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Top 500+ New Pakistan Study MCQs with Answers | Download PDF

401 When the Constituent Assembly passed the Objective Resolution?

A. 14th February 1949

B. 12th March 1949

C. 9th June 1949

D. 15th August 1949

402 When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?

A. January 1953

B. April 1953

C. September 1953

D. October 1953

403 Who was Mohammad Ali Bogra?

A. Prime Minister

B. Foreign Minister

C. Law Minister

D. Parliament Minister

404 What is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula?

A. New Law of Pakistan

B. Pakistan Report

C. Third Report

D. Constitutional Formula

405 When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?

A. 8th June 1956

B. 23rd March 1956

C. 14th August 1956

D. 25th December 1956

406 Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution?

A. Mohammad Ali Bogra

B. Khwaja Nazim Uddin

C. Choudhry Mohammad Ali

D. Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar

407 What official name was given to Pakistan in 1956 constitution?

A. United States of Pakistan

B. Republic of Pakistan

C. Islamic Pakistan

D. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

408 What age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution?

A. 40 years

B. 45 years

C. 50 years

D. 55 years

409 In respect of religion what term was set for President and Prime Minister in 1956 constitution?

A. He may be a Muslim

B. He must not be Hindu

C. He must not be Christian

D. He must be a Muslim ( this condition applicable only on president. pm may non-muslim)

410 What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?

A. Urdu

B. Bengali

C. Hindi

D. Both a & b

411 Who abrogated 1956 constitution?

A. Ayub Khan

B. Tikka Khan

C. Iskander Mirza

D. Yahya Khan

412 When the first constitution was abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed?

A. May 1958

B. June 1958

C. October 1958

D. December 1958

413 When Ayub Khan enforced new constitution in Pakistan?

A. 9th January 1962

B. 6th February 1962

C. 13th March 1962

D. 8th June 1962

414 Which kind of system of Government was introduced by the 1962 constitution?

A. Autonomous

B. Presidential

C. Bicameral

D. Confederate

415 When the constitution of 1962 was abrogated?

A. 26th March 1969

B. 29th March 1969

C. 4th April 1969

D. 14th April 1969

416 Who abrogated 1962 constitution and became CMLA?

A. Gen. Tikka Khan

B. Gen. Ahsan Khan

C. Gen. Mansoor Khan

D. Gen Yahya Khan

417 When Mr. Z.A. Bhutto launched a new constitution in the country?

A. 11th August 1973

B. 14th August 1973

C. 17th August 1973

D. 21st August 1973

418 Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution?

A. Parliamentary

B. Presidential

C. Basic Democracy

D. Autonomous

419 who elects the President according to 1973 constitution?

A. National Assembly

B. Senate

C. Provincial Assemblies

D. All of them

E. None of them

420 According to 1973 constitution who elects Prime Minister?

A. Senate

B. National Assembly

C. President

D. Provincial Assemblies

421 In which constitution Bicameral Legislature was provided for the first time?

A. 1949

B. 1956

C. 1962

D. 1973

422 In constitution of 1973 what age is specified for a person to contest for the Election to National Assembly?

A. 25 years

B. 18 years

C. 20 years

D. 30 years

423 In constitution 1973 what number of seats in Senate was set?

A. 120 Seats

B. 115 Seats

C. 110 Seats

D. 100 Seats

424  According to 1973 constitution what is the term of the office of President?

A. 6 years

B. 5 years

C. 4 years

D. 3 years

425 Article 58(2b) of constitution 1973 is about:

A. Power of President to dismiss Army Chief

B. Power of President to dissolve Provincial Assemblies

C. Power of President to dissolve National Assembly

D. Power of President to dissolve Senate

426 How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956?

A. 200 Articles

B. 259 Articles

C. 254 Articles

D. 234 Articles

427 how many articles were there in 1962 constitution?

A. 225 Articles

B. 250 Articles

C. 275 Articles

D. 290 Articles

428 how many articles are there in 1973 constitution?

A. 220 Articles

B. 240 Articles

C. 260 Articles

D. 280 Articles

429 in constitution 1973 who were declared none Muslims?

A. Qadianis

B. Hindus

C. Christians

D. Jews

430 When did Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league?

A. 1939

B. 1927

C. 1947

D. 1949

431 Pakistan’s National Flag was prepared by__________?

A. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai

B. Liaqat Ali

C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali

D. Ameer-ud-din Qadwai

432 Pakistan’s standard time was suggested by

A. Liaqat Ali

B. Maulana Mazhar-ud-din

C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali

D. Proffessor Muhammad Anwar

433 Pakistan’s first coin was issued on

A. 3rd june 1948

B. 6th june 1949

C. 3rd January 1948

D. none of these

434 Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan ?

A. Mingora

B. Jhelum

C. Sawat

D. none of these

435 The longest river in Pakistan is ?

A. River Ravi

B. River Sindh

C. River Chenab

D. River Jehlum

436 Which is the national flower of Pakistan ?

A. Lilly

B. Rose

C. Jasmine

D. Tulip

437 Which is the national bird of Pakistan ?

A. Markhor

B. Parrot

C. Pigeon

D. Chakor

438 Who started the Faraizi Movement?

A. Haji Shariat Ullah

B. Allama Muhammad Iqbal

C. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

D. Sir Aga Khan

439 The ‘Kashf-ul-Mahjub’ was written by?

A. Hazrat Data Gunj Buksh (R.A)

B. Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali

C. Maulana Shibli Nomani

D. Maulana Zakaullah

440 Who Reviewed the famous book “The Indian Musalmans” in 1872?

A. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

B. Sir William Wilson Hunter

C. M Delwar Hussain

D. John King Fairbank

441 Government of India Act 1858 was passed on?

A. 2nd August 1858

B. 18th July 1858

C. 24th October 1858

D. 3rd June 1858

442 The book, “Khutbat e Ahmadia’ is written by?

A. Dr. Safdar Mahmood

B. Abdul Haleem Sharar

C. Sir Syed Amir Ali

D. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

443 Indian Independence Act’ was enforced on ?

A. 13th August 1947

B. 14th August 1947

C. 15th August 1947

D. 16th August 1947

444 Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad Address in?

A. 1929

B. 1930

C. 1931

D. 1932

445 In which year British East India Company occupied Punjab?

A. 1848

B. 1847

C. 1849

D. 1850

446 At the time of Independence which community was in majority in the state of Kashmir?

A. Muslim

B. Hindu

C. Sikh

D. Christian

447 Which state was attacked by India on 11th September 1948?

A. State of Hyderabad Deccan

B. State of Jammu and Kashmir

C. State of Manavadar

D. State of Junagarh

448 In which year the Kashmiris started their freedom movement against Dogra rule before the partition of the sub-continent?

A. 1940

B. 1930

C. 1920

D. 1928

449 In which of the following cities Indian National Congress was found?

A. Delhi

B. Bombay

C. Kanpur

D. Allahabad

450 In which of the following cities All India Muslim League was found?

A. Delhi

B. Lahore

C. Dhaka

D. Allahabad