Chemistry Mcq Questions For Class 11 Pdf Download Chapter 4 | Online Mcq Test For Class 11 Chemistry

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Chapter 4

Liquids & Solids

1. Which one is the example of cubic crystals?

  1. Graphite
  2. Sugar
  3. Borax
  4. Diamond

2. The boiling point of the halogens:

  1. Increase down the group
  2. Decrease down the group
  3. Remains constant
  4. can’t be predicted

3. Vapor pressure of a liquid in a closed container depends upon:

  1. Surface area of container
  2. Temperature
  3. Amount of liquid
  4. All of these

4. A crystal system in which all the axes and angles are unequal is called:

  1. Tetragonal system
  2. Monoclinic system
  3. Triclinic system
  4. Cubic system

5. At Murree hills water boils at:

  1. 98°C
  2. 100°C
  3. 0°C
  4. 50°C

6. Coordination number of Nation in NaCl is:

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. Six

7. Water may boil at 120°C when external pressure is:

  1. 369 torre
  2. 700 torr
  3. 760 torr
  4. 1489 torr

8. Crystals formed due to London forces of interaction are:

  1. lonic
  2. Covalent
  3. Molecular
  4. Metallic

9. Forces which are preset between ions and water molecules are

  1. Dipole-induced dipole forces
  2. Dipole-dipole forces
  3. Ion dipole forces
  4. London dispersion forces

10. How many allotropic forms are present in carbon?

  1. TWO
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

11. Transition temperature of tin is

  1. 95.5°C
  2. 13.2°C
  3. 0°C
  4. 128.5°C

12. The crystal of diamond is:

  1. Ionic
  2. Covalent
  3. Molecular
  4. Metallic

13. Liquid hydrocarbon is:

  1. Methane
  2. Propane
  3. Ethane
  4. Hexane

14. The example of hexagonal system is:

  1. Sulphur
  2. Naci
  3. Graphite
  4. Diamond

15. Hydrogen bonding is strongest in:

  1. Hl
  2. HBO
  3. HCI
  4. HF

16. Allotropy is the property of:

  1. Element
  2. Compound
  3. Mixture
  4. Ions

17. Ice occupies more space than liquid water.

  1. 9%
  2. 10%
  3. 11%
  4. 12%

18. Structure of ice is:

  1. Tetrahedral
  2. Octahedral
  3. Cubic
  4. Triclinic

19. In orthorhombic crystal, the unit cell dimensions are:

  1. a = b = ca = B = y = 90°
  2. a+b+ca = B = y = 90°
  3. Sab+ca = B = y + 90°
  4. a+b+c a = B = y + 90°

20. London dispersion forces are significant for:

  1. Polar molecules
  2. Ionic solids
  3. Metals
  4. Non polar molecules

21. Which substance shows anisotropic behavior in electrical conductivity?

  1. Diamond
  2. Graphite
  3. KC
  4. Ice

22. The boiling points of higher alkanes are greater than those of lower alkanes due to the reasons that:

  1. Higher alkanes have greater number of atoms
  2. The polarizability of higher alkanes is greater
  3. Higher alkanes have zigzag structures
  4. Higher alkanes have greater hydrogen bonding

23. Water has maximum density at:

  1. 4°C
  2. 0°C
  3. 100°C
  4. 10°C

24. K2SO4 and K2CrO4 are isomorphic solids and exist in:

  1. Cubic form
  2. Orthorhombic form
  3. Trigonal form
  4. Tetragonal

25. The transition temperature of KNO3 is:

  1. 13.2°C
  2. 95.5°C
  3. 128oC
  4. 32.02oC

26. The distillation of liquid under reduced pressure is called:

  1. Destructive distillation
  2. Vacuum distillation
  3. Fractional distillation
  4. Simple distillation

27. The structure of sodium chloride is:

  1. Body centered cube
  2. Face centered cube
  3. Simple cube
  4. None

28. The forces which are present between the ions and the water molecules are known as:

  1. Dipole induced forces
  2. Ion-dipole forces
  3. Dipole-dipole forces
  4. London dispersion forces

29. LiF is a crystalline substance and has:

  1. Ionic crystals
  2. Metallic crystals
  3. Covalent crystals
  4. Molecular crystals

30. Which of the following liquid has highest boiling point?

  1. HCI
  2. HBr
  3. CHO
  4. Br2

31. The number of Nations which surround each cl ion in the NaCl crystal is:

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 12

32. Liquids evaporate at every temperature. When the temperature becomes constant for a liquid then:

  1. Rate of evaporation is greater than the rate of condensation.
  2. The rate of condensation is greater than the rate of evaporation.
  3. The rate of condensation and evaporation becomes equal
  4. Depends upon the nature of the liquid

33. Ionic solid don’t conduct the electrical current because:

  1. ons do not have translatory motion
  2. Free electrons are less
  3. The coordination number of the ion is very high
  4. Strong covalent bonds are present in their structure

34. Amorphous means:

  1. Ordered
  2. Arranged
  3. Shaped
  4. Shapeless

35. Polarizability is measure of extent of distortion:

  1. Qualitative
  2. Quantitative
  3. Systematic
  4. None of these

36. Heat change for one mole of a solid during converting into liquid is called:

  1. Molar heat of vaporization
  2. Molar heat of sublimation
  3. Molar heat of fusion
  4. Enthalpy change

37. Which of the following does not form a molecular crystal?

  1. Ice
  2. Graphite
  3. Iodine
  4. Sugar

38. Evaporation causes:

  1. Cooling
  2. Heating
  3. Boiling
  4. irritation

39. Diamond and graphite are example of:

  1. Isomorphism
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Isomerism
  4. Allotropy

40. Dipole-induced dipole forces are also called:

  1. London dispersion forces
  2. Debye forces
  3. Huckel forces
  4. Electrostatic forces

41. The size of diameter of double helix of DNA is:

  1. 18-20 Å
  2. 20-30 Å
  3. 1-10 Å
  4. 25-30 Å

42. Which statement is incorrect about tetragonal crystal system?

  1. a = b = c
  2. a = b = c
  3. a = B = y = 90°
  4. NONE

43. Crystal system shown by diamond is:

  1. Cubic
  2. Tetragonal
  3. Monoclinic
  4. Hexagonal

44. The strongest acid among halogen acids is:

  1. HF
  2. HCI
  3. HBO
  4. HI

45. The number of Cl+ ions per unit cell of NaCl is:

  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 2

46. How much more space is occupied by water on freezing:

  1. 9%
  2. 8%
  3. 7%
  4. 6%

47. Boiling point of H2O at Mount Everest would be:

  1. 98°C
  2. 100°C
  3. 101°C
  4. 69oC

48. Allotropy is the property of:

  1. Compound
  2. Element
  3. Atoms
  4. Mixture

49. Hydrogen bonding is maximum for:

  1. Ethanol
  2. Water
  3. Benzene
  4. Diethyl ether

50. The existence of an element in more than one crystalline forms:

  1. Allotropy
  2. Isotropy
  3. Isomorphism
  4. Polymorphism

51. Dry ice (Solid CO2) is an example of solid:

  1. Covalent
  2. Molecular
  3. Ionic

52. Glycerine decomposes at its:

  1. Melting point
  2. Boiling point
  3. Freezing point
  4. Critical point

53. Which one is the following is a pseudo solid:

  1. CaF2
  2. Naci
  3. Borax
  4. Glass