We are providing accurate Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Class 11 Mcq with Answers. Firstly You can read First year some basic concepts of chemistry class 11 mcq with answers pdf.

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Chapter 5
Atomic Structure
1. Maximum number of electrons in a subshell is given by:
- 2 + 1
- 2-1
- 2(2 + 1)
- 2 (2-1)
2. An orbital can accommodate maximum electrons:
- 10
- 14
- 6
- 2
3. How many times the mass of neutron is greater than that of electron?
- 1480
- 2000
- 200
- 1840
4. Lyman Series is obtained when electron in an atom jumps from higher energy level to:
- Ground level
- 2nd level
- 3rd level
- 4th level
5. When 6d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes into:
- 7f
- 7s
- 7p
- 7d
6. Lyman series occur in:
- Visible region
- U.V. region
- I.R. region
- None of these
7. e/m value for positive rays is maximum for:
- Hydrogen
- Helium
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
8. According to Bohr’s atomic model, radius of second orbit of hydrogen atom is:
- 0.529 Å
- 2.116 A
- 4.0 Å
9. Lines of Paschen series are produced when electrons jump from higher orbits to ——- orbit.
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
10. The electronic configuration of an atom is 1s2,25,2p4. The number of unpaired electrons in this atom is:
- 0
- 2
- 4
- 6
11. Negative charge on cathode rays we established by:
- William Crook
- Perrin
- R.A Millikan
- Hittorf
12. An orbital which is spherical and symmetrical is:
- s-orbital
- p-orbital
- d-orbital
- f-orbital
13. Angstrom is the unit of:
- time
- length
- mass
- frequency
14. Mass of electron is:
- 9.1095 x 1031 kg
- 9.1095 x 10-31 kg
- 9.1095 x 10-27 kg
- 9.1095 x 10-31 g
15. Neutron was discovered by:
- Chadwick
- C.D. Anderson
- Rutherford
- Goldstein
16. Bambardment of a-particles on Beryllium (Be) atom, emits neutron and this process is called:
- Natural radioactivity
- Artificial radioactivity
- Pauli’s exclusion principle
- Hund’s rule
17. Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum lies in the region:
- Ultraviolet
- Visible
- Infrared
- Microwave
18. The value of Planck’s constant is:
- 6.62 x 10-34 J.s
- 6.62 x 10-27 J.s
- 6.62 x 10-21 J.s.
- 6.62 x 10-31 J.s
19. Properties of waves are:
- Wave length
- Wave number
- Frequency
- All
20. The number of neutrons present in to K is:
- 39
- 18
- 20
- 19
21. When 4s orbital is complete, the electron goes into:
- 4p
- 3d
- 4d
- 4f
22. The limiting line of Balmer series lies in the region:
- Visible
- U.V.
- Near I.R
- Far IR
23. Which of the following orbitals is dumb bell shaped?
- s-orbital
- p-orbital
- d-orbital
- f-orbital
24. Free neutron decays into a proton with the emission of an electron and a
- Positron
- Neutrino
- Beta Particle
- Helium nucleus
25. The mass of an oxygen atom is:
- 2.657 x 10-23 g
- 2.657 x 1023g
- 16g
- 32g
26. The electrons occupying an orbital are distinguished by:
- Magnetic quantum number
- Principal quantum number
- Azimuthal quantum number
- Spin quantum number
27. The mass of proton is (in kg):
- +1.6 x 10-19
- -1.6 10-19
- 1.672 x 10-27
- 9.1 x 10-31
28. Bohr’s model of atom is contradicted by:
- Photo electric effect
- Pauli’s exclusion principle
- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
- Aufbau principle
29. K-series X-Rays have wavelength:
- Longer
- Smaller
- Same
- Different
30. What is the value of (n + l) for the 3s subshell?
- 2
- 1
- 5
- 3
31. Cathode rays consist of:
- Electrons
- Protons
- Neutrons
- Nucleons
32. The d-subshell consists of:
- 5-orbitals
- 6-orbitals
- 7-orbitals
- 10-orbitals
33. Orbitals having same energy are called:
- Hybrid orbitals
- Valence orbitals
- d-orbitals
- Degenerate orbitals
34. Positive rays were discovered by:
- J.J. Thomson
- Rutherford
- William Crooks
- E. Goldstein
35. Mass of one mole of electron is:
- 0.55 mg
- 0.184 mg
- 1.673 mg
- 1.008 mg
36. For the P sub shell the azimuthal quantum number”/” is:
- 2
- 3
- zero
- 1
37. If an electron is free from the attraction of nucleus then its energy is:
- Negative
- Positive
- Zero
- None of these
38. In discharge tube experiment, the pressure of gas was maintained at:
- 760 torr
- 0.1 torr
- 0.01 torr
- None
39. Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong magnet
- Zeeman effect
- Stark effect
- Compton effect
- Photoelectric effect
40. Which one of the following series lies in ultraviolet region:
- Lyman
- Balmer
- Paschen
- Brackett
41. The shape of ‘P’ orbitals is:
- Double dumb-bell
- Spherical
- Dumb-bell
- Complicated
42. Value of Rydberg’s constant is:
- 1.7904 x 107 m-1
- 1.9768×107 m-1
- 1.09678 x 107 m-1
- 1.6 x 107 m-1
43. When the Azimuthal quantum number is 3 then ‘m’ can have
- 5 values
- 7 values
- 2 values
- 3 values
44. Total number of spectral regions in sunlight spectrum is:
- 4
- 6
- 7
- 8