offer

B: Written form

C: Acceptance

D: Consideration

Q NO 43: Waylay has nearly the same meaning as:

A: Ambush

B: journey

C: rest

D: road map

Q NO 44 In rots, the principle restitutio in integrum’ means:

A: Compensation for damages

B: Restoration to the original condition

C: Restriction on integration

D: None of the above

Q NO 45: Contributory negligence’ means:

A: Two or more than two defendants contributed towards the negligence against the plaintiff

B: Plaintiff and defendant both contributed to the negligence of a third person

C: Plaintiff contributed to the negligence which drew the suit against the defenant

D: None of the above

Q NO 46: Out of the 14 highest independent peaks in the world (the eight-thousanders) Pakistan

A: 5

B: 9

C: 8

D: 12

Q NO 47: The birth-name of Sher Shah Suri was

A: Haider Khan

B: Sher Khan

C: Farid Khan

D: Fateh Sher

Q NO 48: Southern Cross” which is a constellation found in the solution region of the night sky consists mainly of:

A: Seven Stars

B: Three Stars

C: Five Stars

D: None of these

Q NO 49: Sylhet District at the time of partition was part of the province of

A: Bengal

B: Assam

C: Bihar

D: United Provinces

Q NO 50: Hepatitis C is a leading cause of:

A: Chronic liver disease



D: Diabetes

Q NO 51: Euphonious is the opposite of:

A: Strident

B: Lothargic

C: Literary

D: Merry

Q NO 52: The incident of child labour in Punjab is reportedly highest in:

A: Brick-kins

B: Football manufacturing Industry

C: Surgical Instruments manufacturing

D: Carpet-weaving

Q NO 53: There has been a complete book — law and order in the country.

A: up

B: off

C: down

D: of

Q NO 54: The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius is:

A: 1

B: 2π



Q NO 55:  At 3:00 AM the temperature was 13 C below zero but by noon it had risen to 32 C.therefore, the average hourly increase in temperature was:

A: 5

B: 7.5

C: 45

D: 19/6

Q NO 56: An important river at Pothohar Plateau is:

A: Hub River

B: Bolan River

C: Gomal River

D: Swan River

Q NO 57: The newest district of Punjab out of the following is:

A: Nankana Sahib

B: Pakpattan

C: Kasur

D: Mandi Bahauddin

Q NO 58:  The capital city of Libya is:

A: Benghazi

B: Misrata

C: Sirte

D: Tripoli

Q NO 59:  The Secretary-General of the United Nations at the time of invasion of Iraq in 2003 was:

A: Boutros Boutros Ghal

B: Ban Ki-moon

C: Kofi Annan

D: Mohmmad Al Baradei

Q NO 60: Yangtze River does not pass through which of the country

A: Mongolia

B: Thailand

C: Taiwan

D: all of these

Q NO 61:  If there is no sun, the color of the sky would

A: Orange

B: Blue

C: Yellow

D: None of these

Q NO 62: The garden city movement, a method of urban planning has not significantly influenced the design and planning of:

A: New Delhi

B: Islamabad

C: Canberra

D: New York

Q NO 63: The latest country to become member of the United Nations is

A: Montenegro

B: East Timor

C: South Sudan

D: Switzerland

Q NO 64:  The Incan Civilization flourished in:

A: South America

B: Australia

C: North America

D: Indonesia

Q NO 65: The legendary African city of Timbuktu is located in:

A: Niger

B: Ivory Coast

C: Mali

D: Mauritania

Q NO 66:  The minimum rate of wages for all adult unskilled and juvenile workers emploved in the industrial establishments in Punjab province has been fixed at:

A: Rs. 8000

B: Rs. 9000

C: Rs. 7500

D: Rs. 8500

Q NO 67:  According to West Pakistan Minimum Wages Rules 1962, an adult female worker performing work of equal value is entitled to get:

A: Lesser wage

B: Identical wage

C: Greater wage

D: Special wage

Q NO 68:  The jurisdiction of Controller of Weights & Measures, Punjab does not extend to:

A: Pakistan International Airlines Corporation

B: Pakistan Post Offices

C: CNG Stations

D: None of these

Q NO 69: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has the Samne chemical compostion as that of:


B: Sul Gas

C: Teargas

D: Poison gas

Q NO 70: The largest amongst the Great Lakes of Northeastern America is :

A: Lake Superior

B: Lake Huro

C: Lake Michlgan

D: Lake Ontarlo
Q NO 71: If 5(3x-7) 20, what is 3x -8?

A: 11/3

B: O

C: 3

D: 14

Q NO 72: The largest city by population in the Great Lakes region is:

A: Toronto

B: Montreal

C: Chicago

D: Detroit

Q NO 73:  Amongst the provinces of Pakistan, the highest ratio of economically active children to their overall population in age group 5-14 is in:

A: Khyber-Pakhutnkhwa

B: Balochistan

C: Sindh

D: Punjab

Q NO 74: Leading questions:

A: Main question

B: Question requiring a precise answer

C: Question suggesting an answer

D: Question which is the most difficult to answer

Q NO 75:  The law prohibiting employment of children in lieu of loan or peshgiis:

A: Employment of Children Act, 1991

B: Bonded Labour System Abolition Act, 1992

C: Factories Act, 1934

D: None of the above

Q NO 76:  Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is situated in:

A: Greenland

B: Australia

C: England

D: Finland

Q NO 77:  The capital of Myanmar is:

A: Ho Chi Minh City

B: Salgon

C: Yangon

D: Naypyidaw

Q NO 78: The next winter Olympic Games were scheduled to take place in 2014 at:

A: Sochi

B: Vancouver

C: Torino

D: Salt Lake City, Utah

Q NO 79: The men’s event of Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2012 was won by:

A: Roger Federer

B: Novak Djokovic

C: Rafael Nadal

D: Andy Murray

Q NO 80:  The gas commonly used in balloons is:

A: Hydrogen

B: Hellium

C: Oxygen

D: Carbon dioxide

Q NO 81: Ferment has nearly the same meaning as:

A: Stir up

B: fill

C: ferret

D: mutilate

Q NO 82: The last military expedition assembled by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was directed against Byzantine army is Syria and was headed by

A: Hazrat Umar Bin Al-Khattab (RA:

B: Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Wagas (RA:

C: Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (RA:

D: Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (RA:

Q NO 83: An ordinary mobile phone communicates by using

A: Sound waves

B: Microwaves

C: Radio waves

D: UV waves

Q NO 84:  Stock indices at Tokyo are known by their popular name of

A: Dow Jones

B: Hang Seng

C: Nikkei


Q NO 85:  An open market operation Also known as (OMO) is an activity by a central bank:

A: to buy or sell government bonds on the open market

B: to track illegal currency dealers in the open market

C: to print currency and disseminate in open market for improving money supply

D: All of the above

Q NO 86: In 2009, Gilgit-Baltistan was given the status equal to a province by:

A: Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan

B: Act of Parliament

C: Promulgation of ordinance

D: Executive order communicated through notification

Q NO 87:  What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the qander

A: Everyone regardless of differences deserves equal treatment

B: Goose and gander should both be fed with sauce

C: Like treatment for like things

D: Rich and poor should be treated equally

Q NO 88: Annuity is a:

A: A sum of money received on a regular basis as one of a series of fixed payments

B: A financial products designed to pay out a stream of payments to the holder at a later point in time

C: Both A: and B:

D: Annual payment of dues

Q NO 89: Hobson’s choice

A: Given no choice at all

B: To make the best choice

C: To make the worst choice

D: To settle for a compromise

Q NO 90: The tune of the national anthem of Pakistan was composed by:

A: Khawaja Khurshid Anwar

B: Naushad Ali

C: Sohail Rana

D: Ahmad G. Chagla

Q NO 91:  Labour Court in the province of Punjab was established under

A: Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010

B: West Pakistan Social Security Ordinance, 1965

C: Industrial Relations Act 2012

D: Pakistan Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2011

Q No 92. 

A: .002

B: .0001

C: .001

D: .02

Q NO 93:  The capital city of Uzbekistan is:

A: Tashkent

B: Samarkand

C: Bokhara

D: Dushanbe

Q NO 94:  The United Nations Special Representative on Syria is:

A: Kofi Annan

B: Lakhdar Brahimi

C: Navanethem Pillay

D: Juan Mendez

Q NO 95:  The recently held World Snooker Championships at Sofia, Bulgaria were won

A: Muhammad Yousuf

B: Wael Talaat

C: Asjad Iqbal

D: Muhammad Asif

Q NO 96: The only sahabi who was mentioned by name in the Holy Quran is:

A: Hazrat Umar (RA)

B: Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA)

C: Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)

D: Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas (RA)

Q NO 97:  Prophylactic is the opposite of:

A: causing growth

B: causing disease

C: antagonistic

D: favourable

Q NO 98: Tentative has nearly the same meaning as:

A: Prevalent

B: experimental

C: portable

D: mocking

Q NO 99:  If an object is moving at a speed of 30 km/hour how many meters does it travel in one second:

A: 8.33

B: 36

C: 100

D: 360

Q NO 100: Disjointed has opposite meaning of which of the following:

A: Carved

B: Connected

C: Understood

D: Evicted